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Metroid Prime Hacking Utilities

Started by Antidote, August 21, 2010, 05:56:32 PM

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I have a Prime 1 hack. Technically:

Metroid Prime: Late Arrival

Ridley floats in wait for the Hunter. More time passes, and still he waits. Bored, he takes a  look around, surveying the room. That's when he saw it. A harmless little spider. Ridley, fearsome General in the Space Pirate army, freaked the fuck out. Hard. Started shrieking and trying desperately to get away, and in the end the derelict vessel was sent plummeting towards the surface of Tallon IV, where it would remain to this very day.

Half an hour later...

Very little is different.
A few of the beginning THPs were replaced.
Most "Item Get!" Scenes don't play, though there is at least one (charge) that still plays the scene.

Credit for that last one would go to Miles, seeing as how he made the randomizer that I used to remove the item scenes. So yeah, its a randomizer slightly updated and with ALL exceptions so the items are where they normally are.

No text editing as of yet. I still need to organize the STRGs by type. Already got em arranged by pak though.

Sorry, I know this topic is old, I just wanted to share.


Do you have a patch or link or something?


Not unless I can find a patching method that doesn't result in a 927mb file. That's xdelta. Also tried lunar ips but that has a limit of 16mb. Any suggestions?



Beat crashes no matter what I do. Hmmm, hold that thought. I'm gonna try something


Bah, I totally forgot about this thread, bad phil bad.


Soery, never found a way to make a patch w/o crashing or being nearly aa gig. Doesn't really matter though. You wanna play a Prime hack? I'd highly recommend the randomizer. Not guaranteed beatable, but quite fun. It's also the base for Late Arrival. The scene changes are just thp video taken from  because they're shorter