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Started by Tundain, April 22, 2024, 05:19:23 PM

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Hack has been released!

Samus finds herself on a very strange planet and must get out.
Verticality is a full-hack with new mechanics, enemies, items, and more.
Contains subtly remixed vanilla music.

The "special" vanilla skill required to progress is shinesparking.


I look forward to whenever this is coming out. I like the Dark Crateria tiling.



Dumb question but why is this posted in completed stuff if it's not, ya know, completed stuff? 


Force of habit of always posting my hacks in this section I guess.

Welp, it should hopefully not take too long before it deserves the right to be in completed stuff.


Also for the record I wasn't trying to mini-mod I just got excited cause I thought there was a newly released hack!


We'll wait no longer! V E R T I C A L I T Y is out now!


Hot damn, I've been jonsing for a new hack. I've enjoyed CRE and Familiar, and have high expectations for this.


I've only been playing a few minutes, but this has really brought a smile to my face at every turn. The pictures look fine, but you have to play the game to really get the full gravity of the aesthetics. So much good stuff crammed in and everything works fluidly.


Probably a 5-orb hack despite having stuff I'd rather not do for 100% A very interesting path so far (Just got to Wrecked Ship)


This is definitely a 4-5 orb hack. Tiling, while vanilla, is well done and the color changes are subtle and welcome. The new enemy movement scripts, colors, and unique attacks are fun to learn. Getting my teeth kicked in by Ridley in less than 5 minutes in was a fun challenge to overcome, and I've enjoyed the twist on the bosses. The Ascension-esque map is fun to navigate, and the 2-way elevators are very cool. The new item menu is very attractive, and still seems slightly retro -- not at all too modern for a SM hack. Just all the aesthetic changes from vanilla have been very enjoyable.

Like @dewhi100 stated, there's stuff I'd rather not do (like bluesuit and ball falling puzzles), and I am not sure how I feel about the booster jets. But even so, it's a refreshing twist and makes for some cool possible sequence breaks. I got Wave before I got Grapple, which I don't think was intended, for example. The falling puzzles/booster puzzles can be a little frustrating, but let's face it, I'm gonna 100% this hack or die trying.

Well done, dude. I am sure I'll have more to say once I get further -- I just beat SpoSpo before taking a break yesterday, and will dedicate some serious time into it today.


Excellent!  I'm out of town tonight but know what I'll be doing part of tomorrow.


Ok, I need a little help here. I feel like I am softlocked on the way to fight a boss in Maridia.

All the yellow dots are where I am blocked by powerbomb blocks. The grey dot are crumble blocks. The blue dot is a blue suit drop I can't pull off (or possibly somewhere I'm supposed to shinespark up from). I do not have powerbombs.  :=x:



QuoteThe blue dot is a blue suit drop I can't pull off
Not sure if this is the way forward, but you can [spoiler]shinespark downward by holding down during the windup animation. This would let you break those speed blocks from farther away. There's a tutorial for it in the room after you get Speed. Did you miss this mechanic?[/spoiler]


Quote from: Oi27 on April 26, 2024, 03:33:09 PM
QuoteThe blue dot is a blue suit drop I can't pull off
Not sure if this is the way forward, but you can [spoiler]shinespark downward by holding down during the windup animation. This would let you break those speed blocks from farther away. There's a tutorial for it in the room after you get Speed. Did you miss this mechanic?[/spoiler]

I totally missed this mechanic. Thank you!

EDIT: Now that I know this, it has helped me solve two "impossible" item puzzles and made it apparent how I "should have" done a couple others.


I got a strange bug: I can't aim up, I can't unmorph and I can't use elevators. Basically, up button does not work in-game, but it works in menus. Probably it is because I saved in the room with elevator in Norfair and restarted my game.


Can you tell me the circumstances of your progression at that time?
That save station shouldn't be anywhere near smth that would cause that.


That is basically the start of the game, I got one energy tank, 20 missiles and [spoiler]one reserve missile tank[/spoiler] I did not visit any other locations. Just wanted to visit [spoiler]Maridia[/spoiler] and saved in that room.

Actually, I manage to make it work again, just have to die and get Game Over screen. For some reason, hard reset and soft reset don't fix it.


That's prob an SRAM issue, glad you got it working again tho, but we'll see if this happens more to determine if it's trackable.


There is also a minor bug when navigating Samus screen. I have Charge Beam, Morphing Ball and Bomb. You can navigate to the Bomb, press "down" arrow and cursor will be out of that screen. You can't make it back to the menu, but you can actually turn some invisible option on and off.

I did some investigation and turns out, this option basically disables "up" button in-game, so I can't aim up, unmorph, etc. That was the reason to the bug I described earlier.

Steel Sparkle

So far im enjoying this. Can't say im a fan of the music though. Good job though!


I got stuck in a wall while morphed in Brinstar, in a room full of opening and closing gates and er, Brinstar crab guys. There's a grey door in the bottom left of the room. I was just spring balling around and ended up in the wall of a 2x2 tile block somewhere near the centre of the room.


Can you show a screenshot? And can you describe how it happened? (maybe you clipped whilst colliding with a gate)


Please, help. I don't know where to go next. [spoiler]Space Jump is the most recent major item I got. I checked every Crateria room I could, but almost every path is blocked by Screw Attack or locked doors. Here is the map: [/spoiler]