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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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The only answer to all of that is to fire your boss!  Find a way to be your own boss! 


Which is fine until you realise that your employee is a lazy bum. :grin:


I've been playing a fair amount of For Honor since it's come out, it's pretty fun. Maining Shugoki, who is pretty challenging to get good with, but I'm learning one fight at a time. He has some neat things that make him really unique to play, but I think his kit needs some tweaking. His grab move can instakill if you have low hp, that just seems a bit much to me.... (it can be hard to get off though, and is easily punished) Also, bleed procs his uninterruptible stance, which makes fighting Nobushi and Peacekeepers really bullshit to fight, since hyper armor is one of the few things Shugoki has going for him. He's a beast in dominion mode though, with his bullshit charge that knocks enemies off ledges, and his grab, and his unblockable attack that does a shitton of damage.

Here's a clip I recorded that showcases said bullshit grab (not the reason I recorded it tho)

I've never been into fighting games, but this game has a lot of mechanics that fighting games have, and it's pretty enjoyable. Ubisoft servers suck tho, just saying.

Steel Sparkle

not sure why i never brought this up earlier when it actually happened but im an uncle now.


Hehe, cool. I think I'm up to about 18 of the blighters now. :grin:

Vismund Cygnus

So, it finally happened. Good Internet is mine.

Now I just have to figure out a Dropbox alternative for Room of the Week. Imgur is convenient, but doesn't have folders. I do like having folders. Any ideas anyone?

Zero One

Imgur has albums. They'll probably work as a folder substitute.


Today in the land of silly stuff, I went to the post office to send Glitch his award for winning the winter contest. Our local little place used to be open on Saturday only after 12:30. That apparently changed because now they are only open until 11:30. So RIP sending out the thing this weekend.


It's clearly more helpful to the public for them to close earlier, what with them being a public service and all that. :neutral:


"This entry has been rejected due to [...] lack of notability"
Scrubs, he is the lord of the seven shaktools, king of bubbles and the first shy guys, pharaoh of the realm. Brace yourself, Fear is coming !


MST doesn't have enough street cred to be on Know Your Meme, plus he isn't even a meme. He's not meme enough to be on there.


Ponch confirmed upset being deemed out-memed.

I feel like I'm swamping myself with hobbies, activities, and projects and my time management is horrible. I need to figure something out before this gets even more out of hand. :x

Vismund Cygnus

I don't even get a purple name, this role is a joke. I want a refund.

In other words, I'm now a big enough boy to go to the States and get #crunk #yolo. Assuming I'd ever want to visit Loompaland.


Are you saying you'd like us to refer to you as 'Violet'? :^_^:


Quote from: Miranda Gemini on April 06, 2017, 02:23:03 AM
Assuming I'd ever want to visit Loompaland.

Who says you're invited? You just keep playing with your clock spiders and your kangaroos.

Steel Sparkle

Easter is about here. anyone doing anything tomorrow?


Yup, it's always nice with a long weekend, but this one is four days off work, so we've been cathing up on lots of stuff round the house, and visiting folks. Tomorrow is nan, parents, then home for a meal with grandad. :^_^:

Steel Sparkle


Recently I've been playing through the 2016 DOOM.  A friend of mine challenged me to play it on Nightmare, and holy shit the game has been kicking my ass all the way through.  But it just wouldn't do to let the demons win, now would it?  I finally finished it this evening.  Feels pretty satisfying.

And what better way to celebrate than to claim my first missile pack :yay:


I enjoyed the new Doom. It wasn't traditional, but different was good in this case. The only let-down for me was the recycling of rooms, which became evident fairly early in the game. If it was truly unique content, I'd probably play it more, especially with the accessibility of the community content.

Zero One

I loved DOOM 2016; thought it was great. Didn't touch it for a while, but I went back to it recently, and the new Arcade mode is a ton of fun, and some of the user-created maps are very interesting, especially in the Puzzle section. Haven't tried out the multiplayer yet, though I have heard it's been improved since the initial release.


Saw this and wondered if anyone made any holiday themed Metroid NES hacks.


Got some things for winning some random contest with a crappy entry.
Image is massive for whatever reason.


Excellent. Well done, Cpt.Glitch. :^_^:


Just had my 31st, which also marked six months sober. feels good to take my life back.