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Super Metroid Final Stand

Started by Moderndayzero, July 16, 2010, 05:21:33 PM

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Hiroshi Mishima

I agree with Silver that the first suit is too white/bright compared to the other two. However you said you're tweaking it, so I'll crab up about it. I really liked the other two suits, though. I also loved the colours you used for the ship and that opening area.. it made me think of Metroid 2 or a Black & White game, for some reason.

And then those plants OMG they looked awesome... so vivid and colourful. Gods that makes me wanna explore it. :p


Quote from: Moderndayzero on July 28, 2010, 10:52:59 PM
just curious is that DS guy banned?
Necro posting, unnecessary topic bumps, little to no content in posts. Bad forum posting in general I believe.

On topic, hack is looking great! Plants make the room look lush and alive and the rocky terrain seems very natural. :D


i see. well thx for the feedback. i will be removing all of the vids here and making. a new single video with bits and pieces of everything to date.
alot has changed. i have already redone the whole critera area as of tonight using GF_kennon's corrosion gfx mixed with SM and MZM GFX and my own. looks sweet. and is 99% done. ( 1 room left to edit )
you can see a portion of it on the 1st page for now.
i am making that vid because it will be awhile before i post any new areas because i need to draw them up. so i may be a few weeks before i post some screens of it.
Criteria ~ 99%
Green brinstar ~ 100%
wrecked ship ~ 50%
all of the others ~ 0%
i do have a problem / request for someone who can. i am testing the game myself so no need to test it but i have a few very minor bugs that i need fixed and i am not sure how. IE when you enter the hall before the statues my bg is puke then it shows up then is puke again because of the scrolling on the BG. i have messed with it and cant get the puke to go away. thats actually the only problem thus far.
and i may need help with BG's  if someone wants to lend a hand once all of the rooms are done.
thanks again.                    

EDIT: correction there are a few bugs that i found while making this video that i will be posting on the 1st page. i should be able to fix them but if i can't im sure i will be shouting for help. GDI! "sucks i thought i got them all before i made the video.


Hack complete download on 1st post. please read post before playing.


I seem to be getting glitchy graphics no matter what emulator i try it on, i've tried it on ZSNES, BSNES and Snes9x. (mac btw.)

Every other room seems to make the HUD glitch out and i can't tell how much health or missiles i have left, for whatever reason though it works just fine in those really dark rooms with the metroids.


Haven't gotten too far into it yet, but I really like the graphics work you did.  It's got a great feel to it.
One compaint, the metroids are too strong!  Or at least the little ones are.  20-30 hits to kill 1, and they kill you in 2-3 hits?   Damn...
[spoiler]I actually like the battle with the 4 large metroids in the large hall.  There's enough room to dodge so it's like a boss battle, so to speak.[/spoiler]

Oh, and there's a door on the top right of a shaft near the start that leads to an "x abyss".  I don't think it's linked to anything to it just dumps you into strangeness.

Aside from those things, this is pretty awesome.


Wait... a complete hack? o.0 I'll give it a go later. ^-^


The biggest complaint i had with this, which almost makes it unplayable for me, is that it's wayyy too dark. i can barely see where anything is. one room i had to jump up some platforms, which i couldn't see at all, while dodging 2 regular metroids and about 5 baby ones :O


the grav suit room! you are to go into that room and jump as soon as you go through the door and get the super missiles then drop down let them all grab onto you at once and pow pow dead! then get your dont have to let them grab onto you but its a lot faster that way.

also i think squishy is going to tweak some things and re release it. i know it is way to dark with those black clouds but i couldnt seem to change only the clouds.
w/o fog the game is brite. i added that fog with the setting "seemingly normal liquid and fog drawn over all" which changed everything.
it gave all of the tiles a slightly darker tone with a yellowish tint. the down side of this is it also added black ass clouds which i couldnt seem to change the color.
i messed with the i'm a genius pallet blending but with no luck.
so be on the look out of squishy's edit to this hack. hope he changes the fog color while keeping that dark yellow film that covers the rest.
and adds maybe some new rooms or areas. and squishy if your reading this i will draw up some tiles that you can use if you want to add new areas. it also needs backgrounds. i had BG's in it at first but there were gfx mistakes when i ran my last test on it so i just wiped them to all black. best ofr luck to all of you. take care.


Whenever I go into the room with the big metroid and the energy tank, the game freezes when I try to leave the room.

Edit: On my way back from the gravity suit CRE tiles stopped showing for several rooms, luckily I was able to make it back to the ship and restart.


I think you should fix the map to show where the actual room is. I found a lot of mapping errors in just a brief playthrough and while it is no game killer it certaintly detracts from the hack. From what I can see you haven't even touched it from the original map.

Otherwise it is very fun so far and pretty unique.


yes there are a lot of details that were overlooked, squishy is taking it over so talk to him about it. i know now that there is more wrong with this hack that i knew about. though when i did my 1st test from start to finish everything worked 100% no messed up gfx no missing CRE gfx all items and enemies worked fine. bur my second play through when people were finding problems with it. everything still worked 100% except the last room where the power bomb is " it wasn't there!" so i don't know. i am no longer working on this hack due to lack of time. i am sorry.


I've played it a bit. You're already know about wrong map and affecting HUD colors.

In short, your graphic skills are great, but you should really learn how to resize your rooms, and add/remove/replace/relocate doors. Despite of major graphic redrawing, I feel the original map layout. The rooms are changed but area layout (position of rooms) is almost the same.


I play this hack and it totally hard to see because room is really dark.  Need fix graphic problem.  Can't get going when room is dark.


Hello. Welcome to the forums. If you don't want to make a tom-foolery ass of yourself, I would suggest you read these,3.0.html.

The creator designed the hack that way. Yes it is extremely dark. I could not play it either. It's also VERY difficult, so I would suggest checking out the main page and having a look at some of the easier, 'brighter' hacks.


Well before I start post one of this same post title, it red message said, don't post this post when over 30 days, if you want reply, then use new topic.   

Aww man.  :(   But it look good.  And I hate metroid come to me and fast kill me anyway.  But really awesome hack.


Feel free to bump the actual topic if you have a concern, necropost or not. Just make absolutely sure that your concern isn't considered spam or hack begging.


Oh ok just make sure.  So how I make room get bright?  Or I can't do that because hack protect for change tile and stuff?