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Archival of Boards

Started by Miranda Gemini, May 10, 2020, 12:59:08 PM

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Miranda Gemini

Hey Metconst,
Just a quick update, we've made the decision to archive the Zelda Construction and Shinespark Construction boards. This probably isn't particularly large news, as neither of these boards have been active for at least 12 months.
Zelda Construction has never been incredibly active (if you are interested in Zelda hacking, there are much more active communities dedicated to this), and was always sort of an odd fit in a Metroid Hacking community.
Shinespark Construction on the other hand was essentially superseded by, which hosts vastly more active leaderboards for Metroid hacks (as well as almost every other game you could think of). The only other thing Sparkconst was really used for, Community Racing, is now mostly organised either as Contests (see the ongoing Metroid Construction Olympic Games), or on the Discord.

These boards are currently still visible but will likely be deleted in the future. Feel free to browse them for nostalgic purposes (or to take any Zelda hacking resources) for the time being.

Thanks for checking into your sporadic and highly irregular Metroid Construction Announcements and Updates!


This is heartbreaking, I'm literallly crying and screaming right now
I was seconds if not microseconds away from starting a thread in shinespark construction, as I had for the first time achieved the alternate ending where samus is naked in super Metroid. This is the most offensive display of power abuse that I have ever seen, and I will be spending the next month jogging in and out of construction sites illegally to protest.