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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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It's the last day of exams for me :cheers: which means I will now have ~4 months of no work before starting my second year in September.

I can finally get back to playing hacks (like Hyper) and do a bit of learning ASM and hacking (Read:be lazy) :grin:


I hope your exams went OK, and if the hacking becomes a chore during those months, can it, and enjoy some of the free time before you have to start again. :^_^:


Lucky bastard, I still have my 3 to go. And one's on a Saturday! :P
Hope they went well also.

Zero One

Hehe, I've basically never been in since Easter break and I don't get exams :D

Finally, a positive to the course I'm on!


Yeah my first was on a Saturday, too. At least this time it wasn't 9am like in January (why would they do that?! :mad: )

Everything went well, a load of us went to Nandos afterwards which was great. I'm sure the hacking will get annoying at times but I've got plenty to distract me if I need a break which is nice.

ZeroOne: I may have to transfer to your course if there's no exams and minimal lectures :heheh:


1 down, 2 exams to go!
Had a minor panic when I got to uni and realised I had forgotten my student ID, fortunately my NUS card was enough. :blush:
Also, 9am? Damn. XD


Yeah I always panic that I've forgot mine so I put it in my pencil case and check about 1213513215 times before I leave :lol:

Yeah, what made it worse was having an exam the Friday before finish at 6:30pm :nowai:


Rated S talking Super Metroid game design and specifically backtracking. If I were you I'd take notes and use them as a resource when making your hack, path out clearly how you deviate, negate or subvert Super Metroid's basic design pillars and maybe tell the community a little about it when you release your hack or a little while after the most prominent/active members are done playing it (though also we have spoiler tags and you can use them).

In the very least a neat video.

Zero One

Quote from: Jordan5 on May 15, 2015, 12:46:51 PMZeroOne: I may have to transfer to your course if there's no exams and minimal lectures :heheh:

Only if you want to die of boredom, and the realisation that you're spending almost £26,000 on a basically useless course.

Vismund Cygnus

Well, looks like I won't be around much for the next couple of weeks, as I'm officially moving in to my new apartment next Wednesday!  :grin:


Good luck with everything! :^_^:


I'm renting a studio space today so I can art full time.


You can create art content to your art's content. :^_^:


I seem to be suffering from some mad anxiety today, characterized by physical and mental restlessness in an already sleep deprived condition. Some liquid courage is helping but actual sleep seems impossible.


I suffered with anxiety attacks for a while, until I figured out that it was caffeine.  Cutting out any coffee or energy drinks after about 17:00 stopped it completely. :cheers:


Congratulations Quietus. I made the same thing with cola and sodas, I was really addicted and I stopped completely since I'm in UK.

Zero One

I won FIVE awards yesterday!

Highest Marks in Software Development
Highest Marks in Games Development

My Software Engineering team and I won:

Best Business Concept
Best New Business Start-up
Best Team


Sympathy for you DSO, and anyone dealing with anxiety or panic attacks. I've had a few panic attacks throughout my life, but I had the worst ever like a month back that left me shaken for days. I too was ingesting a bit too much caffeine when I had mine.

Congratulations on your awards Zero One!


Quote from: Zero One on May 29, 2015, 02:30:32 AM
I won FIVE awards yesterday!
That's great, Zero One.  Just remember us when you're raking in the millions. :grin:


Well, the anxiety is over.
Now, instead of drinking to sleep, I drink to celebrate!


I see you trying to use some toys to hide the fact that you're really looking to buy 5-Minute Princess Stories. Come on, 'fess up. :grin:


Zero One
This is great! So Many Awards! Congratulations!


On Monday, I attempted suicide thanks to school and family issues. When I landed on the floor (I jumped from my bedroom window), my head, collarbone, arm and shoulder were all badly damaged. If I landed differently, I could've been Paralyzed, or dead. In hospital my head is recovering and I feel less dizzy every day. And I don't feel suicidal ever again.
Thanks to this, Arrival will be delayed.


*deleted post*


Jefe: Seriously, don't ever go there again. There's always somebody to talk to if things start to get on top of you. Sometimes just venting to somebody willing to listen makes a world of difference. We all have moments where things are miserable, and it feels like there's no relief in sight, but there are always options. Let us know how you're healing. :neutral: