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Super Metroid Dark Samus's Return

Started by Samus-Aran, June 20, 2010, 09:12:35 PM

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i know im not good a SM Hacks but as a teeam i ca work a good one.If anyone would like to help im open to everyone will take ideas but not good with using custom graphics and custom cre i went through 3 different copy's of super metroid technology and dead.anyways its going to be a mini hack for once so see when its done pics uploaded in about an hour



entry room done heres the pic and zsnes hates me right now so i cant test anything right now


[attachment deleted by admin]


Room is very, VERY flat. Corner pieces are used incorrectly and could use a detail make over.


I wonder how the ship magically manages to fit into that magically ship-shaped rock formation.

Probably magically.


I did notice a lot of tile errors. And a bit of the room is unchanged, and the detail is lacking. Overall, i think this room needs to be remade... :<_<:

Not to offend you or anything...


It's not utterly horrible, but it definitely needs improvements.  I'd test the room(if you can get it to work, as you are implying you had difficulty doing so) to make sure the ship fits in that space and there are no errors stemming from its placement.  And you may want to add a few more new things to the room, as there isn't too much different ATM.


The only rock formations which look natural are the ones you didn't bother editing lol.

Room really doesn't make much sense with those 2 rectangles.

As for the ship being in a magical hole, I would work on that concept.
Maybe a crash land? A crater? Perhaps some boulders around it and more natural looking protrusions on both sides.


It's often hard to not sound discouraging when you see rooms like this, but:

The room that you posted looks the same as the very first room everybody else made when they first opened SMILE.  You've changed a few blocks, made a few basic shapes, and made most of them line up properly.  Unfortunately, this doesn't represent 'content' at all, and should never be posted here.

You seem to have a keen interest in hacking, and often exhibit a willingness and dedication that is hard to find, but you really need to listen to what people tell you.  A lot of people here have not considered a room good enough to be posted here until well into their hacking life, some even years down the line, yet you start a hack, make some quick clicks, and then post a screenshot.  The down-side to this is that all of your rooms are very basic, and will never garner any comment to the contrary.  You will always be told that they are basic, and need work.  There is no rush.  Most of the big hacks here have had completion times of years.  This should give you an idea of how much time and dedication is required.

On a lighter note, keep hacking, and I wish you luck.


hey you can't blame me for being tired and never gave been good with creating gfx thats why is said ideas and graphics are welcome and besides it was late at night


Regardless if you have new graphics or not, you can still make a room look bad ass and look like something you even gave two shits about.  Not to sound rude or anything, but that looks as though you didn't care enough to even try.  That's my two cents.


What I find distasteful is that people are legitimately trying to help you, for the most part being quite nice about it, and you still continually come back on the defensive.


i have a beta of this game and more pics please give results and will try my best to have this hack really great

[attachment deleted by admin]



Why would I play a 'beta' for a game you just started working on?


The Kraid room doesn'teven look like it's been altered.  The landing site has the following wrong with it:

Multiple tiling errors
Broken slopes
Blocky / angular terrain - Look at the unedited part in the top right-hand corner.  You'll see that it's full of slopes and curves, and looks natural.


because i was working on this all day no breaks (exept bathroom) room edited and doors lead to where i want them


You're missing squishy's point.  Nobody comes close to releasing a beta until they're usually months into a project, and that's a minimum.  You appear to have been working on it for a few days at most, and are already posting a beta?


well i got the rooms where i want them to go and it is in beta cause i want to see what people think of what ive done and what i need to change and oh the patch is for headerd roms only


Quote from: Samus-Aran on June 21, 2010, 06:16:51 PMi want to see what people think of what ive done and what i need to change
You say this, yet you seem to have missed all of the people above this post pointing things out to you.  Nobody is going to download the patch when the screenshots look that poor.


Ok, I'll say this here: I took your first screen shot and worked a room off it that has the same idea and the same general layout starting at about 11pm last night and hacked it for a good 2 hours. My point by doing this is, once it's finished, to show you that...
1. You don't need to have custom GFX to make something look nice.
2. That there is nearly no limit to how a tileset is used.
Tilesets only seem limited to those who don't explore them. I'll either edit this post or make another to show case what you could do with that first pic.


Not trying to be too much of an asshole here Samus-Aran, but I don't think you're going to have much success collaborating on a hack with your skills as they are. "i know im not good a SM Hacks" isn't a very good way to start a proposal that involves multiple contributors either - especially in a reasonably small community where a lot of the members are very good at what they do. GET good at hacking, master SMILE, get some hex editing experience under your belt and maybe age a few years. Otherwise your work is going to be overshadowed by everyone else's and you'll just be in the way. If you're not prepared to do most of the work on your own, it's just going to look like you're using the idea of a 'team' as a way to have most of it done for you.

You have nothing to offer a hacking team except boring rooms. Unless you want the whole hack to look boring and have no new ASM, the other members would be shouldering just about all of it. And I can't imagine too many would be willing to purposefully make bland rooms for the sake of matching yours, but maybe that's just me.


well then tell me which would you choose quit hacking all together or have a team hack  choose


Honestly, if you need that sort of motive to hack super metroid, then quit hacking. Seriously..
The art of making your own hack is something that should be very fun, engaging, creative and satisfying.
If you don't feel this way when you hack, then what's the point?
Level designing for the hacker is something we find absolutely addictive and don't even mind that it's a time consuming endeavor to complete.

With the way you're acting, I could honestly give a flying fuck about your project.


i try to get ideas of room that some peops would like to see


Quotewell then tell me which would you choose quit hacking all together or have a team hack  choose
... that doesn't make the least bit of sense in relation to what I said, you stupid goon.

Like Dmantra said, making a hack is basically an art form because you're giving it your own creative style, which you SEVERELY lack. Right now? You're just a kid with crayons asking a bunch of Michaelangelos to collaborate with you on painting a chapel ceiling. Become a respectable, creative hacker before you try working elbow-to-elbow with any of them.