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Metroid Prime Trilogy: Google Translate Edition

Started by kkzero, November 02, 2019, 02:23:35 PM

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Metroid Prime Trilogy: Google Translate Edition
You can now experience the whole Metroid Prime Trilogy in one package in all its Google Translate glory.



[spoiler=Notice]Depending on your sense of humor, you might be laughing painfully for a bit as a result of playing this.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Patching & Setup]This part used to suck pretty bad before 2021. The current version should be more lenient, though.

-Your iso dump of the game. If you have a wbfs, a program like WiiBackupManager can convert that for you.
-The contents of the "patch" folder in this zip.
-Plenty of free disk space, I'd say like 20 GB is safe. The game's files are pretty hefty!
-(For real hardware)A homebrewed Wii with sufficient cIOS installations. (See to get started with that)

1. 1. Launch step1-extractfiles.bat, and enter the name or path of your iso. Proceed to 2 if nodtool reports a Success.
   -Enclose the path in double quotes ("") if it has spaces.
   -In fact, it might be more helpful to just move the iso to the folder this is in so you can just type the filename.
2. Launch step2-patchfiles.bat. If all goes well, you're good to proceed to 3. Optionally, you may just launch main.dol in Dolphin to play if you're emulating.
3. Launch step3-reinsertfiles.bat. If all goes well, then "mpt-gte.iso" will appear in the "patch" folder, and you can now play this hack.
Q: Why are some of the area-specific texts in MP1 and MP2 the same now?
A: This is due to those games getting those texts into Strings.pak, an override for those strings in Trilogy. I tried to get these strings removed from that pak during patching, but it led to the game crashing when trying to load them.

Q: Other than that, are all the texts the same as the original releases?
A: For the ones that are identical between versions, they should be. I might've taken some liberties in more minor, shorter strings, but your cash money and bride's cows aren't going away.

Q: What might be some new texts added?
A: For Prime 1, some GUI elements are editable text in this version so those are some. Additionally, Fission Metroids are in Phazon Mines in Trilogy, unlike the NA Gamecube version, so there's a new scan to check out. All the rest are more minor.

Q: Why were the MP1 and MP2 voice clips untouched even though MP3 has them?
A: There's not enough to justify doing so.

Q: What is this?
A: It's just Metroid Prime Trilogy. Just that except the text was ran through multiple, varying languages of Google Translate and back to English.

Q: Why would you do this?
A: The short, iconic answer: Because I can.
The more evident answer: People wanted this.
My personal, honest-to-god answer: I'd like to finish what I've started.

Q: How'd you manage to get on this whole Google Translate bandwagon?
A: Early 2018. Vinesauce Joel's Pokemon Yellow translated streams. I had on-and-off thoughts throughout May of that year to try that sort of thing out myself.
I tested trnalstions on some of Fusion's texts that I ripped from MAGE. This led me into being motivated to do the whole game. Long story short, I got it done within several days, put it on Metconst/MAGConst, got some attention for it.
During that summer, however, I began to look into Prime modding. I found out how to extract files and modify text. I worked on this on-and-off for the next couple months, and released Metroid Prime: Google Translate Edition on August 11, 2018.
It got more attention than I expected, mostly thanks to Twitter.
I then tried out Prime 2, a process which got extended through nearly 6 months due to school, waning hacking interest, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon nostalgia, etc. But I released it. Then I briefly moved onto Hunters.
I'd immediately began looking into Prime 3 after Prime 2. In the middle of the process, my other hacks started being streamed by none other than MetroidMst, leading to a resurgence in popularity. This motivated me to finish Prime 3 even more.
Eventually, I finished Prime 3. Despite me hyping it up with a trailer and anyuthing, though, the patch was busted for the longest time, and it took a while to get working fine for everyone.
As for my motivation to do Trilogy, I was asked by a few community members for it.

Q: I still see untranslated text.
A: It's hardcoded/textures/FMVs/not worth my time.

Q: The pop/click at the end of many voices is annoying. Couldn't you fix this?
A: I tried. Got the farthest I could. Couldn't do it.

Q: This isn't Google Translated.
A: The door's right over here.
[spoiler=Extras]This folder in the download is just some files from making this left in to provide insight to the process.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Acknowledgements]PRIME 3 VOICE CAST
Admiral Dane - ScanSoft Daniel
AU 217 - mass:werk mespeak.js variant m1
AU 242 - mass:werk mespeak.js variant m5
AU 313 - Microsoft Biff
Gandrayda - Microsoft Mary
Ghor - Microsoft RoboSoft Three
Rundas - Microsoft Sam
Vox - ScanSoft Samantha, Microsoft Helen

Fleet Trooper - ScanSoft Samantha
GF Marine - Microsoft David, ScanSoft Tom

Dev Messages - Microsoft Melvin


Nintendo and Retro Studios  - Development of these games.
Aruki - Metroid Prime modding stuff that made these all possible. Thses mods wouldn't exist without them.
Cirrus/jackoalan - Audacity gc-dspadpcm, allowed the new voices to happen.
Mst and the other stream bois- Bringing dark arsenic and wheat upon the Metconst community.
Employees Have Moved/Book of Mario community - Additional motivation.
Everyone else - Being there for this.
Seriously, thank you to everyone who has taken notice of any of my Google Translate work. It means so much to me that these dumb hacks make peoples' days.
[spoiler=Before you start begging me to do other games in people's stream chats]There's only so much I can devote my translation time to. If you'd like to see more games like this, I can start you off by linking some made by others:
Chrono Trigger -
Deltarune - or
Earthbound -
Final Fantasy IV -
Mother 3 -
Paper Mario 64/TTYD -
Paper Mario Sticker Star -
Pokemon X -
Sonic 06 - (The guy behind this one was actually inspired by my work on Prime 1!)
Super Mario RPG -[/spoiler]