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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Quote from: red_jenpuren on December 02, 2009, 11:40:04 AMWe were playing a nice competitive game of chess on mine and uNs channel, #chess.  Come around sometime! :D
You mean to tell me the day after I remove that channel from my auto-join list because nobody's been in it for months people start coming back?


I'm not sure why Festivus was changed.  I wouldn't say it's any better or worse than before, but it certainly strays from what I thought it was about, which was genuine issues with the person above, no matter how small or serious it may be.  Weird.

This year just seems to be completely made up randomness.

On to actual news(ish): I was offered a qualification with no strings recently, so I thought what-the-heck, finished in three months, and now have an NVQ Level 3 in Business and Administration.  Doesn't actually mean a lot, but it looks great on a C.V., and that's all that counts. :^_^:



The new pen nibs I ordered a while back for my tablet arrived today. That means I can get back on track with the digital arts. Hell yeah.


Hmmm, let's see...

-AP Homework is slamming now days. ;_;
-Gotta read a new like every two-three weeks... and I can never find the motivation to read.
-We already have our tree and decorations for Christmas up. Actually, we have since the 1st.
-And I change classes within the next few weeks.
-Learning how to play Carol of the Bells by Transiberian Orchestra.

Typical life of a high school kid.

Silver Skree

[spoiler=made this because I was bored and tired of ambiguity around my character's backstory][/spoiler]

I'm really glad I kept that early sketch Bloods showed me :huzzah:


Hmm. If you needed it though, it would always still exist in my photobucket. So asking would have worked if you lost it.  :razz:

Also, cool. Not a lot of people go that far with making sense of their internet handles. I sure know I don't.


I don't need to make sense of my internet handle. People just tend to... find out.

Also, I wouldn't call it "making sense of one's handle", I'd call it "self-fanfic"


Um, Zhs2, I can't wait for your next fanfics. =D


The pic explains itself.
I didn't do shit either. :<_<:

[attachment deleted by admin]


unbanned in 2037?! What kind of rules do those morons go by?!


So two bacteria walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve bacteria here." One of the bacteria replies, "It's ok, we work here. We're staff."


I didn't get the joke, and I don't want to be the one to post a picture of a cake for you. What to do, what to do?

How about...



So there's these two mischievous boys.
Their mother always gets phone calls from neighbours complaining about the boys most recent stunts and schemes.
Throwing eggs at houses, stealing lawn gnomes, painting their pets fur, etc. The mother doesn't know what to do.
She can't seem to handle or discipline her two young sons.

So she goes to Church one sunday and pleas with the pastor.
"I've got these two boys and they're up to no good.. Can you help them?"
"Of coarse. They just need to find Jesus and they will be good boys. How old are they?" he responded.
"One is twelve and the other is nine" she said.
"Send me the youngest one first, I'll teach him the ways of God."

The mother takes her youngest son to meet the pastor.
The pastor kneels down face to face with the little boy and asks "Have you found God?"
The boy doesn't reply.
He repeats himself, more deeply now "Have you found God?"
The boy doesn't reply.
He stares deep into the boys eyes, his voice fire and brimstone now. "Have you found GOD?!"
The boy shrieks and runs out of the church, down the street and all the way home.
He runs upstairs to his bedroom and hides under the covers.

The older brother finds him and asks "What's wrong?"
The younger brother replies "God is missing and they think we did it!"


That's a good one. =P And thanks Zhs2! ^_^

Ona side note, why is my name purple and not white anymore?


Purple because its your BIRTHDAY! :DDDDDDDDDDDD

I helped myself! :P


Is that... ketchup..?

Happy birthday, person!


Google searched for strawberry cake... I sure as hell hope its not Ketchup! :O


That looks like a damn good cake, squigo.


Quote from: person701
Ona side note, why is my name purple and not white anymore?
Quote from: Zhs2
(i.e. it's a forum mod I installed that tattletales on you get the picture :^_^:)


Happy Birthday Person!!!!


* person701 pretends the above picture doesn't exist. O_O

Well, it's been a good b-day. Thanks everyone! My actual party is Saturday so it's not over yet. =D




Can you pay for my ticket



So, this morning I overslept. Big deal, right? Except I was freaking out because I had a 75 point quiz to take today. I ended up missing everything but the quiz. And the teacher glared at me while I proceeded to tell her that I did indeed screw up and accidentally turned off my alarm. >_< Lucky stroke nonetheless...