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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Quote from: SMILEuser96 on June 14, 2013, 06:18:43 AMAt least all the crops are getting plenty of water.
Strangely enough, my garden seems to be doing well this year.  I have apples, cooking apples, pears, plums, gooseberries, and strawberries, all growing happily. :^_^:

Quote from: Zhs2 on June 14, 2013, 06:26:08 AMknocked out our power for 11 days
People here start going into meltdown if it's off for more than a few hours, which is rare.  Usually, I come home from work to find our digital clocks' times are wrong, and I know that the power has gone out at some point.


Quote from: Quietus on June 14, 2013, 06:32:05 AM
find our digital clocks' times are wrong
This is the worst thing ever. I have three digital clocks in my room, and I find I have to reset them multiple times throughout the year. (First world problems I know.)




Aiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!!! :evilno:


Quote from: Quietus on June 14, 2013, 08:14:00 AM
Aiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!!! :evilno:
I wonder[blink]. . .[/blink] If we [blink]abuse this[/blink] thing [blink]enough[/blink], either [blink]he[/blink] will be forced to [blink]remove such[/blink] a dastardly thing[blink],[/blink] or it [blink]will make our posts[/blink] so unreadable [blink]that[/blink] we can [blink]get away[/blink] with [blink]anything[/blink].


All it does is slow your reading down a smidge, but it's still irritating.  Now you just need to mix it with various colours and the scrolling marquee, and you'll have members committing suicide. :^_^:


[blink]You mean like this?[/blink][blink]Yeah, I could see how this would be slightly annoying. Slightly.[/blink]


Why, you little..!


* Quietus ends his life.


Quote from: Quietus on June 14, 2013, 10:19:25 AMNow you just need to mix it with various colours and the scrolling marquee, and you'll have members committing suicide. :^_^:
Not when you know how to highlight text... :!:


Add small font size and multicolored text to the equation and
[blink]there will be a mass suicide...[/blink]
Eh, I think this is enough for today.



I just hope after what he has said it's much better than hunters  :neutral:


Hunters would be an improvement over [blink]Other M[/blink].


From what I read, there were lots of ifs, buts, and maybes.  What would be cool is if they take their excellent graphical style from DKC, applied it to Metroid, and gave us a stunning 2D game. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on June 14, 2013, 05:40:48 PM
if they take their excellent graphical style from DKC, applied it to Metroid, and gave us a stunning 2D game. :^_^:
That would be... I mean, if Retro does that... with slightly more realistic graphics than those of DKCR...

Kinda makes you wonder how holes in the ground can look delicious tho...


Quote from: Quietus on June 14, 2013, 05:40:48 PM
From what I read, there were lots of ifs, buts, and maybes.  What would be cool is if they take their excellent graphical style from DKC, applied it to Metroid, and gave us a stunning 2D game. :^_^:
see, there you go getting my hopes up again.  :sad:
on the other hand, if Nintendo actually does this it would be fucking amazing to see. and as far as i know, Metroid is about the only IP that hasn't gotten this treatment yet. (ignoring Other M)


So, I just found out that my father wants to move back up to Pennsylvania where he was raised, and whats everyone to go with him.
I'm indifferent on it, but my step-mother isn't too keen.  I'll probably know within a few weeks or so.  My brother going to school might be a deciding factor.

It's been almost a month now with me not having a job, and we've been making it; I did have a bit of money saved up, though not much.

Just figured I'd mention it, no idea what the future holds, guess we'll find out, eh?


Moving can be tough, but it can also be a good thing.  I don't want to presume too much, but perhaps it may bring good things for you, and pull you out of the slump you mentioned before?  Either way, good luck. :^_^:


Went to see Man of Steel last night, mainly just to see the battles and apply them in my brain to what an ultimate dbz movie could have been.
Hooked on nip/tuck atm, old show I never got around to watching. Dunno what to marathon next. Maybe arrested development.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on June 19, 2013, 02:25:03 PM
Maybe arrested development.

Never watched Nip/Tuck, but I can vouch for Arrested Development. Might not be for everybody. You have to have the right sense of humor. You also have to pay close attention (or even watch twice through) to get all the jokes.

Zero One

I'm currently marathoning Hannibal. Dark shit, but very good. After my final exam tomorrow, I have a whole 3 months to do with as I will, so that'll be Hannibal; Futurama; How I Met Your Mother; all the Stargates; all the Star Treks and whatever anime people throw my way, including DBZ. I've heard good things about Avatar and One Piece, so they're on my list. Oh, also, Game of Thrones; Parks and Recreation; perhaps Arrested Development, though I haven't seen much of it; Bones and the final season of House.

Yeah, I'm gonna get fuck all done this summer.


I can vouch for Avatar.  I haven't ever watched many cartoon / anime series, and cherry picked only a few.  I tried Avatar on a recommendation, and loved it from beginning to end.  It manages to get a lot of things balanced very well.  All of the characters are good, and the level of comedy is just right, never getting too stupid or invasive.  Having watched it, it's now one of my favourite ever series.

As for Nip / Tuck, I really enjoyed it when it started out.  The first few series were great, as they focused on the main duo, with Christian's sexual exploits being particularly hilarious.
[spoiler]This happens after a woman attempts to stick her tongue in Christian's mouth, and he recoils.

Woman: It's good enough for your ass, but not for your mouth?
Christian: Not after!

:^_^:[/spoiler]I felt that after series three (with The Carver - great!), it went downhill, with more focus on love triangles and family affairs being drawn in.


Hehe, Microsoft just announced that they're backtracking on all of their policies for the Xbone.  I'm not surprised, as they could probably see that people were looking to move to Sony's camp in droves. :^_^:


Even Microsoft can not stand up to angry Internetterians... Internetters... Inter... angry gamers and/or other customers.

On the subject of gaming, can anybody recommend any good games for the 3DS? I've been thinking of getting one for a while, but I'm not sure what games I should get.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: SMILEuser96 on June 19, 2013, 08:11:07 PM
Even Microsoft can not stand up to angry Internetterians... Internetters... Inter... angry gamers and/or other customers.

On the subject of gaming, can anybody recommend any good games for the 3DS? I've been thinking of getting one for a while, but I'm not sure what games I should get.
Pokemon would be the most obvious one for me, although that's preference.
Animal Crossing is great if  you've never played it.
Phoenix Wright games are also great, however there's none out for 3DS yet.
Other than those three, I'd say:

  • Kid Icarus
  • Bit.Trip saga
  • LoZ:OoT
  • Actually, any Legend of Zelda game :P
  • Scribblenauts (although it was quite short)
I don't really know what else.