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Petition topic for Completed/WIP hacks

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 11:13:37 AM

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Silver Skree

As far as I know, we still haven't picked someone to update the main site, so I realize this may be moot for the time being. That said...

I'd like to nominate Escape from Planet Metroid for the hack A-list. I've played over this more times than I can even give a ballpark estimate of, and it remains fun even now. The level design teeters between mild simplicity and complexity, and the tilework is both creative and faithful to traditional usage. It's good, solid fun wrapped in an amateur vanilla aesthetic.

And it's wholly complete. It's not a demo patch! How many hacks can you say that for nowadays?  :lol:


Super Metroid: Oxide
By: Cyclamen32

This needs to be on the main site. Also, A-List material for Barf Kraid alone. Unheadered as far as I know.

Author doesn't have a description, so I will provide one from my fond memories of this fine hack.

Oxide is a small hack. It is weird. It has a single Missile expansion that gives you a real concussive load. Item progression is very odd. Area names are quite interesting, and exploring is a big focus. Short, small, and on the easy side. But still a very good hack. And of course, there is Barf Kraid.

Super Metroid: Life
By: Nevyn
Release Date: 02-18-2011

Needs to be on main site. (Some people may consider it A-List. I do not. It is fun though.)

AUTHOR'S DESCRIPTION: This is a complete Super Metroid hack that will hopefully be
fun to play and have a few surprises. In the begining many
areas are similar to the original but as I progressed as a
Super Metroid builder the quality of the rom-hack got better
and better.

The map is about the same size as the original (same amount
of rooms). Difficulty is set just a little higher so it's
audience is more towards casual players with some harder
parts for 100%.


I would probably put Life on A-list level. It's definitely a fantastic hack with great level design, and a difficulty low enough for any average metroid fan to adapt to. I'd say it were about as good as Legacy


Super Metroid Life is definitely worth a bit of extra recognition indeed, while it has some flaws, it is certainly better (fun-wise) that some hacks in current A-List and it's a full hack !

On the side note, I find the alphabetical listing of hacks somewhat messy, is it that hard to categorize them in terms of length (mini, half, full, etc.) for example ?  :sad:


I guess it's just easier, because exactly what size / alterations / level of editing each label represents is so subjective.


Quote from: Metaquariusis it that hard to categorize them in terms of length (mini, half, full, etc.) for example ?
What Quietus said, in a word: Yes.


I'm currently building a gigantic archive of ALL IPSes I can find and will be working with p18 to help him fix up the Hacks section of the main site, so you'll see your concept come about soon Metaquarius.


Quote from: Qactis on July 15, 2012, 10:17:41 PM
I'm currently building a gigantic archive of ALL IPSes I can find and will be working with p18 to help him fix up the Hacks section of the main site, so you'll see your concept come about soon Metaquarius.
Great ! I'm looking forward to this ! :yay:


A very small update to Final Stand. No changes in any way except for one. Now there should be absolutely no conflicting items. The problem with this was one item prevented the last required item from being collected if the player ran into it earlier. That is the only thing that is fixed, and I highly suggest getting rid of the older patch and replacing it with this ASAP, otherwise there is a serious bug with the original hack.


Please remove the first 'Download 'Eris' (headerd)' IPS.

Just keep the second Eris 2012 link, as it's the most updated patch as of several days ago.
You can just call it 'Super Metroid Eris'



Not even for historical reasons? It would be easy enough to remove the link but not the patch, and then everyone who wants to look at the older version for some silly reason could come ask where to find it if they really wanted or needed it and it wouldn't be obliterated from the internet forever. (I hate it when people remove old versions of things, ESPECIALLY when newer versions are either buggier or have less functionality than the old version. I realize that probably wouldn't be the case here, but you never know. :razz:)


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on November 01, 2012, 04:51:11 AM
Just keep the second Eris 2012 link, as it's the most updated patch as of several days ago.

May I please ask what changes you have done? I completed Eris 2012 fairly recently, like 7 or 8 weeks ago.


A few minor aesthetic touch ups, the wave gate hudd glitch is fixed, the turtle perma-stuck is fixed,
some other fixes I forgot to note. One region now has the green brinstar music (always one of my fav sm tunes).
Also re-added a header so it could be carted to power packs for console.

Understandable, but as the creator I would prefer just this version as the top, direct download.
Having it be an option, some might grab the old one first, who knows. I would hope not though.
The old version is most definitely floating around and wouldn't be hard to find.


Does this satisfy?

Also, just to make sure: your site says (Headered), but I could swear that Eris 2012 is unheadered. So who was phone?


It might also be worth altering the release date, since what players play now is not what was released in 2009.


I just looked on the site and the Ice Metal page needs to be updated: Version 1.4 is out.
(In fact, you guys never even updated it to 1.30! >_< )


I find "new" hacks on :

SM Paddle :
SM Snow Crash :
SM Super Kill Time : but not sure that this last one is the same than Kill Time :


I actually already had most of those in a folder ready to be added, but never did. Didn't have Paddle though, was having trouble getting it to play, it'd just black-screen.

The only reason I was reluctant to fully update the site is because there's so many unpolished hacks I've ran across. Like a literal 5 minutes invested working on it type ordeal. But there may eventually be a 'complete list' page that pops up one day, just haven't fully decided how to go about it yet.


Paddle's graphics looks familiar...  Is that the one that is actually a half-hack of Dependence?  I remember some Japanese hacker did one but I don't remember the name.


Paddle is actually fairly old (but not as old as Dependence, for sure.) Maybe?



Decided to go ahead and add all the ones I had, havent really started but you can see which ones here. There's alot of unknown authors, so if someone recognizes them, let me know.


Quote from: Jordan5 on December 06, 2013, 01:01:47 PM
Isn't this the half hack of dependence?
You're right, I see my old posts in there.

I guess I just don't remember paddle at all beyond those graphics.


Hello, this year 2014 there have been many hacks (some mine) and they do not they are listed on the site
My Hacks:
(SM)Patience(New Version)
(SM)Inverted(New Version)
(Sm) Ferrawrd(New Version)
(SM)Crimson Final Hack
(SM) Ferrawrd 2


Other not listed Hacks(not mine):
Super Metroid Pro grapple
SM Lab of cerbewz
Sm Cristener Homenag 2
SM Hownst
SM Draygon Challenge(My Hack)
SM UnderWorld(My Hack)
[spoiler] the same concept Sm Patience,but + long.Necessary Wall Jump,Hell's Run And Defeat Draygon using grapple trick,Speed Ball[/spoiler]