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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Quote from: Malpercio on December 10, 2012, 12:31:50 PM
I don't want a PS3 for any game, ever.

Also, I've been on a Fire Emblem thing hard enough to inspire hacking.
The first thing I did was hack Eliwood's growth rates to the point of ridiculousness before I started his campaign
Later on, I still got quadded by an enemy Hero with a brave sword, for 11 damage a hit, at a 50% hit rate, for a total of 44 damage and a one turn kill. wat.

I want a PS3 for this game... and the Uncharted series. And that's about it.

Zero One

Bah. Uncharted is terrible. I can't stand Uncharted 2.


I loved Uncharted.  To me, it wasn't so much a game as a playable movie.  It gave me a real sense of being somebody like Indiana Jones on a world-spanning adventure.


Finally home from college for Christmas break, so you'll start seeing me in #metconst more often now.


Here's to wishing everyone happy holidays and a happy (early) new year. :^_^:


Yeah, Merry Christmas, everybody. :glomp:


Merry Christmas peoplez, see you next year !!!! :cheers:


Merry Chirstmas ever'one! See you next (mission) year.


Merry Christmas Metroid Constructors :D


Mega64: AN EVE of GIVING 2012 (Xmas Podcast Highlights)

Merry Christmas and a happy new year from Mega64. Preferrably watch this over dinner.


I am most disappointed in this stupid "storm" we got. All week, it was supposed to be 8-10 inches of snow, then it was 6-8 inches, then back to 8-10 inches. It came. It left us with 2 inches. (That's what she said.) I WANT SNOW!

However, I guess I shouldn't be too upset. This already tops the non-existent winter we had here last year. (Seriously, already almost have the same accumulation as last winter all together.) I still want snow though. Supposed to be a blizzard today, and it just came down as freezing rain. SNOW ALREADY! A little to the north got 13 inches of snow. And I mean a little. Somehow, 11 inches didn't make it 2 miles south of that...



In my corner of France with havn't snow anymore :'(


I'd love snow every year, but we rarely get it.  This year we're just having rain upon rain.  When we walked the dog earlier, the local council workers have been out digging trenches to take the water away from local parks back into the streams and rivers.  Local wooded areas are now like swamps.  Water, water, everywhere.


You want snow Mst? I haven't seen it/physically been around snow in 16 years and I enjoyed the stuff. Florida. \(=_=)/


I don't like Florida for that reason. And that it is next to the ocean. I hate oceans. Oceans are nasty. And it gets too hot there too often. It gets too hot here as well, but it isn't as bad.

I should move to Greenland.


I remember one of my trips to Florida: There was a massive rain storm, and we were in a taxi on our way back to our hotel.  You could barely see five metres in front of the car.  Our driver said "Have you been to MGM?" (at the time it was MGM)  We said we had.  He said "You know the Tower of Terror?"  We said we did.  He said "Well, this is the car of terror", and he laughed.  Yeah, that filled us with confidence. :O_o:


wow mst, you should take some of our 20 inches of snow up here in Canada. This is only the start of winter too.


New Years Resolutions. GO!

Quit Drinking, smoke less, swim 3-5 times a week, less stress.


Get rid of this fucking cold.


New resolution : turn the page, face the future and new opportunities. Also less coca-cola  :lol:


To stop biting my damned nails (been my resolution for about 15 years, so I doubt this will stick!), and to be more enthusiastic about life: apathy is not a good lifestyle choice. :<_<:


Exercise more. Make some money. Don't get any bad grades. Also: finish Penguin in Hell, add online support to Counter Bunny.

I was going to run for a while this morning, but I didn't. Scratch that resolution...


Quote from: SMILEuser96 on January 02, 2013, 01:56:32 PMExercise more.
Too much exercise reminds me of Fusion...
[spoiler]I can't hack it. :heheh:[/spoiler]


resolutions are for people with problems.

I should say i want to quit smoking or something but i dont wanna