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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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My teacher told me to make a looping animation that synched with a beat of a song. But he told me i had to make the song on my own too :/ i threw this together.


It would probably work just as well without the white circle thingies.

I like the two-legged things. :^_^:


Also, the anniversairy of Columbine massacre.
Also, cannabis day.
ALSO, it was the Day of Silence, which was really difficult for me to follow through with, but I did~


only one of those is worth celebrating. HAPPY 4/20


4/21/12: Happy birthday to me

4/22/12 early morning hours
[01:48] <Malpercio> Irritatingly enough
[01:48] <Malpercio> gmail finally forced the update to their "new style"
[01:48] <Malpercio> which I absolutely hate
[01:48] <Malpercio> but they're not even offering the choice to revert anymore
[01:49] <Malpercio> And it's completely destroyed the green-on-black terminal theme I was using
[01:50] <Malpercio> now it's just a black background with the only thing indicating it to be the Terminal theme mostly covered by the gmail logo anyway, while the rest of it is whatever the fuck color scheme they want
[01:50] * Malpercio sigh
[01:51] <Malpercio> it's also a lot more inflated and fucking uses icons instead of words
[01:51] <Malpercio> which is another peeve of mine. It makes sense in some contexts, but when EVERYTHING ELSE onscreen uses text, use text for your fucking UI buttons.
[01:52] * Malpercio gonna quit ranting now, it's not going to help anything.


Try setting it to use text instead of icons. Also try using the compact view. Two-thirds of your problems solved in the settings, just like that.


One third. Already on compact. Some things, and before I switched to text, the buttons too, are still just bigger than they were.

Even better would be an option to go back to the old style, which I know I asked for every time I sent feedback, together with complaints along the line of "no, this sucks, lemme keep what I have now please"
But apparently they're saying no to that.


I wouldn't mind the new layout if I could only change the colours. The new layout hurts my eyes and I can't find themes.


Settings button again.

Too bad that, like I said, it breaks the Terminal theme if nothing else.
The green on black was quite nice, bright and readable without being painfully so


How odd, I logged in to Gmail to show the lack of a themes option in settings (clicking the gear) and it now is on the light grey theme. It's now much more readable and doesn't hurt my eyes. :cheers:



Sadly, the same can not be said for your web browser. I feel like some of my ocular regions died from looking at all of the lime green. :sad:

fucking pagebreak



But there's better colors than that particular shade.


Pffft, no way, Mon's colours looks amazing. :3

I would so ask for it... but my browser is already pony themed.

Anyhow, you know googles new cloud storage service? Yeah, read the therms of use before using it...


FIM off-season? Back to not being a brony~

In other news, I got surprised today when I went in to work that I was off today and the tomorrow, for a total of four days off in a row! Apparently my area supervisor can't read a schedule when I call and ask. I'm not complaining though~ :P


Quote from: Crys on April 25, 2012, 07:45:07 AM
Pffft, no way, Mon's colours looks amazing. :3

I would so ask for it... but my browser is already pony themed.

Anyhow, you know googles new cloud storage service? Yeah, read the therms of use before using it...
i'm surprised by this, yet i should have expected it.
at least Dropbox doesn't do this.  :^_^:


Dropbox is entirely file storage, and can't afford to piss it's users off like that
Microsoft already gets enough of your money from $100+ each copies of windows OS's and MS Office and such
Google, on the other hand...


Nice to see you all again. I had problems with my ISP...


So today is mah birthday. I'm turning 21. Good lord how time flies.  :whoa:


Quote from: Borderjumper67 on May 10, 2012, 03:25:57 AM
So today is mah birthday. I'm turning 21. Good lord how time flies.  :whoa:

Happy birthday bro! I'm 21 too xD


Been 21 for seven months now. Ain't regretted it since. Happy birthday, bro.


Turned 26 on the 5th, still don't feel any older than 21.
Me and Mrs. Mantra decided to go to chucky cheese for the hell of it.
Ended up being pretty fun, except for the lineup of kids for the funnest games.
We ended up giving all our tickets to some little girl and left.

Found a used GameCube at willow for 20$ so I've been heavy into MP1/MP2/RE4/Wind Waker again.

Tomorrow is my 5 year anniversary with the lady so I've gotta think of something nice.

The whole families back from Mexico (about 18 miles from Cancun), they still wish I would have went.
I'm just not a big fan of 200+ people for a wedding (many of them are posh millionaires which leaves little discussion I could have with them before getting berated for being on disability). I'm glad I didn't go. My vacation was no family drama for a week, really couldn't ask for more.


I wake up to see silly zozo spamming our forum again! Silly zozo, Yu-Gi-Oh is 4kids~
Also, I deleted it.


Last week of school. finally i see the metroid themed light at the end of the tunnel.


I've still got ~3 weeks of school, but my last test (biology) is tomorrow, after which we don't really do much, maybe watch some movies and so on.
Going to high school after the summer. Yay?