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Started by Parabox, March 24, 2010, 02:57:34 AM

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If you mean that I think it'll solve all of my problems, then no, I don't think so. It's just that I have a combination of emotion I can't express anywhere, boredom and irregular feeling of loneliness. Sure, I still'll have enough shit coming my way. But at least I'll have a girl.


This is a flaw in human nature itself. We constantly want more, and more, and are never satisfied.

If we could just learn to be happy with what we already have, we wouldn't have this problem.


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on June 28, 2010, 09:26:04 PM
This is a flaw in human nature itself. We constantly want more, and more, and are never satisfied.

If we could just learn to be happy with what we already have, we wouldn't have this problem.

Not necessarily.  In ancient South America there was a city called Caral that is quite literally one of the first cities ever created.  It was basically a bunch of farmers and fishermen who got together and made a city, and got high and partied in their spare time.  In it's 1,000 year history of existence there is no evidence of war, greed, or violence of any kind.  Those things are a product of culture, and something that humans have fostered for many thousands of years now, but they aren't intrinsic to human behavior itself.


Jaimie broke contact with both Boaz and me. Some part of her will always love him, and whenever she sees him, or talks to him, it agonizes her. She couldn't take it anymore. I feel like it's my fault, even though it's not. I kinda hogged her when Boaz still was slightly interested. Ah well, what's happened happened.

I'm going to take a break from girls, mainly because I have nearly two months of school vacation. I'm just gonna relax, kick back, hang out with my man Boaz, watch some DVDs, play games, watch anime, do some FL Studio 8 XXL 3GB stuff, chat with people.

I'm going to Hungary for 10 days, my grandfolks have a place there. Dad's coming along.

There probably won't be any interesting updates anytime soon. Feel free to post though, but don't off-topic it too much.

- DekuKnight... out.


Though I've only read the second page to this topic, I already have the jist of things. This is how I see things (and my current life):

Cards obviously won't always play the way you want. Sometimes you break even, others you win it all, and they also rob you. Sure you might have been dealt another push, or maybe the count is extremely bad at this point, but the deck has to reshuffle. Always has to restart. New year, reshuffle. New month? Reshuffle. New week or day? Reshuffle. You control what you can by playing you hand as fast as you can but luck/prophecy/what-have-you also plays. Some people play against the odds, I play with them. You're bound to get a good draw eventually, once you do, play it smart and it could last.

Note: I only use that analogy 'cause there's a deck of cards in front of me. Put that in whatever prospective you want.

Hiroshi Mishima

Just wanted to say that when my fiance and I broke it off (long distance relationship couldn't sustain the strain of 2 years following the 2 years we lived together), I actually suffered quite a bit. Emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually. I had not beforehand realized how dependent on her I'd become for companionship, physical contact and confidentiality. Thankfully, I can still count on her as both a wonderful companion/friend and a true confidant.

It's a shame that you guys have to go through the hardships at an early age, but in some ways I'd say that having to know what it's like to love and then separate at that age is probably for the best. I know it's harder to get accustomed to when you're older if you've not much experience with it in general.

For me, I actually contemplated suicide quite a bit. When it got to the point that I was thinking of overdosing on my medication, that's when I realized I had a problem. I think if the two of us hadn't been so.. well.. tightly knit together it wouldn't have been such an issue, and could be partly why it isn't always the best idea for two best friends to end up becoming more than friends. However, as I move on I'm finding that it's made me stronger emotionally. I just wish to gods I knew how the hell I'd find someone else as wonderful or perfect as she was. And I think it's that sort of thinking that is keeping me from truly moving on.

You need to come to the conclusion that what has happened has happened and if something changes down the road.. that's fine, but for now, you need to mentally gear up that it's over and done with and you shouldn't dwell on it. It'll only hurt you more. I am exceedingly lonely these days, and become depressed rather easily. Thankfully my emotions are like a roller-coaster and when I get down there is always a climb back out in the near distance.

Something to try that seems to work for me... get lost in stuff. Books, games, TV shows, whatever... in fact, if possible, try to not be around your friend nearly as much or at all for a while. I found that helped both me and my ex out a fair bit. Now we're not calling each other "hon" nearly as often. :p

EDIT: I realize this is a few weeks old.. but honestly, I am trying to say this as much to myself as I am to Dekuknight. sometimes I just need to say something to someone or I go nuts and this is a good medium for it.



I had my heart torn out at 15, so no other relationship thereafter really effected me emotionally. However given that I'm a sick bastard with half a heart, I can never truly attach myself to someone wholly. It's a flaw, but also a fail safe for me. I've been with my girl for over 3 years now and we often argue about why I can't love as much as she can love. It's reached the point of a cerebral itch I can't scratch.


I'm smitten with a girl I met on craigslist and we have a date Friday. I am hoping it goes well as I get happy when I talk to her. And when she leaves I am sad. :(

/lame I have no real problems I'm actually happy and just want good wishes.


I won't lie and say I feel guilty, but I'm still nauseatingly happily married.  We've been together since the 6th of May 1996.  I was 15.  Aww...



It is.

As I've flown from Holland to Hungary, I've seen quite a few ladies. Hoping for some vacational booty, but probably not going to happen.
Also, I seem to be growing closer to a certain female friend of mine, Maxime. Hope I might get something with her for a month or so, because I've been after her since I was like 6.

Hiroshi Mishima

Quote from: Quietus on July 28, 2010, 06:30:17 AM
I won't lie and say I feel guilty, but I'm still nauseatingly happily married.  We've been together since the 6th of May 1996.  I was 15.  Aww...

How I envy you, man. If I'd been able to land a job or have a steady cash flow, my fiance' and I might not have had to stay apart so long and probably wouldn't have broken up. But damn, that's awesome you two are still happily married after all this time.


My date went well, we're going to a planetarium in two weeks, fuck yeah nerdy people. :)

And we met on Craigslist XD

Hiroshi Mishima

Oooh, sounds like a lot of fun. I can't remember the last time I went to a planetarium... gods now I'm envious of you simply for getting to go to a place like that. :p


It's pretty cool they also have a 360 degree theather which is what we'll be going to too and stuff :)

Can't wait for it.



* Parabox inserts more coins

Yeah. Today I put on my sweater again, because, well, fall and all that. Thing hasn't been washed much since last year when all the shit that's been posted here happened. It still smelled of her and me. I felt sad.

On the other hand, I managed to finally rid myself of my craze for Maxime, and now we're just good friends, really. What a relief. I decided I should focus on other stuff for now, such as school and things. Someday a girl'll bump into me. I'll just wait and lay low 'till then.

Also, I got offered a part-time job. Each Saturday, cleaning halls at the local company. If I work 4 hours each Sat, I should be getting about €10 a week. Mean I can finally buy things such as the Orange Box, and Minecraft, and Garry's Mod and stuff.

Been playing Minecraft/Cave Story/Hero Core on (PISS FUCKING) Hard/Ikachan, so I'm not bored at all. It's almost the weekend, looking forward.

- Para out.


Quote from: ParaboxHero Core on (PISS FUCKING) Hard
Have you beaten it on [noembed]reallyjoel's dad[/noembed] difficulty?


Yeah, with my left testicle for controlls, blindfolded, juggling 3 VERY hungry bears, giving everyone in a 10 mile radius contant orgasms just by existing and closing a black hole by farting. In short, [spoiler]no[/spoiler].


I find it funny that the topic is still named after your old nick


Sorry; I just saw this topic and didn't realizae the original posts were written so long ago. I saw a date somewhere and got confused, but didn't think to look at the POSTING dates. Duhr-hurr.

The general point of my original post was that it seemed that Jaime girl might have been a bit emotionally unsure of herself, and maybe even playing on Parabox's emotions. I brought out some examples of why I thought this may have been the case, but I guess it might not matter much anymore. :)


Quote from: Crashtour99 on June 28, 2010, 11:59:17 PM
Not necessarily.  In ancient South America there was a city called Caral that is quite literally one of the first cities ever created.  It was basically a bunch of farmers and fishermen who got together and made a city, and got high and partied in their spare time.  In it's 1,000 year history of existence there is no evidence of war, greed, or violence of any kind.

I don't doubt it still existed, even if it wasn't to the same destructive extent that we typically see now. Humans will always struggle with emotios, and won't always know how to deal with them. Sometimes we don't recognize how evil people can be, especially when looking at humanity as a whole. But other times, I don't think we give certain *individuals* enough credit. Individual people can choose to be peaceful, but they do have to choose it.



Also, to go along with that, it must be remembered that history is only what other people know about it.  How do we know that they didn't just wipe out all evidence of their problems?  Humans seem to like thinking that they are perfect like that.


''Hug me till you drug me, honey;
Kiss me till I'm in a coma;
Hug me, honey, snuggly bunny;
Love's as good as soma."