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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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THE Purple Helmet

I couldnt help but notice that there is no talk today in the talk of the day so I will share some thoughts that came to me while playing with my son.

He's a smart kiddo he is and big for his age to boot. At 2 1/2, I give the clothes he outgrows to the 4 year old next door. He walks, he talks and like all children is just as much an individual as anyone. Despite how some parents think, children are not lesser people simply because they are young, they just havent traveled far down their life's paths and are much shorter than adults. That is the thought that led me to notice how similar children are to midgets! In a short rant I could only list just a few of the wonderful uses of a midget and thus begins my propaganda!

Much like the computer, we need to push for a midget in every home! Midgets are fantastic! They are always good candidates to check for lost items under the bed, make a great footstool and are an excellent source of entertainment in general! Have you ever seen a midget hold a door open for someone? How about a midget at the local gym using the treadmill? A midget lifting weights? What about a midget riding a bicycle? You havent lived until you've seen an angry midget! There is just something magical about these everyday situations when a midget is involved!

Should you become the proud owner of a midget, there are a few warnings you should heed. Under no circumstances should you take your midget hiking with you. What are they gonna do - climb up some pebbles? It is better to bring a knife to a gunfight than to bring a midget to any fight. On the other hand, a midget with a gun, while not a scary as a regular person with a gun, will suffice in a minor conflict. Your midget will not perform well when cooking on a stovetop or doing dishes in the sink although either task performed by a midget with a stepping stool falls back into the entertainment category. Lastly, if you decide to fuck your midget, make sure and use some sort of birth control. You dont want half midget children because no one like an under 5" non-midget and they will probably just end up in a carnival somewhere anyways.

If there are any midgets who are offended out there, please send us a full bodied picture of you with your angry face - it's hilarious


That post was sizecist-tinted.

Hiroshi Mishima

Wow, Silver, is that your brother? He looks like he could be your dad! :p

And argh, I am so envious of you right now! I can barely believe you got to go and meet Nobuo Uematsu in person. D:

And in slight response to something Purple Helmet said.. I've always been of the mind that many children aren't less intelligent than adults, they're just less experienced. It's fascinating to talk to someone between the ages of 5-15 about various things and get their reaction to it. Like my cousin, for example: His whole life, he's never been scared of things like death, and in fact didn't need the concepts of life and death explained to him. He'd already figured it out on his own at some point; no one's quite sure where, we think he might've had some past lives.

But it isn't just him. I've met younger people, and that's really what they are, who take situations or ideas we adults seem to struggle with, and they have such simple ideas and solutions that, when you stop to think about it, baffles you as to why the adults bitching about it can't see these as either valid (or even think them at all). I really believe too many people take children for granted and try to talk down to them, when really, it's just fucking with them and it isn't very nice.

Look at the shows and cartoons from the 70's and 80's, for instance. We had stuff like Scooby Doo, Transformers, and GI Jo which were rather simple, but didn't pander or condescend to children. I think that is one reason why so many adults enjoyed such shows. Land of the Lost (the original), Leave It To Beaver, H.R. Pufnstuf.. these were all very different shows, but they were also aimed at children and while LITB DID sometimes dumb things down a bit, I think that was merely cause they didn't know how else to present the material. LotL had genuinely disturbing and frightening scenes that, if anything, tended to scare adults as much as the children! Likewise, Pufnstuf was fairly nonsensical, but in a fairly playful and innocent way. It almost seemed to encourage looking at things in a different way.

What do we typically have today? Well, we tend to run into two types of programs. Ones that make absolutely no flipping sense and are just there to be as gross as possible.. like much of Cartoon Network's programming these days. And then you have the kind that talk to children like they're idiots and don't know anything.. like Dora the Explorer (which does less to teach Spanish and sounds more like casual conversation from what I've seen IRL), Wonder Pets, and Barney the Dinosaur. And to be honest, having put up with Barney in the 90's, I can say the newer Barney is even worse, and doesn't even follow the rules the older show set up.

Of course, we also get the variety of shows and cartoons which, while clearly being aimed towards children, don't seem like the kinda shows you'd want your children to watch. Like that "New Looney Toons Show" which makes Daffy seem like he's on drugs. Or that "Regular Show", which I'd never let my kid watch for fear he'd start acting like they do. And don't get me started on "Adventure Time" which feels like someone took an Adult Swim show and stuck it in the afternoon slot.

Ah well.. I feel less like I'm talking about children and more about the quality of TV today, but I'm really still trying to talk about children. We don't give a lot of them the credit they deserve. I realize there's plenty of fucked up little SoBs out there, just play a game of Halo online and you'll find them. But for all the little sods you meet or see out in public, there's plenty who are paying attention to what's going on around them and wonder why WE (that is, adults) are so messed up. Considering I ask myself that question from time to time, I can't fault them for that. It sometimes feels like kids show more common sense than adults do, at times. And that's just.. kinda sad.


When it comes to TV, Charlie Brooker is a genius.  I suggest watching the whole series.   :wink:
How TV Ruined Your Life - s01e01 (Part 1 of 2)

Hiroshi Mishima

I remember watching him .. what was it, last year? I was impressed with his stuff.


So my birthday was Cinco de Mayo. Quarter century.
Got a toaster oven, new pillows and a blanket.
That should make my life better.

Been working on Eris lots lately. Fixing stuff, making things flow better, etc.
I'd work on a new hack but when I'm bored it's either gaming or touching up rooms.
Nothing exciting but if you liked it, you'll like it more? No V.2 date set.

/talk of the day

Hiroshi Mishima

Sounds like you had a good time, then? Belated happy birthday, as well.

And as I've yet to actually finish Eris, but did enjoy what I'd seen of both my and Icy's playing. So if you're doing more to improve upon it, that can't be a bad thing. I heard you did a soundtrack based upon it, which she said she'd send me the zip for later. I can't wait to hear it.

THE Purple Helmet

@ Hiroshi: my theory is that as we become afflicted by life in its various ways, we become less in tune or more corrupted to the essence of life hence why children and the young in general seem to have natural insights that adults have more difficulty accepting. As we gain sympathy we lose empathy. It's like our experiences become a veil over our eyes (at least to some)

crashtour's post in the youtube topic is worth a look! I lol'd

Why don't more people post in the Anime topic?

The child board was a fantastic idea

It will be forever before I contribute anything to the community because I work 60+ hours/week, I am still learning stuff about SMILE, I have restarted my experimental project at least 5 times and somehow I don't have anything that probably wouldnt end in the child board for now

/talk of the day?


Quote from: The Purple HelmetThe child board was a fantastic idea
Quote from: IRCMay 09 19:16:59 <Zhs2> New rule: If Flamestar feels compelled to post in your topic, it goes in the "i just found SMILE" board

QuoteWhy don't more people post in the Anime topic?
Probably because it hasn't been bumped for a while.


Quote from: Zhs2 on May 10, 2011, 01:36:01 AM
Quote from: The Purple HelmetThe child board was a fantastic idea
Quote from: IRCMay 09 19:16:59 <Zhs2> New rule: If Flamestar feels compelled to post in your topic, it goes in the "i just found SMILE" board

I think it's actually a bit of a piss-take.  I know it's frustrating when we see new members / hackers doing it, but calling them twats, calling their work crap, and trying to make them look like idiots can only damage the community.  We're small enough as it is, and the more hackers we have the better.  This whole flaming crap has already caused us to lose people - some more prominent than others - and it doesn't seem to be abating.



I don't think the super metroid forum had enough activity as it was to justify a board split up, call back when active topics reach the second page. :p


If anything the child board could be made into something a little less humiliating. Could be something along the lines of a "first hack" board where hackers could post their first early work for some feedback from us should we choose to look at it. Then when it has a solid base and we're sure they're serious about it or they release a decent hack, then they can have the priviledge of posting in the main Super Metroid board.


That's a weird perspective as well though, some of the more well respected hackers have never actually released anything. :p


Pfft, why release stuff when you can just sit on a mountain of talent and not use it. :D


True, but we also know they're serious about hacking and their entries are infinitely more respectable than some newer members who haven't been around very long.


I dunno, some people just came out of nowhere and showed super special awesome stuff... then again, it will most likely take aegis before any of those awesome things get done, but the impact they left from the first moment they where seen can't be described as anything but awesome.

Plus, I have still yet to hear any good justification for the extra forum other then "we don't want to have these low class hacks next to ours." Having the super metroid hacking split up over two fora is just inconvenient.


For anybody coming in with clear talent, it'd just be a case of moving it straight away, I guess.


Ultimately it would be preferable to have just one board. But if the second board is here to stay my suggestion is just to make it so we can comment based on their early work, without being overly mean, and go on from there. When they get good enough and recieve enough recognition then they can get on the regular board.


Topics get moved there, not the other way around. The board is set to reply only, and people who make topics that are truly that bad are the ones who get their stuff placed inside. Sort of like a museum for the ones that don't quite make the mark for "I was wise enough to work on my stuff until I had at least 4 rooms finished before I posted a topic."

Quote from: QuietusI think it's actually a bit of a piss-take.  I know it's frustrating when we see new members / hackers doing it, but calling them twats, calling their work crap, and trying to make them look like idiots can only damage the community.
Funnily enough, most of the topics in it don't involve name calling and maybe comments of "I bet this guy won't ever show up here again" which I'm sure is pretty bad and doesn't warrant a post regardless, but nothing worse. The topic that sparked the idea of this new board had plenty of valid criticism in it. I wouldn't stand for anything else.


I don't agree with the notion that a board for newcomers is inherently denigrating, insulting, or anything of the sort. We've already had insulting, "elitist" posts with out the new board.  I do think it would be best if the newb board had a more constructive title. If somebody creates an unwarranted thread, you can make the point without being generally discouraging.

The atmosphere of the new board will depend on those who reply to the threads. I don't think there's anything wrong with acknowledging that somebody's very first work isn't grade-A material. I'm more likely to view a topic in the "newbie board" as "hey I'm learning to hack" rather than "I just picked up SMILE and I fully intend to make the greatest hack ever", and I think people will generally reply accordingly.

Apparently the board will be reply-only. If newcomers could make a thread there, the fact that they could differentiate between one's first tinkering and a well thought out hack (which requires some experience) would go a long way with me.


Quote from: snarfblam on May 10, 2011, 02:45:59 PM
I don't agree with the notion that a board for newcomers is inherently denigrating, insulting, or anything of the sort. I do think it would be best if the newb board had a more constructive title.
I support both of these statements with full heart. The name isn't exactly welcoming to say the least. To say the most, my first impression was "whoever did this is being as ass and I hope this is temporary." I do support the fact that people need to read more into what we want before posting a new thread about their hack however. With this, a few solutions come to mind.

  • Instead of telling content-less topic posters to provide content, outright delete the topic instead, thus ridding of the "i just found SMILE here my hack" forum. When other rules such as spamming or flamming generate an offense due to rule breaking, I believe that this should too seeing as how Rule 11 ("HAVE CONTENT READY") is in the list of Certified Forum Crimes. If this action is a little harsh, look how big the problem already is.*
  • Instead of having the "i just found SMILE heres my hack" child forum, let's flip this around where instead of this being what would relate to the ghetto, make it a prestigious forum. Here, only hacks that generate greater interest (compared to hacks currently in debate) can procure a spot and get moved here instead of lying among the countless other lackluster hack topics.
  • Or we could keep the "i just found SMILE heres my hack" child forum but make it more welcoming, warmer, and give more criticism on what to do and what not to do in their hack.

Both of these messages are much more positive than putting someone's hack topic up in the "shame board." A deletion may seem harsh, but it's the cold shoulder that may make them note that there are rules which must be followed to stay here. The second point would be a 'take it from a good example' kind of deal which will hopefully ('cause it's the internet and nothing is definite) make newcomers notice that work like that, will get praised**. Personally, what I've outlined in green is the way I'd roll with things if I were an Admin (speaking from experience of an earlier time). Sure it's extra work and you may get private messages begging you to move topics there, but if you have the power, you have it for a reason.

* - If you haven't noticed, there's a physiological effect here. One newcomer sees a topic without content, observes that we'll warn them, and then they create a topic without content and play us for warning them and not being super strict about the matter.
** - Results may vary.


I agree fully, and I wasn't going to keep the name for more than a day anyway. I guess the joke has outlived its usefulness. However, I have changed it to fit your third idea there. Technically the "Completed Stuff" board is the goal anyone should be aiming for, right? :D


Yes, that's true but we also want quality (and maybe quantity) work up there as well.


Just as Zknight7126 has recently played M2, so have I this month.
And I came to a realization (after not playing it for so long).
I'd say both M1 and M2 each had an equal amount of inspiration for SM, both in tile design, enemies and level design.
I dunno, just a fascinating thought.

Oh yeah, where is my bday cake?
I feel left out. Cast aside. Abandoned. Rejected. Ostracized. Odd man out.
Don't forget the strawberries!