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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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That's great, DMan. I known people who have been through differing degrees of it, and they all said the same thing in one way or another: It's a bitch, and it's hard as hell, but it IS worth it. Good luck going forward. :^_^:

Oh, and happy birthday! :cheers:


Sounds like an awesome birthday present to yourself. Keep up the good work! :D


Happy belated birthday DMan! Hope everything goes well for you in the future, I know it's hard to keep sober sometimes for me.


So, I was working on a song for the hit new metroid fangame, The Lost Awakening of Civilization, and I was curious what you guy's thought about it:
I totally didn't just take the song that Hackmi was using, that was made by 'Music guy' and slowed it down by like... 25%, I totally deserve credit for this guys...

Does it sound Metroid-y to you? Thoughts? Opinions? Options? Advice? Donations? Feedback? Send them my way!


Yeah, I'd say it fits, but it strikes me as more like the sort of music that would play over an introductory sequence rather than during play.


So some thunder storms and high wind damage from an almost-but-not-quite-tornado caused the power to go out in the entire region I live in. I have been without power (and internet) for almost 3 whole days... :bounce:
And now it's back.

Hello World.


We had a cool lightning storm the other night. I couldn't see any actual forks, but the clouds were lit up like a firework display for a solid half hour. Good viewing. :^_^:


No thunder here, but I did get a summer job as an early-morning mail delivery man! :grin:
I have training tonight and tomorrow night, and my first real delivery during the Saturday night.


At least if it's early mornings, you should be finished nice and early too, right?


Good news and bad news.

Good news, I've done my first delivery now. The start was a total disaster; my electronic key to a warehouse wasn't activated, they forgot to give me the login info for my delivery book, and someone put the wrong set of keys in the bag, so I couldn't get inside the buildings to deliver the papers. Also, the printing press was late.
I did eventually get to actually delivering things, and it went pretty well. My left arm is completely broken though. Newspapers are heavy man.

Bad news...
one of my cats died earlier today. Probably got hit by a car some time ago, broke a bone and it got infected. He was perfectly fine a week ago, so this was rather sudden.

[spoiler=Rest in peace, Brutus, 2012-2017]

Steel Sparkle

I know the feeling of losing a cat SMILEUser. Mine passed away at the start of the year. It was terrible and i can only imagine what you are going through. Anyways sorry to hear what happened to your cat. I hope you feel better as soon as possible.


It's always horrible to lose a pet, as they're a proper member of the family. Remember the good times, and smile. :^_^:


Been away from the forums and hacking for quite awhile, and will probably be away from hacking until I graduate from college. A year ago I decided to switch my college major to Art and Technology and found that it's what I've been looking for my entire college career. Being in this new major has allowed me to meet all sorts of fantastic people and friends, and one of the art pieces I have created actually earned me an all-expenses-paid trip to Ottawa, Canada back in October.

I decided around January that I am going to do my best to become a highly skilled artist and more specifically, I want to work as a concept artist and 3D environment modeller. I'm about to get more involved with digital painting and 3d modelling in Maya and 3ds Max here very soon. I plan to start livestreaming them on my Twitch Channel and will also post them on my YouTube Channel afterwards. I also do daily sketches and other artwork and post them on my instagram

Samples of my more popular artwork from my Instagram:



Additionally, as some of you know/remember, I made a massive Super Nintendo Controller wire sculpture. On the first of April, I finally sold it for $350. This marked my very first, serious art sale :D


I like the trees and rocks picture. I always love art depicting nature. Good luck with your new course! :^_^:

Speaking of change, the company I was working for decided to make me redundant a little while back. I got a nice £8,300 redundancy payout (it's high because I'd been there over twelve years). After being out of work for all of six days, I'm moving to a completely different industry, with a pay increase to boot. Jokes on you, suckers! :grin:


Which also means you'll have more time to hack Metroid?


Ha, I wish. I'll be doing the same hours as before, so no extra, and with our new puppy, probably less. :heheh:

My hack progresses at the same snail's pace as always, but I suppose progress is progress, right?

Steel Sparkle

It's Fathers day! not a real fan of it seeing as people treat it more like a second B-day rather than how it was intended. its kinda annoying honestly.


In case you missed it, Nintendo just revealed the which has 21 games and comes with Star Fox 2 and two controllers and also Super Metroid, all for only $79.99, releases September 29 this year.

Pics: [spoiler] [/spoiler]


My reaction was pretty much the same as with the NES. If it wasnt' restricted on games, I'd be interested.


Well on the NESC, you could add more games with a program, and I hope that it is also possible to do so with the SNESC, hopefully within this year.

Steel Sparkle


Quote from: Quietus on June 27, 2017, 06:49:48 PM
My reaction was pretty much the same as with the NES. If it wasnt' restricted on games, I'd be interested.
In my opinion it's a lame emulation substitute, when i pay for hardware, it gotta be the original. And you can play real cartridges legit. And the insanely expensive ones may be emulated (may i say that?  :eyeroll:).

Some sweet thing was when yesterday my stepson woke me up humming one of my self composed NEStroid tracks. :cheers:


Ah, but how do you know that he wasn't already humming the tune, and he inspired you to write the song? Mind = blown! :heheh:


Quote from: Quietus on June 29, 2017, 04:44:11 PM
Ah, but how do you know that he wasn't already humming the tune, and he inspired you to write the song? Mind = blown! :heheh:
Ha!  :lol: If i hadn't get to know him after i composed this tune, i couldn't be sure, but this way i am.
But in the end i think nearly every composition lended ideas. It's about the way you construct new things about all those influences.
