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Your legacy (a.k.a. Thrusting your hobbies on your children!)

Started by Zhs2, June 03, 2009, 01:21:16 AM

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Ahhh, the memories. Me, James and Blood all had a conversation once, when #metconst was nonexistant and all we had was #doom (Ahh, how it was alive and thriving! But that's not the point of this thread.) I'd post log proof of it, but as of the current my computer is down and I can't access it (as you all already know, *groan*, etc.)

Simply put, we were discussing what we'd do when we were old and ready to crumble to dust (a.k.a. old enough to seriously support a family of one's own :P) along the lines of "what hobbies/lifestyles are you gonna force upon your children when they are old enough to learn/do it?"

Today, I seriously rethunk that question. If my child was totally and completely responsible enough, I'd slap admin privileges on him and let him run Metroid Construction Forums alongside me, budding genius that he will be. :icon_razz: Also I would introduce him to the greatness that is ZDoom and make him create at least one new weapon and a map!

So, my people, I ask YOU! What kinds of greatness would you thrust upon your offspring? I'm totally curious.

P.S. 100 post get celebration whoo.


yay! Zeke Zeke is the first one to gain two green bars!  100 post woot-ness!

Anywho, I'd have to teach kiddies all about strategy games.  Chess, card games, and video games.  Nothing better than developing the minds of youth than with complex games!



If I had an child I would not force my beliefs or what I like to do on him/her.

It would be wrong in many ways and on top of that it will more likely then not end up with him/her hating me and what I like.


we'll I wouldn't either... I'd see if they liked it first.  Let them see for themselves if they find it interesting or not.  But if so...  I would be happy.  If not, oh well, I'll do my best to get involved in whatever they enjoy.

I'm pretty sure this topic isn't about forcing kiddies to do your bidding, but more along the lines of getting them interested in your hobbies.  Well, I could be wrong....


The thing is. If they do naturally like it then they will look it up them selves. You would not even need to do anything.

I mean sure I would tell him/her what it is if he/she asked. (As I'm sure I will hack till the dooms day! XD )

Big Gay Cell

Eh', I'd do what any caring parent would do, and that's let them make their own decisions.  I mean, obviously if they want to do drugs and solicit prostitution you might want to step in.  But when I have children, I'll be pretty slack on what they can and can't do.  It's the way I was raised, and I turned out to be a good egg.  People who were raised with strict parents typically turn out to be asses.


I would buy them a low spec computer running a linux distro, and turn them into a linux nerd.

Except I wouldn't ever do that, as I will never have children.


I would teach my kids to look after them selves, then I would make them do things for me.  :lol:

Seriously though, I wouldn't tell them what to do.  I'll just recommend what they should do, and make them feel bad if they don't.
I will turn them into a nerd, that is really strong, and gets along with nice people.


I would pass on to my kids the wisdom and moral philosophy I and my family are known for, and, as soon as they are old enough, I would teach him/her the art of sequence breaking and ROM hacking.  I might even allow my kid to replace me as this forum's Fusion Moderator when I am too old to hack and am nearing my death--which will not be for many, many years!


Quote from: Phazar on June 08, 2009, 09:45:24 PMwisdom and moral philosophy

That was mean, wasn't it?

Eh... fīlīī meī linguam Latīnam lōquentur.


Quote from: uNsane on June 09, 2009, 12:00:23 PM
fīlīī meī linguam Latīnam lōquentur.
"My kids...Latin language."  Or something along those lines as I can translate.  The full sentence is probably "My kids will be taught the Latin language".

* Phazar sometimes has a bad memory of Latin words.


"My children [literally, sons] will speak the Latin language."
* uNsane just got home with a gold medal from the National Latin Exam.


I doubt this literally means FORCE things on your children, but there are things I'd introduce them to which they'd probably take on, like my dad introducing me to gaming, which ended in me writing this message here.

I'd introduce them to games, classics on the SNES first of all when theyre quite young (if they play shiny games first, the dont take interest in the SNES). I'd introduce them to stuff I liked to watch on TV when I was younger, as most parents do.

What I would possibly force on them is my sense of morality; I'd teach them to be as righteous as possible in every situation. In a way I'd sort of "trick" them into exercising their brains as much as possible; develop the superior nature with superior nurture, make sure they turn out as superior minded as possible.

Raised by me, they should be pretty righteous. Sprung and rainsed by me they should be pretty intelligent. They'd probably be gaming nerds too. Unfortunately my genes might bear them some problems, so I'll likely not be having children anyway; it's just not fair. Plus, though I know it will change with time, I don't want any, I prefer freedom and other forms of happiness.


Because they'd be blank canvasses if you did that and didn't show them anything they might become interested in.

Plus I believe in trying to make people more moral whether theyre my children or not, so those would be a chance to jump at.


Quote from: Fizzer on June 12, 2009, 09:35:19 AM
I believe in trying to make people more moral whether theyre my children or not, so those would be a chance to jump at.
You are a lot like me that way.  I am sometimes such a morality freak that feuds start on #jzd over it.  But that's the past...which hopefully won't happen again.  For now, I believe strengthening the morality of the future generations should be top-priority.


I've made enemies in the past over it, the immoral are usually ignorant, and if you try to put your point to them in a logical and reasonable way they usually respond with a barrage of profanities... sigh...



And by that I mean real Pokémon, like Red/Blue/Yellow or Gold/Silver/Crystal. None of this modern crap. Graphics, schmaphics.

Also, first post! And it's a gravedig! I IS PROUD


Most of the pokemon games play almost exactly the same so I see no point with playing the old ones beside the fact that you have no one to trade/battle with. Plus, cartridge battery in red, blue, yellow and crystal might die some time soon too. Gold and silver already died for the reason that they had shitty battery (battery for saving in case you don't know) and where on even though the game was off due to the 24/7 clock. Same for crystal except crystal uses a longer battery.

The gameplay in all of the games are kinda the same beside the fact that later games have more exp needed for each level while on the same time you get more exp for killing things. (Yes this function have a use.)

And don't give me the bullshit about the newer pokemon design is bad. Sure it's not design the same way as the old ones with new art designer of course. But it's all opinion whatever you like them or not. They sure as hell play the same as most old pokemons.
