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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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QuoteI remember that it was the first 24-megabit cartridge, so it sound perfectly plausible that they felt they were running out of space, and needed to expand it if the game were to ever see light.  Imagine where we'd be if they hadn't! :whoa:

I don't even wanna think about that! :o


Hey guys, its been a while "since my last computer broke".
I just got a new one 3 days ago and started on a hack named SM -Instinct-

I had alot down for T.H.E. contest and it was actually more than anything ive put into hacking. but, will be remaking that into this next hack.

Anyways. Its great to see you guys.


Welcome back.  Hopefully, the effort you put in for the contest will continue, and you get to release something for us to devour. :^_^:


I'm going to make an outrageous prediction and say Aegis will be released within the next three months.


Well, now that I've just read about Squeenix forever moving away from traditional Final Fantasy games, I need some good news, so I'll cross my fingers and toes.


Quote from: Quietus on November 07, 2013, 11:50:06 AM
Well, now that I've just read about Squeenix forever moving away from traditional Final Fantasy games, I need some good news.

They're doing what?! :evilno:


I thought they did that a decade ago.


I'll admit that they've been edging that way for some time, with X-2 probably being the last game that had elements of old school Final Fantasy, but I kept my hopes up.  Having read about their plans, I think I'll scrap those hopes.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on November 07, 2013, 06:53:40 PM
I'll admit that they've been edging that way for some time, with X-2 probably being the last game that had elements of old school Final Fantasy, but I kept my hopes up.  Having read about their plans, I think I'll scrap those hopes.
I wouldn't even say that FFX-2 had any real elements from older Final Fantasy games. I consider X as the last "true" Final Fantasy game, and that was what, '01?
It's sad for them to finally announce that they're moving away from it.
Although I'd like to say that to be honest, the series has been going downhill recently, and maybe a new direction is needed to reboot it (so to speak).


Has any noteworthy progress been made in the last year or so for any of the Metroid games?


Games or hacks? Because either way, I am pretty sure the answer, at least publicly, is no. Doesn't mean there hasn't been some unknown work going on though.

Vismund Cygnus

I only have 2 days of school left for the year.

Tomorrow I have what is going to probably be one of the more important things I've done in my 12 years of schooling, as it'll pretty much determine whether I go to University for a dual degree in Business and IT, or whether I just do IT.
Either way, things will be fun. I look forward to being finished, because that means less stress over school and more free time, and more free time means more hacking.
And on the subject of hacking, I have a thing, and it's probably at about 20% completion.
I'd set some sort of release date for a demo, but that's a scary thing to do.
So instead, I'll just say that you Metconsters may get some sort of Christmas present courtesy of Vismund.



I'm pretty sure everyone here that hacks has had ideas coming to them while they are working on the hack. (near impossible idea without coding knowledge.)

That happened last night. So my hack jumps to 80% done to 60%.


Two steps forward... :^_^:


Quote from: Borderjumper67 on November 14, 2013, 11:15:03 AM
So my hack jumps to 80% done to 60%.
I know how that works. . . I still haven't produced that boss rush I intended to when I started my own hack. But hey, waiting longer for a better project can not be considered a bad thing.

In other news, sprained thumbs hurt. (Sprained things in general, but thumbs are topical.)

Vismund Cygnus

Red Monkey's name is purple today.
Does that mean it's actually his birthday?
I hope so, because. . . .
[spoiler=Here is a picture of Curious George in a party hat]



I think that's what it is.  I'm sure it used to list people's birthdays at the bottom of the index, but I'm guessing its' been disabled.


That is a phpBB feature, not an SMF feature. I wish it showed purple names in all places it was relevant, too.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on November 14, 2013, 11:40:51 AM
Two steps forward... :^_^:
And 50 steps back.
Today I realised that a whole bundle of rooms in Brinstar are corrupted. However not having worked on it until now I didn't realise this, and the latest backup I can find that works is from quite a long time ago.
So 25% drops back to. . . about 5%.
Fortunately I can basically copy+paste rooms across from the broken rom, meaning:
1. Hopefully I can find what broke
2. It should be pretty quick to get back up to what I was at.

So yeah. There's a few months of work down the drain!   :lol:


Even if the scenario was you lost everything with no backups, I wouldn't necessarily say it's down the drain. It's experience, and opens up many other doors you never knew existed prior to legitimately hacking a real project. It's crazy how many ideals, possibilities, and configurations that even that vanilla tilesets still have left to explore, much less anything mixed or custom. And, that's not to even mention Hex-tweaks and ASM.


I too corrupted a few rooms in Brinstar but didn't realise until after finishing the wrecked ship and about half of Norfair. I'm quite lazy and there was no way I was redoing all of that, so what I did was use an unchanged rom (or an uncorrupted back-up) and copy the mdb data for each room and paste it in place of the corrupt data in your up-to-date rom. Then you can start again in those rooms and be careful and keep checking to see if you keep doing something to corrupt rooms.

Hope this helps speed things up; I really can't wait to play your hack :grin:


It's been over six months since I quit my job. I haven't posted anything on the forum sans semi-regular updates regarding this situation since, but I've been active on irc.

There have been ups and downs during this time, but for the most part, its been enjoyable. I've been able to stay in my room, away from people, for a majority of it, and until a few weeks ago, I had almost a five month streak of not even leaving my house.

Apparently, my parents of tired of it though, since today my step-mother asked me to get a job.  I really don't want to.

I'm reluctantly typing this since it seems like my only real option, going on like I have doesn't seem too realistic. I could just not do it, but this opens me up for verbal abuse that I'd really prefer not to have to deal with, especially after an incident the other day.  Long story short, my father overreacted once again, and it escalated to the point I was in tears.

I could always play the 'I could always just leave, then you'd still be in the exact same situation, except now I'm on the streets with no money' card, but I'm really too timid to.


I don't want to be around people anymore.


Welcome to life, in which it's impossible to get a job yet without a job you'll feel like shit!  :colonrightv:


You may find that getting a job won't be as bad as you fear.  You may also get a job where interaction between employees is minimal anyway.  Mine's often like that, where I hardly say two words throughout my day. :^_^:


I started my first job about a month ago and already I want to quit due to both the employees and customers and never get one again so I understand your reluctance. I'm sure you could find one like Quietus' though, there's probably a lot going. If not just become a single parent and move to England, the government literally can't hand you enough money :heheh: