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Super Metroid Freestyle Discussion!

Started by devonodev, May 24, 2009, 03:15:35 AM

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Super Metroid: Freestyle!

This project is now officially DEAD!
"Rooms are edited up to around Norfair somewhere, and some rooms before there might not be 100% perfect.
If anyone wants to revive this as their own project, go ahead. Otherwise, I'll just leave this to die, as it slowing decends into the dark depths of Metconst."

Patch is attached.

The idea of this hack is to completly open up the planet so every room and item is accessible from the start of the game.
I will be removing every morphball tunnel, bomb blocks, high platforms, and I am making sure that wall jump is not at all needed anywhere in the game.

There are a few restrictions:

All the bosses must be defeated to enter tourian
Boss rooms can't be entered from the wrong side
You can't leave boss rooms during a battle

Half the rooms are done, but there are still other things to edit once I'm done, such as event states.



Super Metroid Freestyle


I don't see much point in being able to go into gravity suits room that way. You still need to beat the boss to pick it up anyway. :<


I have been trying to edit the states so you can get gravity suit.
I'll figure it out eventually :b


It would not be too hard to add the gravity suit before Phantoon, just a little hex work, if you want, i could do it.

Also i am looking forward to this as there will be quite literally hundreds of ways to complete this hack, if you need help just ask  :icon_wink:


Devonodev, I could fix a lot of stuff for you that's a potential problem, event wise. I'm pretty good with this stuff. Just ask! I want to see this released >:C


I love nonlinear hacks, so I am looking forward to this.  I hope this doesn't get abandoned.


Quote from: GF_Kennon on May 24, 2009, 09:43:47 AM
It would not be too hard to add the gravity suit before Phantoon, just a little hex work, if you want, i could do it.

Also i am looking forward to this as there will be quite literally hundreds of ways to complete this hack, if you need help just ask  :icon_wink:
But what if you want to kill phantoon and THEN get the item. :<
Making another PML in the other state takes more space and if you move it instead the game may fuck up if you decided to pick it up later/earlier.


Super Metroid Freestyle

Here's a video of what gameplay will be like! :D
It is actually a lot longer then I thought it would be. :b

And the video didn't work when I embeded it, so just click the link

GF_Kennon Edit: fixed your link  :icon_biggrin:

Silver Skree

Um... to put the gravity suit before or AFTER phantoon, just give both states the same PLM Pointer.   :O_o:


Wow...after watching that video, it just makes me all the more interested in this hack.  I do not have enough numbers to count how many possible routes there would be.


I know I'm going to have some fun playing this when it gets done.

Draconis Kenjishiya

Let's go with the chance I'll stop trying to count the different routes won't be very good. I'll get terrible facial hair, go insane and eat my weight in hot pockets, but dammit, I'll do it.


* GF_Kennon wonders what hot pockets are...

Draconis Kenjishiya

Quote from: GF_Kennon on May 31, 2009, 05:20:56 PM
* GF_Kennon wonders what hot pockets are...

You don't know what a -- it's a li'l pizza snackwrap thingy, a microwavable mixture of sauce, cheese and meat in a dough shell, almost like a mini-calzone. I use them for hacking and writing, they help me concentrate.


                     - Uhhh, I could swear I explained Hot Pockets to him a few days ago...

Anyway, to C-C-C-C-COMBOBREAKER the off-topic, I, too, am curious about all of the routes possible with this type of hack. TASers showed us how to accidentally the whole Ridley first, eh? Well, what if we do the same to Draygon? Oh, god. All of that suitless underwater would be hell.

... Please don't hit me. I don't break Super Metroid enough. ;_;

Draconis Kenjishiya

Dude, no. Run through Maridia gravity suitless just to get the Space Jump boots, break into Ridley's lair, steal the Screw Attack and then kill Spore Spawn with it.



Small Update!
Room designs for Crateria and Brinstar are done.  I still need to edit it so you can pick up items before Zebes is awake, but all that will be done once every room has been designed.
I am currently working my way through Norfair.  So far I am about half way through the game.
I am not looking foward to working on Maridia, as I'm sure I will have to move ALOT of platforms around. :b

And who can guess what room this is

Expect a release in the next couple of months!


Silver Skree

Or the room between Crocomire and the Norfair elevator.


I just remembered something.
you need 3 energy tank to survive the mother brain's hyper beam. and you need a bunch of missiles to reach him.
you should probably get rid of the zebetites and the glass in tourian.
and the metal doors in the metroid rooms. you don't wanna require ice beam, do you?
I think that you can lower the pre-battle MB's hp so he can be hit by charge beam or something... tourian is gonna be an asspain for you, won't it?


I've been doing alot of thinking about the required items.
I have finally decided that I will release 2 hacks.

In the first one, a 100% nbmb will be possible, and it will be possible to complete the game with 0%.
The bosses will be modified so you can kill them without charge beam, and Mother Brain will be modified.

In the other one, you will have to have the usual requirements for mother brain and lower norfair.
The zebitites will be removed, but mother brain will still have the glass barrier.  And bosses will not be vulnerable to normal shots.

All bosses will still have to be defeated in both versions.

And you guessed correctly Crys.  It was the big room before grapple.


Quote from: devonodev on June 03, 2009, 05:47:37 AMIn the first one, a 100% nbmb will be possible . . . All bosses will still have to be defeated in both versions.
Now this sounds challenging...


Interesting hack...

Can't wait for it


This being nonlinear just makes me wanna go crazy with the hack when it's released.


I like the fact that you'll be able to collect a bunch of energy tanks towards the beginning of the game. normally they'd be out of reach towards the first run through of brinstar, but hey. I could go to norfair first with extra equipment! ^_^

by the way, can you explain how you'll be making it possible to reach varia before kraid?
(maybe you could switch their door pointers and switch their places..)