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Metroid Mario Bros

Started by Gameringly, March 02, 2022, 01:55:37 PM

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Metroid Mario Bros is a hack which puts the levels of Super Mario Bros 1 into Metroid 1. Items are hidden in the same places as in Super Mario Bros. The hack is designed without the long beam in mind however it is available in the 1-1 sub area and left of 5-1 if you would like it.

All 8 worlds from the original game have been fully recreated to the best of my ability. In the zip file you'll find 2 IPS's part one contains worlds 1 to 4 and part 2 contains worlds 5 to 8. There is also a text file with a password you should use when starting part 2, this ensures you can 100% of items from part 1 going into part 2. They had to be split up due to the different ways mario bros and metroid split their available memory space

Make sure you go through every door to avoid potential scrolling issues. Had to put a long tunnel after 1-2 and 1-4, just use speed up it will take like 5 seconds, may change this in future but I would prefer 2-1 to not be backwards.

part 2 is now finished

part 1: 1.1.1 changes:
Adjusted some palletes to be more accurate, sometimes in transition rooms palletes will be incorrect, I don't know what causes this or how to fix it

part 1 :1.1.0 changes:
Imported some more textures from mario bros to make it for accurate, getting ready for part 2, background objects are not planned to be added due to metroid only having foreground.


these images are slightly outdated, bricks now look like mario bricks


This is a really interesting concept for a hack! The way you turned the levels into an actual Metroid-style experience was well-executed for the most part. However, it does have a few problems. There were a lot of instances where jumping to the top of the screen, which wraps around and damages you at the bottom, was easy to accidentally do. The rest of the issues are just problems with the limitations of NEStroid itself, like the absence of the brown stems on the 1-3 platforms and enemies taking the light-blue background color as the outline. Hope to see worlds 5-8 soon!


For the main site submission, the zip file should be a direct download (usually through dropbox) and screenshots seem to be broken. Will approve once these are fixed


are the problem reported above fixed?


Quote from: Sapphron on July 12, 2022, 02:08:50 PM
For the main site submission, the zip file should be a direct download (usually through dropbox) and screenshots seem to be broken. Will approve once these are fixed
Should all be fixed now, is updating the submission enough or should I create a new one?