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MFOR - Metroid Fusion Open Randomizer

Started by Kazuto, June 20, 2021, 06:39:12 PM

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Quote from: gr8tmaker on June 26, 2021, 10:19:54 AM
Hey Kazuto, need help on opening this Fusion Rando, when i click on the exe file to open it, it opens as Command Prompt and then it closes, it didn't give errors as it crashed or something "went wrong", it just doesn't open for me at all.
MFOR is a command line program, it has no GUI. I'll walk you through how to use it.

1. Rename a copy of your North American/Australian (UA) Metroid Fusion ROM to Metroid Fusion (U).gba and put it in the data subfolder.
2. Double click MFOR.exe. It will take some time. Once it is done, the randomized ROM will be located in the seeds subfolder.



thanks,it worked  :grin: also it might be a small typo o your side for the nameof the rom should be Metroid Fusion (U).gba there was one extra space, but thank you for the assist. :grin:


Idk if this is a bug but when I patch the rom, the first time it's okay, no problems, the second time it gives me this error:

"The system cannot find the path specified.
Error: .\temp\temp.gba could not be opened."

btw great tool, I already beat it once


How do you change the default arguments? I'd like to try a harder seed than what it's been giving me.


Found myself an unwinnable seed.

{"Seed": "6542103242039414424", "Settings": {"Item pool": "Full randomization", "Difficulty": 0, "Allow logical damage runs": false, "Missiles require main launcher": true, "Power Bombs require mains": true, "Power Bombs require normal Bombs": true, "Single wall jump": false, "Infinite Bomb jumping": false, "Separated security levels": false, "Split Varia/Gravity features": false, "E-Tanks": 20, "Missile Tanks": 46, "Power Bomb Tanks": 32}

So I couldn't unlock Levels 2, 3, or 4 after gaining an inventory consisting of Missiles, Supers, Diffusion, Varia, Gravity, Charge, Hi Jump, and Screw Attack.

-- Can't unlock Level 2 because Speed Booster is in Sector 4 near Serris, and I need Bombs / Power Bombs to go into that part of 4
-- Can't unlock Level 3 because Lower Sector 5 requires Speed Booster and Bombs / Power Bombs
-- Can't unlock Level 4 because the only path into Lower Sector 4 that isn't blocked by Level 4 doors, is blocked by Speed Booster
-- Main Power Bombs were in the Double Garuda room at the very beginning of Sector 5, which is blocked on both sides by Level 3 doors, see above
-- Bombs are in the room directly below BOX 1 in Sector 3, but Space Jump is in Sector 4's Data Room........ blocked by a Level 4 door.  BOX doesn't engage unless you have Level 2 unlocked, see above.  Additionally, without Space Jump, I am trapped in BOX's room after getting the Bombs

-- Sector 1 Lava Balcony had a major item, couldn't reach without Space Jump or Speed Booster
-- Sector 6 First E Tank Room had a major item, couldn't reach without Bombs or Power Bombs

-- Backdooring Lower Sector 1 is a softlock without Space Jump and Wave Beam, and you can't reach Ridley without Bombs or Power Bombs
-- Can't access Lower Sector 2 without Bombs / Power Bombs
-- Can't access Lower Sector 3 without Speed Booster (for Level 2 unlock)
-- Can't access Upper Sector 4 without Bombs / Power Bombs, and can't access Lower Sector 4 without Speed Booster
-- Can't access Lower Sector 5 without Speed Booster AND Bombs / Power Bombs
-- Can't access Western Sector 6 without Power Bombs, can't access the path to Varia Core-X without Speed Booster and Bombs/Power Bombs, and backdooring that area sees you softlocked in the destroyed Data Room by two Level 2 doors
-- Can't access the Animals items without Level 2 unlocked
-- Can't access the Main Reactor without Power Bombs or Level 4 unlocked


Jump Restricted Unit Zeela. This seed is a monster. It starts with Morph, then goes into sector 2 data with Speed. From there, I'm stuck. Anyone want to check it?


Yeah I can check that seed out. I'm enjoying this randomizer so far btw, I hope it gets continueously updated XD


This is such a cool randomizer! I definitely want to play around with it more... I gave it a go earlier today, but ran into a soft lock:

Defeating the Hi-Jump Sector 2 boss Zazabi gave me Super Missiles, and I didn't have Hi-Jump. To my knowledge, there is no way of getting out of the room from there.

My personal suggestion for adjusting randomizer for this: Lock the boss door if hi-jump is not yet obtained, unless it is the boss' reward.

I wonder if there's other instances like this? Yakuza (spider space jump boss) comes to mind: Could lock the door behind them and also make the gate to the left of the boss never open unless it's safe to enter.


I also encountered a softlock in another situation without Hi-Jump:

At this point in time, I only have:
- Charge Beam
- Ice Missiles
- Regular Bomb (Doesn't show in the pause menu for some reason?)
- Varia Suit
- Morph Ball
- Speed Booster

Unfortunately, I saved at the nearby save point before realizing I was in a soft lock situation... I think I must either cheat or play another seed


Is there a GitHub/issue ticketing repository for this project? It'd definitely help to see which bugs are known/reported/etc


How do I get into the extra options that it shows in FatherBrain's seed? The vast majority of my problems with this could be solved by turning most of the options that aren't in the ReadMe off/on (specifically, split varia/gravity, single wall jumps, and infinite wall jumps on, and the missile/power bomb prerequisites off), and I really want to see what a true randomizer for this game would feel like.


AFAIK those features are planned for the near (?) future, but not currently implemented. Those arguments in the spoiler log are essentially placeholders for now, as far as we're concerned.


I am really enjoying the randomizer so far. I am excited to see what future updates could bring. Now I need to stop getting myself soft-locked haha


Is there a discord or anything of the like?
I've been interested in races, so making a Fusion Rando discord sounds like it would be good. Plus then logic, bugs, and softlocks can be tracked.


you could use the metroidcontruction discord really


I do believe I may have found an impossible seed, but I could be missing something. Atm I have charge, wave, supers, power bombs, varia, morph, hi-jump, speed booster, and screw.

{"Seed": "9184419220662476849", "Settings": {"Item pool": "Full randomization", "Difficulty": 0, "Allow logical damage runs": false, "Missiles require main launcher": true, "Power Bombs require mains": true, "Power Bombs require normal Bombs": true, "Single wall jump": false, "Infinite Bomb jumping": false, "Separated security levels": false, "Split Varia/Gravity features": false, "E-Tanks": 20, "Missile Tanks": 46, "Power Bomb Tanks": 32}, "Item order": {"Data S0": "MainMissiles", "Item S0-19-06": "MorphBall", "Item S1-0A-04": "HiJumpBoots", "Item S1-0D-08": "WaveBeam", "Item S2-04-03": "VariaSuit", "Item S0-13-07": "ChargeBeam", "Data S2": "SuperMissileItem", "Item S3-03-04": "SpeedBooster", "Item S3-06-06": "DiffusionItem", "Item S1-06-03": "ScrewAttack", "Item S3-11-04": "Bombs", "Item S2-00-05": "MainPowerBombs", "Item S3-01-02": "IceMissileItem", "Item S6-0B-09": "GravitySuit", "Item S6-0C-08": "SpaceJump", "Item S2-03-0C": "IceBeam", "Item S4-0D-01": "WideBeam", "Item S2-10-0C": "PlasmaBeam"}

Regular bombs are in S3-11-4, which is the sector 3 room beneath the data room and to the right of the save and recharge room.
Level 2 locks cannot be unlocked before this as they need bombs in order to open. Bombs require either Level 2 Locks or Space Jump (maybe).
Space Jump is in deep sector 6 inaccesible.


I'm playing Seed NOVA HALZYN PLASMA ATTACK, and I haven't run into any hard locks.

I am having trouble figuring out how to get into the frozen ridley room. Normally a plot trigger causes the elevator to stop mid-ascent, but there are no plot triggers? So how do I get in there?

Also this is my first post here, hi ouo/


You never have to go into that room, so Im pretty sure its just not possible.


But, in full random mode, the two items in that area could theoretically be progress-required items, couldn't they?


You can get those two items by going through those rooms backwards.


DO you know how to get into them? I tried the vertical shaft the last room touches, but it didn't seem to have an entrance I could find.


Has anyone else found out about this? I know single wall jumps are normally not a thing in Fusion but I was able to do them once I had the Screw Attack in the rando. I would think its something most people don't learn since normally you have Space jump and thus dont need to wall jump


I just completed my first run and this shows a lot of promise. I've played the heck out of Varia Rando and SMZ3, so I'm glad another Metroid-flavored randomizer is in the works.

First off, an actual bug: I entered the Sector 5 SA-X area from the exit, and this happened:

The camera was locked in that postion, no matter how far into the room I blindly went. I exited, and entered the SA-X area from the proper direction and then this didn't happen again.

As for general comments, my first run gave me a pretty hard time. Part of this was due to me not being as familiar with Fusion as Super, but there is definitely still work to do on balancing.

Hopefully potential softlocks will be addressed. I was able to reach Serris without Gravity or Speed Booster, and of course it only gave me an E-tank which basically locked me in its area. Maybe if you added some crumble blocks in one of the adjacent rooms to Serris's arena to allow an escape.

I ultimately had to fight Yakuza with no super missiles, only two E-tanks (boy that one Etank I could have gotten from Serris would have been nice, haha) and just the Varia suit, and while it was a good opportunity to actually learn the fight instead of just facetanking it with a bajillion health it was pretty brutal.

But more importantly, Yakuza gave me the Screw Attack, which is currently probably the most imbalanced item in the game. Like in Super it pretty much makes random mooks an afterthought, but more importantly is the traversal it opens up. So much of the world's connective tissue is made available with this one item, which is a lot if you also factor in its destructive power. Perhaps a potential toggle to add in the future would be one that removes all the Screw Attack blocks from the area-connecting space corridors (but not the ones blocking access to items) which could make routing more interesting and overall navigation less dependent on this one super powerful item.

And would it be possible to add the ability to toggle on and off items in the status menu, like in Super? It's probably not as vital here as it is there what with no tricks like Gravity Jump to attempt, but sometimes you might not want the ice beam active, y'know? (this is kind of a personal issue, I just hate the SFX the ice beam uses, it's so dang shrill, so it's hardly a priority, haha)

But I gotta say, nice work on this so far! I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops.


Three things: First, the bug can be fixed by using a power bomb and jumping, then morphing and going through the tunnel. It's annoying but can be done.

Second: There are a number of softlocks in the game. It's easy to get softlocked in sector 5 -> 4 (security locks) if you don't have diffusion missiles or screw and don't know how to get out backwards, but some of them are simply knowledge of the game, like in Varia.

Lastly, why do you think Screw Attack is inbalanced? While yes it's very good, it's not a deal breaker. Getting around is not that complex without it, and overall pretty manageable. In both Super and in this it doesn't seem too overpowered. While yes, enemies can be one shot and a lot of navigation can be broken, there are some pains that go with it, like in sector 1 with the breakable blocks in the vertical shafts (if you don't have space jump).


Dunno if it matters, I just wanted to say that I got a seed where plasma was intended before hi-jump, and hi-jump was in sector 2 in room S2-05-08, meaning if hi-jump was grabbed before plasma it would be a softlock.


silly idea I'm dumping here before I forget: a flag for a minor/major item split, so that after the initial item all major items are at minor item locations (with any remaining minor slots filled with minor items).


I have bombs located in S0-19-06... how do you decode that?