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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Quote from: MetroidMst on September 14, 2010, 10:05:16 PMAnother thing is I learned the theme to Mario Bros on my guitar today. Pretty simple, but now I have something I can pull out at any time and almost everyone will recognize it.
I was literally going to do that today... until I took a nap...


I think i might be a murderous socio-psychopath.
Is this my true calling?
Naturally, I am ofcourse imbued with morality and such.
So I therefore would only attack the unworthy (unworthy being rapists and murderers that destroy families and lives).
Sorta like a bounty hunter.
This is not a joke post.
There is no jest.
I'm dead serious.
God help me.




If you're serious, be sure to stop by my home town.  I can get you a list of scumbags that I'd happily have hear their final Mantra.


DM, you remind me a lot of a friend of mine right there, actually. Except he's adamantly Agnostic. ;)



Get this guy a DeathNote STAT!


Yeah, because people die in the way in which DMantra would describe, and have you seen his entries in the dreams topic lately? :grin:


Bump. I have a few images of Bloodsonic awesome:


<- this one is mine


Awww, the last pic is in violation... FUCK YEA.


All pics moved or deleted for me.


Fix has been made. I didn't hold onto the Chinatown one for whatever reason, though. =(

Ironically, they chose to delete an image depicting a video game and they totally passed over one with fascist symbolism in it...


Now the spoilers be doin' nuffink... :O_o:


So I finished Elfen Lied yesterday. It was pretty good, but it didn't live up to the intro scene.  That opening segment totally got me all hyped up, and it ended up being nothing like I was expecting. So I guess thats probably why I ended up not liking it as much as I should have.... oh well, cool concept at least.


I actually watched that fairly recently too - probably three months ago - and felt exactly the same.  It's a serious contender for best opening ever, yet the episodes seem to trail the violence off, ending up in some weird, mushy, happily-ever-after style ending.


Stayed up the past three nights until about 2:00AM writing out tabs. Trying to get my mind of reworking another stupid tileset, as that is my most hated task in hacking right now.


Quote from: MetroidMst on September 20, 2010, 05:49:05 PMTrying to get my mind of reworking another stupid tileset, as that is my most hated task in hacking right now.
Agreed. :T_T: Of course, I've found that I have horrible palette managing skills so that might be why I despise it. In other news, I'm heading to a natural spring this saturday.Should be great with the weather we've had that past few days here in Fl.


Palleting I can do. I always liked messing with colors. Just the sheer boredom of after making, ripping, and adjusting tiles in TLP to then plug them in by a forth in SMILE is just soul crushing.


So, I finally got my driver's license today.  All I need now is a car, then I am finally free in "real life".  Hackingwise, I hope to find time to get back to Super Mission, but the school year sucks for that.


Quote from: Phazar on September 22, 2010, 05:29:41 PMbut the school year sucks for that.
lol, sounds like me last year. Four AP classes wasn't fun. Which is why, senior year, I'm takin' it easy. :D


This is my senior year, and I care more about my "executive council" duties than the actual education most of the time.

Hiroshi Mishima

So more problems for me, it seems.. as if I didn't have enough already.

The other day I had just finished having a filling dinner at home, and I was idly getting a little something out from between my back molars (couldn't manage it with my tongue) and I felt something rough. Figured it was just a bit of food, scraped a little. Felt weird, kinda grainy. I see my finger has some blood on it. Next thing I know, I'm in pain and I can now feel a sharp edge kinda spot with my tongue. Turns out I now have a "hole/cavity/whatever" in said upper backside molar.

Oh joy, this can go with that one I have in my upper right side canine. In a bit of irony, it's the mirror side tooth that I had a root canal done for years ago (that was a cracked tooth). In fact, looking at the tooth in the mirror today, the break on this new molar actually matches the small break in the crown they put on my other tooth. It was flawed and a piece broke off but I couldn't afford to have it really fixed so they just smoothed it down.

Well, I just spent several hours at a dentist's office to learn that I basically wasted my whole morning. They do an x-ray and then say that the're not set up to really handle adults (although I was told otherwise originally) and I'll have to go all the fraking way down to San Diego. Which also basically defeats the whole point of having located a dentist that was closer. Not only that, but the dentist said there could possibly be nerve damage and that I may need another root canal. But that's not the best bit. My insurance won't cover root canals, and if it comes down to it, I may have to have the tooth pulled altogether.

Oh boy! Just what I ALWAYS wanted! A large gaping hole in the middle of my teeth that'll drive my Tourettes (and tongue) mad and never give me a moment's peace as the teeth on the other side start to slowly migrate as a result of the suddenly more room. Hell, maybe that means the wisdom tooth will come in and take it's place after they both move downwards... *sigh*

I'm poor, unemployed, apparently not unhealthy enough to qualify for SSI (though I'm still looking into that), and I've got a plethora of health issues which are bad enough to make my life miserable, but apparently not interesting enough to make anyone give a damn. My computer is ever so slowly breaking down and I find new problems every so often.. such as my speakers now only sometimes working on all sides. I can't find work to save my life and the job I WAS told I might get is probably not going to happen (or at least not any time soon). Diabetes Type II, Tourette Syndrome, occasional Asthma, headaches, back problems, jaw problems...

I'm such a lucky, lucky person. I must be, because despite all the physical problems I have, at least I still have a place to live and cats to pet. I just hope THAT lasts, at least...

EDIT: I realize I am basically just complaining and saying stuff I may have said before. But by gods, at least it makes me feel a tiny bit better to say it to someone.


Don't worry about grumbling.  The internet, and its (mostly) unknown users are just as good as anything else for letting off steam to. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on September 23, 2010, 03:12:59 PM
Don't worry about grumbling.  The internet, and its (mostly) unknown users are just as good as anything else for letting off steam to. :^_^:
Provided it's community who hears you out and won't flame/troll/bash you.


Damn That's sucks Hiroshi.
A Year Ago,I had to get 3 teeth pulled. oh boy what A day.