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Metroid Editors/Help Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 26, 2009, 08:39:33 PM

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You have to first expand the rom, then go into item editor, and when you pick where to make a new screen, it will give you options to what item you want there, and then its simple the rest of the way.


Thank you so much! Thanks for helping out a new modder.  :grin:


You used to be able to drag items around on the map, but due to certain aspects of how the game stores item data, it was quirky and buggy. It's been replaced be a separate, more complete item data editor.

Just select a screen from the area whose items you want to edit, and open the item editor.


Quote from: RetroNova10 on September 14, 2015, 05:21:40 PM
Thank you so much! Thanks for helping out a new modder.  :grin:
No problem, also...
Quote from: snarfblam on September 14, 2015, 06:04:18 PM
You used to be able to drag items around on the map, but due to certain aspects of how the game stores item data, it was quirky and buggy. It's been replaced be a separate, more complete item data editor.

Just select a screen from the area whose items you want to edit, and open the item editor.
Snarfblam, what Editroid version is that? I swear, I haven't seen some of those options in Editroid 3.7...


Any news the on the new version of editroid that's being used for rouge dawn? Are there plans to release later or allow more people to beta test?

I'm particularly interested in the air morph interaction with the morph jump, that is, what plans and possibilities there are and/or what has already been done?

That is, if my idea to limit the use of morph jump such that: morph jump be disabled after an air morph until next collision detection with floor is reached.

and of course, value editor?


I didn't know the unreleased version of editroid could fix air morphing?

I've done an attempt on that myself. It is sort of working, but it requires the player to release the horizontal direction for it to work, and for some reason samus auto-unmorphs when the ball goes below the coordinate from which she jumped. I haven't had much time lately to figure this one out completely


Quote from: Stinktier on March 17, 2016, 08:30:25 AM
I didn't know the unreleased version of editroid could fix air morphing?

Well, it's actually an ASM hack we've done for Rogue Dawn. But once Rogue Dawn is released, it could be incorporated into any hack.


Nice work! I have this room where one's supposed to figure out that samus can both [spoiler]speed boost and air morph by having her go through a small hole in a wall beyond a lava pit[/spoiler], but the player having to release the horizontal button makes it extremely tedious to succeed at the moment, since one pixel off the optimal trajectory will stop her momentum as she hits the wall.  :stern:


Has the Metroid ROM/RAM map been dissected byte for byte at this point?


More or less. Not everything in the level banks is documented.


In Editroid, is it possible to change the amount of missiles that Kraid and Ridley give you after you beat them, or make it so they give you no missiles?


Hi all, I'm a little new to the world of modding Metroid, I'm hoping I can get some answers here, because I can't seem to figure out for the life of me how to solve this issue I'm having. So, the problem I'm having is that when I go through a new door transition, it seems to play the "elevator music" on the other side. The room I enter is not an elevator room, so I'm not quite sure what's happening. If anyone has answers to this, I'd really appreciate any info on what might be causing this.

I am using Editroid 3.7, and I've just been experimenting with creating rooms, so this happened to be an issue I ran into. I've gone and looked around everywhere to see if I could resolve this issue on my own, but I can't seem to find anything on it as it seems pretty specific.

Also, sorry if this isn't the place to ask this, again I'm fairly new here.

EDIT: I figured it out! I spent a few hours just messing with the program, and found the little note icon near the room display box activates the elevator music in the room.
I feel silly.


So I've been looking around and found a screenshot of a version of Editroid that allows for the creation of slopes. Is 3.7 not the latest version? This also probably belongs in the Editroid thread...


It's the latest released version, yes. Snarfblam has built a custom version that deals with slopes for the incredible looking Rogue Dawn hack (that link takes you to the first post about slopes). Once the hack is released, Snarfblam may release that version. :^_^:


I was hoping that version was publicly available. I guess i'll just have to wait then. I looked at Rouge Dawn earlier and judging by the post it shouldn't be to long hopefully.


It's interesting that you referred to it as 'Rouge', as the thread was originally misspelt, and was originally called Rouge as well. :^_^:


I only did that cause I didn't realize there were to ways to spell it I've always spelled it like that...

And in a serious question what is the difference between door physics? (the yellow and green ones?)


Depends. By default, green doors toggle scrolling between horizontal and vertical. Entering a yellow always doorway sets scrolling to horizontal.

Various version of Editroid provide a patch that modifies doorway behavior. If this patch is applied, entering a yellow doorway sets scrolling to horizontal and entering a green doorway sets scrolling to vertical. The advantage of this is it allows connecting vertical rooms to vertical rooms and, IMO, it makes doors a little simpler to reason about.


Ok thanks that's what i figured (I applied the door patch) and wasn't sure what color meant what.

With that being said what's the best way to clear the map for total reconstruction?


Quote from: NeoMasterZX on September 26, 2016, 06:59:54 PM
Ok thanks that's what i figured (I applied the door patch) and wasn't sure what color meant what.

With that being said what's the best way to clear the map for total reconstruction?

I've been trying to figure out the exact same thing. I've only selected each individual room (ie from the Screen Browser) and just deleted that room completely. Maybe not the fastest way, but that's what I've done so far, as I can't seem to figure out how to clear the entire map either. Surprisingly, not too tedious since Metroid re-uses many of the same rooms, so deleting a room will delete about maybe 30% (bad with estimates) of that level's rooms. Yeah, that doesn't do a whole lot, but hey, that's what I'm doing.

Unless there is a way to just clear the map, in which case I'll feel quite dumb not having known about it.  :blush:


I suppose that works problem was I wanted to use the original rooms for my first hack so... I just went to every room on the map and hit numpad 0 over every one which worked but took a few minutes.


Using "numpad 0" is the best way to go in my opinion.  It's faster because you can use the old screens structures faster than adding in new ones.  When a structure is selected you can press a combination of numbers and letters that equal the HEX value assigned to the structure you intend to change it to.  For example you could select a structure and press 11 or 1A or 2F and so on.


So, very quickly I noticed that certain palette lines overwrote other palettes if structures are put on top of each other. Is there some sort of pattern to this? I've been working around it so far, but something has come up where its not following the same pattern it normally does. I can put a structure with a different palette overtop of a structure on one screen, and it does what I want, but then on this other screen, the same combination gives me a different result..... Now, asm that removes this quirk would be even better, but I'm not holding my breath that such a thing is available.


The secret here is the default palette.

[spoiler=The reason why]For the NES, calculating vram addresses for palettes of individual tiles and masking to write two bits per tile is pretty time consuming. To make screen loading faster, Nintendo assigned a default palette each screen (the most common palette used in the screen). Clearing the whole screen to one palette is comparatively quick, and then only objects that don't use the default palette cause tile palettes to be updated. A side-effect is that non-default palettes bleed through to objects using the default palette.[/spoiler]

Objects that have the same palette number as the default palette will allow the palettes of objects behind them to show through. Other than that it works exactly as you would expect: front-most object takes priority in terms of palettes. Clicking on the icon shown in the image above changes the default palette. Selecting the right default palette can reduce the lag that occurs when a screen loads. If you can't get your palettes to work correctly, changing the default palette can also help.


Ooo, ooo, ooo, I have a question

Will the next Editroid version allow for expanding map space, making new areas, and editing the opening title and ending?