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Started by Golden Warrior, June 14, 2020, 12:12:30 PM

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Golden Warrior


This was a hack I felt like making to both practice and test my overall design skills. I challenged myself to try and making something short and fun while limited to a 10x10 minimap space. The minty theme put on top is just for some extra fun. This hack is, as said, very short and even within that shortness has plenty of intentional sequence breaks. While it is content complete, I'd love to get more feedback before I consider this a complete product. It isn't anything wildly impressive, but I hope you enjoy this short, compact hack!

As a side note, the hack is not made to be very challenging, but if you do want something that is a little harder, I do make sure to make some actual changes to Hard (Menthol) mode, so give that a try if Minty mode is too easy for your taste!


[spoiler=Map, which shows where the map room is as well]



[spoiler=Tips, Tricks, and Other Info]
- Since the hack is in a 10x10 space, if you want to 100% it, just make sure to fill out the entire 10x10 square on the minimap.
- There are a few intentional places to skip progression, including a heat run that has been tested in all difficulties. I've tried to make this hack as speedrunnable as possible.


[spoiler=Known Bugs/Missing Features]
The following are all bugs or unintented aspects of the hack I already know about.
If you know how to fix them and would like to teach me, I'm all ears!

- Ship only shows up after you've left the starting room and return.
- Hidden Energy Tanks and Missile Tanks do not share their sprite with the tileset, leading to have them just out the open when I wanted them hidden.


- Biospark for MAGE, without which this would not have been done
- Cosmic and all others involved in making the incredibly useful ZMHT
- caauyjdp for the patch to fix Mother Brain's tank not working visually.
- My friends for playesting and making theming suggestions

- Conner
- caauyjdp
- Lavama


- Fixed Deorem breaking blocks on its way out
- Fixed Charge Beam disappearing
- Fixed Rinkas glitching after Charge Beam is obtained
- Fixed extraneous speed boost blocks in Kraid room
- Fixed Mother Brain tank not breaking using caauyjdp's experimental patch. (Thank you so much caauyjdp!)
- Fixed Varia Room clipdata allowing OOB.
- Made door in MB room a grey door to disallow going that way for escape sequence.
- Made some minor palette modifications to further match the theme
- (Not in game) fixed my post typo where I said 26% was max, not 27%. It is in fact 27%.


- Flipped Chozo Statues that needed it
- Edited some more palettes
- Modified Samus' palettes for firing and charging
- Modified beam damage to make the game less easy at the start
- Modified a few enemies hp and weakness values
- Fixed lava not being animated in certain rooms
- Fixed a few broken map tiles
- Fixed a few more graphical bugs
- End percent now scales properly to 100% when you collect all items
- Removed certain annoying enemies
- Replaced a Listerine Bottle with a Tic Tac Case to give a satisfying 100% amount of energy and missiles
- Replaced Ice Beam sprite to match its name
- Added a simple custom title


[spoiler=06/18/2020 Release Build]
- Modified even more palettes
- Changed a few tiles to stop enemies from glitching
- Made intended hidden items hidden again.
- Fixed some vertical doors having incorrect Y exits.
- Minor text changes.


[spoiler=06/19/2020 1.01]
- Fixed the gunship bottom turning red when lifting off



The IPS patch file is attached to this forum post, but if for some reason that does not work, you can also download it off []my Google Drive.[/url]

This patch goes over Metroid - Zero Mission (U).


Thanks for playing, hope you enjoy!


I'm definetly going to try this out.
If I were you I would join the MetConst Discord and ask about your bugs in the #GBAtroid channel. Its way easier and faster to reply there.

Some quick answers to your bugs:
- Deorom always destroys some tiles if you place them in the way
- I assume the rinka sprites break because they are placed on the 6th or 7th slot in the spriteset. These slots are reserved for text and since the charge beam shows text, the rinkas will mess
- Dont really know why, not enough information
- There is a hex tweak which allows you to flip chozo statues
- MB's glass only breaks in the original Tourian room (At least from what I know)
- There is an ASM patch that allows you to scale the end% to show 100% if you have all items

for more indepth explanations you should probably ask in the Discord


Played it through once so far.
Very well done hack. Bit on the easy side(on normal at least) except the optional(I think) heatrun, but that just made things more fun since you didn't have to worry about health and could just explore.

Some minor "issues":
Max% I've got was 27%, not the 26% you mentioned.
Room with varia doesn't have a ceiling, so you can walljump into out of bounds?
Really minor, kraids room still has speedbooster blocks in the lower right corner.
Possibly intentional, but you can leave mother brain room the way you came and have a different escape route.

I really liked that there were multiple enemy sets for rooms, I feel that not enough hacks pay attention to that.
And how many secrets there were packed into this seemingly tiny map

Thank you for the hack, you did a good job on it. Will be playing it a lot more, checking other difficulties and low%

One more "issue", if you don't pick up charge before leaving the room, you're unable to get it later?

edit: threw together a quick patch to make mb tank work properly. it assumes current version position of the tank, if you'll move it patch will have to be adjusted


Very very short but incredibly minty mini-hack! Definitely thinking of going through and trying to 100% it again. One thing I noticed is:

[spoiler]The charge beam totally dips if you go straight for Morph after killing Worm, seems intentional just wanna make sure.[/spoiler]

Other than that, yeah seems like there's no ceiling in Varia, which makes me think you can completely skip Ridley's fight if you time your wall jump right though it's an abuse of OOB. Kinda cheap.

[spoiler]Any tips for the extra super after Kraid that leads to Morph room? I'm thinking wall jump shenanigans or I missed a screw attack or somethng, but I'm not thinking so.[/spoiler]

Golden Warrior

Thank you all for the feedback! I've made changes and fully intend to take the advice of joining the Discord to ask about my other issues. I don't have time to do so right now, but I will hopefully be able to some point soon. I will update the original post with a new patch as soon as I can.

[spoiler=Regarding Lavama's question on the extra super]
The way to get to that super is actually in the same room that you get the first Super tank in. Try bombing around a bit.

Quote from: caauyjdp on June 14, 2020, 01:56:23 PM
edit: threw together a quick patch to make mb tank work properly. it assumes current version position of the tank, if you'll move it patch will have to be adjusted

Thank you so much for making this! I've gone ahead and applied it for the latest patch, so that should be working now. I don't intend to make large map changes from this point, so this should be perfect. (And if I might ask, how did you do that? You can private message me if you don't want to clutter up this post but would like to answer)

I'm glad you've all enjoyed it so far! Thanks again for the feedback and help!

EDIT: I've updated the top post now with the new patch and added a change log as well as some new credits.

Golden Warrior

I've made many more changes and will be updating the patch in the original post! Thank you again to everyone who has given me feedback here or through other mediums. This will likely be the last one before I upload the hack as complete, as I'm not sure of what more I want to add to this.

Metroid Violinist

I just completed Mintroid, I thought it was a pretty good hack, although ZM blue oddity during transitons, but good job nevertheless.


very nice hack, left my review on the page.
here you can see the full map i made