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Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Wasn't aware the map tiles were from Zero Mission but Snailiad is awesome. Metroidvania with snails, what's not to like?


Quote from: Mon732 on August 07, 2014, 07:50:21 AM
Wasn't aware the map tiles were from Zero Mission but Snailiad is awesome. Metroidvania with snails, what's not to like?
The boring and unoriginal story, the graphics drawn by a 5 year old kid in MS Paint, and the unrealistic physics (I thought snails were supposed to be slow.. and how does a snail even jump?) And is it just me or does the first weapon you get only shoot upwards, making it completely useless..


[/quote] (I thought snails were supposed to be slow.. and how does a snail even jump?) And is it just me or does the first weapon you get only shoot upwards, making it completely useless..
[/quote] Its a game


Quote from: Hawntah on August 07, 2014, 09:04:07 AM
the unrealistic physics (I thought snails were supposed to be slow.. and how does a snail even jump?)
Yup, because we've never before seen a video game character break any laws of physics ever.
It's not like there's some sort of speed booster that boosts speed or anything. Nor is there any sort of space jump that allows the user to defy gravity. Not like we could just extend our jump height with a high jump boot upgrade, or shoot lasers from arm cannons or turn into a ball and lay bombs or anything. Nope, the snail jumping is the most unrealistic thing on these forums.


addicting fun game.

great stuff. Kudos to whoever made it.


Quote from: Quote58 on August 07, 2014, 12:30:56 PM
Quote from: Hawntah on August 07, 2014, 09:04:07 AM
the unrealistic physics (I thought snails were supposed to be slow.. and how does a snail even jump?)
Yup, because we've never before seen a video game character break any laws of physics ever.
It's not like there's some sort of speed booster that boosts speed or anything. Nor is there any sort of space jump that allows the user to defy gravity. Not like we could just extend our jump height with a high jump boot upgrade, or shoot lasers from arm cannons or turn into a ball and lay bombs or anything. Nope, the snail jumping is the most unrealistic thing on these forums.
Lol yup! most unrealistic thing ever.


Wow this game is actually so great. It's adorable and random and very metroidvania style.


Now, wait just a second here.  I spy a custom title.  So, which sneaky oik do I thank with blame for that? :^_^:


So.. I was watching kids react to GameBoy, and watched a teenager not be able to figure out how to turn it on, and I've officially come to the conclusion that we are old. Grab your handkerchiefs and bottles of wine folks, the world is ending in 2016 for us. Us old humans are out, the new humanoid species shall inherit the Earth. That is all.


2016 being end of humans in unlikely. I doubt even if we have the technology, we wont be making any androids or machine related upgrades, as that would stop mankind from naturally giving birth as we are designed to. Of course, we could always just use parts of machines to recreate body parts like hands, arms, legs or feet.


I'm not sure why the end of humans instantly makes you think it must be robots, but each to their own. :^_^:

I still think that we'll go one of two ways - nuking ourselves, or some lethal virus.


It's just the way technology is taking over nowadays that makes me think such things. Eventually becoming androids, or robots will be inevitable for survival. Considering your suggestion of a virus.

The Monster of Surrealton

Was going to go to a Cardfight tournament tonight, but went to the the gym instead.

Hurt my arm on the incline press :(


Quote from: DarkSamus on August 14, 2014, 07:50:21 PMEventually becoming androids, or robots will be inevitable for survival. Considering your suggestion of a virus.

It's inevitable. Everything about your 'reality' is based on perception and senses. All you have to do is tap into that. Assuming we'll get locked into it, in that capacity, which we will, anyone could have full-control. Perception is everything.


So it was A-level results day yesterday. I got 3 A*s and an A which means i got more than enough to get into uni. To celebrate, everyone went out and it was insane, such a great night. I'm feeling it now though, and hacking while severely hungover isn't ideal.  :lol:


Well done!  Hopefully you'll get the placement you're after. :^_^:



I fucking hate being 17 because it's that age where you're best to find a job and start making a good income. But where I live, it's the hardest thing to find a job.

I'm too lazy, at that. I'll probably wait 'til I move out west to get a job.


Quote from: Gohan on August 15, 2014, 03:17:33 PM
I fucking hate being 17 because it's that age where you're best to find a job and start making a good income. But where I live, it's the hardest thing to find a job.

Heh, its bad at any age. I'm 31 and been a perpetual student (supporting myself of course) for the past 10+ years. You'd think companies would jump at the chance to hire someone who actually has practical experience, but its hard. I've been out of work for a year. Now that is looking like its going to change since I interviewed with a company last week (that is awesome) and they are making me a job offer (getting the details later today actually). So unless the offer is crap (unlikely), I'll finally be employed, doing the work I want to do, with a company that is awesome.

I was hoping to get a job on the east coast of the US where a bunch of my friends currently are, but the Bay Area isn't bad. I have some family in the immediate area and am driving distance from my parents. I forsee many a weekend driving up and down the 5 to southern California.

Now I might actually have some free time to play some of these Metroid Hacks instead of spending hours on end applying for jobs...


That sounds like a great deal. I have a friend that is hopefully going to move out there from NY. He's going to be my roommate after next year hopefully. By then I'll be 18. But hell, my only other problem with finding a job is my education. I dropped out of school to help my father, two years ago.. and that was when I was in grade 10.

There are programs as well though, plus I plan on being involved in coding and such. I'm interested in working with  computers. I just wish I had spares to take apart and learn and stuff.


I hated it when I was looking for work.  Constantly rewording my C.V. to suit each job nearly drove me insane.


Yeah, you have to keep rewording it until you find something that works. I spent my first year at college getting constantly turned down for work, then over the summer i spent a lot of time completely rewording everything and immediately got two interviews. It's good you stuck at it and now it will pay off :^_^:


Get a GED, if you haven't already. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders, so I don't think it'll be that hard. It's basically the same thing as a Highschool diploma, it's just that diplomas look better on resumes. It'll probably still be tough to get a good tech job without any degree or prior-experience working in the field, though. Even if you're really good at the trade, it'd just be hard to display that in an interview. I'd say get your GED, then apply for some finical-aid and try to atleast go to a community-college and get something official under your belt. It'll be a up-hill battle, but it should pay-off eventually. Even if you don't land a job in your field after college (which happens alot) you'd still open up alot of doors that would've possibly been closed without you having a good resume.


I'm probably going to have to get a GED. My dad has one, and I dropped out. Seems like the best thing I guess.


Happy birthday, retroknuckles! =)