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General Hack Ideas

Started by DSO, May 20, 2009, 08:41:04 PM

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Quote from: Aran;Jaeger on May 22, 2018, 06:34:11 PM
There's hacks in which one can obtain Gravity before Varia (such as Project Base, Y-Faster, Stardust, Hyper, Legacy, and surely some more) but not in all of these one is intended to do it this way (and there's some hacks that have Gravity but not Varia, such as Hangtime).
ORIGINAL: In the vanilla randomizer I've gotten the Gravity Suit early, but unfortunately it gives all of the benefits of Varia on pickup.

Just did the sequence break in Project Base to get the gravity suit first, and as I feared it too not only enables free water movement but also nullifies heat damage and applies the highest damage reduction.  I was hoping the two suits' mechanics were independently stacked, but the game seems to just override all Varia data with Gravity data.

Oh well.
EDIT: Scratch that, somebody going by the username SMILEuser96 wrote an .ASM code that makes the two suits independent.  Think I'll play around with that and the randomizer to get a feel for the idea in vanilla and PB Metroid before I go any further.


Quote from: C-Dude on May 23, 2018, 12:44:25 AM
ORIGINAL: In the vanilla randomizer I've gotten the Gravity Suit early, but unfortunately it gives all of the benefits of Varia on pickup.

Your last randomizer must have been from awhile ago, because this is no longer the case. These days, when you get Gravity first, it doesn't prevent heat damage. It'll prevent lava damage, but heated rooms will still hurt you until you get Varia, too.

Just an FYI for you before you try applying Smiley's suit patch to a randomized game (which might break it, I'm not entirely sure).


Samus Aran is stranded on a derelict Federation Colony and must survive as well as fashion a means of escaping the planet all while discovering what happened there.

Timeline Placement:
After Metroid I but before Metroid II.

2D or 3D but on a 2D plane (like in Metroid: Samus Returns)

To make a game that captures the essence of Metroid (exploration, desolation, sci-fi) while also adding in a solid story that helps flesh-out the world more without making the experience too linear or constraining.

A Metroid game with four different endings depending on what story the player chooses to have happen.

A colony on the outskirts of the galaxy named <Colony Name> on <Planet Name> has gone silent for over a month. Samus has been hired by the Galactic Federation to investigate. Probes sent to the planet have indicated that a particularly bad solar storm is occurring and it is speculated that this may be the cause for the loss of contact. However, various marines sent by the Federation to check up on the colony have not returned nor even reported in. Samus Aran's mission is to go to <Planet Name>, search for survivors, investigate the colony, and report back to the Federation on her progress.

Part 1: Arrival
Samus makes a preliminary sweep of the system from afar, not wanting her ship to fall victim to the solar storm ravaging the various planets. However, the radiation from the star is interfering with her scanners and it forces her to get closer. As she does so her ship <Inciting Event>, causing her ship extensive damage and forcing her to crash land near the colony. As she emerges from her ship she is forced to make a critical decision about what to prioritize:

  • Repair her ship: Requires 100% item collection and 100% map exploration
  • Find and repair another, less damaged ship: Requires >=50% item collection and >=50% map exploration
  • Modify the transmitter tower to call for aid: Fastest option
  • All of the above: Unlocked when you complete the game with 100% item and map exploration which unlocks the true ending (more on that later).

The player then selects essentially what her goals are (in addition to her mission which she still plans to carry out) and thereby chooses their story, more or less. Depending on what goals they select, Samus will prioritize different objects and resources at different times.

Another thing that Samus will say as an aside, she doesn't know how long she'll be cut off from a recharge station. Therefore she chooses to operate her suit in a lower-power setting until she has reason to believe that greater amounts of force will be necessary. There's no reason for her to waste valuable power on weak monsters. This provides our in-lore explanation for why Samus doesn't start out with all her upgrades (instead of having Adam arbitrarily give her permission). She activates her upgrades when she feels it's necessary. Like if she's going to someplace very hot, she'll activate her Varia suit in advance. Same for water and the gravity suit. This way there aren't inexplicable Chozo ruins for her to loot yet again.

Essentially this game would have four modes with four stories. With one being more fast-paced and geared towards speedrunning with the others more slow paced and geared towards exploration. Giving the player more agency in the experience. As time goes on I'll post the descriptions of various parts of the story.

Here's what I think could work for a basic area map:


idea for metroid zero mission hack.It would be basicaly super metroid rotation hack but.For this hack to not be completly rip off i propose that we would turn it in other direction.

Sorry for double posting.
I played the webgame called the-ruins-of-machi-itcza

I would like for someone to make a hack but instead of keys the map expands with new bosses defeated.


[SM]: Selectable Bomb types?
I'm thinking it would be cool to add a second row of selectable items to the HUD, for different morphball bombs. It would use smaller icons to fit everything, and the two rows are independent: select changes the top row, and holding L while pressing select would use the bottom row. Does this sound feasible with ASM?
I'm also thinking of a few morphball upgrades that may or may not be possible in the game engine - can Samus's physics be altered on the fly? I want to add a hover onto the Spring Ball, so if the player holds jump, they stop in the air and can move freely in any direction for a few seconds.


Game: Zero Mission
Idea 1: When Samus gets the Varia Suit, give her the fully powered suit.
Idea 2: Separate Springball and Hi-Jump


Hello Everyone,

I have an Idea for Samus's suit for when you put in upgrades. I believe that the Varia and Gravity upgrades can be split into 4 upgrades.

For Varia Suit:
Steel (Material in question is subject to be changed) reinforcements: Reduces damage by 50% - Changes suit to orange, but doesn't add the beefed up shoulder pads
Heat Absorber Module: Gain immunity to Heat damage - Suit remains yellow, but adds the shoulder pads

For Gravity:
Titanium reinforcements: Reduces damage by 75% - Changes suit to Purple
Gravity manipulator module: Allows Samus to transverse water effortlessly

I know it is slightly basic, but I didn't see a topic on this. So I figured I would put my idea here. Hope someone finds some inspiration from this...


Hmm, been a while since we've seen any action on this thread...

I'm thinking of making a Majora's Mask-styled hack, where Samus has to keep looping. Ultimately, she'll have to complete a boss rush and some final zone/fight all within the time limit. I only plan to reset bosses and maps, and ammo (not max ammo) if I can do it in a way that doesn't encourage grinding.

A fun feature I plan to implement is a room state that checks minutes elapsed, as opposed to bosses, events, etc. So the rooms can change over the course of the timer. Bosses can even relocate if Samus hasn't yet hunted them down in that iteration.

A few ideas I have so far:

  • Force Samus to go through most of one iteration by withholding her ability to reset until late in the first loop. I'm thinking of using a save station ("time capsule"?) for the reset, and making it one-way without a key item.
  • Use bombs to gate off the time capsule. That way, there can be a timed BT fight. I always love spicing up BT.
  • Tutorialize the timed room state changes by trapping Samus in a small area, which changes to let her out after a minute or two. I'd give her a missile to look for and some enemies on the way to keep her occupied, and she could see the change after getting her pickup and backtracking. I'd also let her bypass that wait on future loops by using bombs.
  • Have a room early on that Samus passes through again and again (at least on the first run), and keep changing it to really drive the gimmick home.

So now I open it up to you, Metconst. I don't have a lot of other ideas right now... What other fun things can I achieve with this gimmick, and what other good ideas would fit in a "time loop" scenario?

Mania de Metroid

I don't know if I'm making the best decision ... would this be a good place for me to talk about my first (and very ambitious) hack rom?

Maybe this is a 3/5 hack or maybe it's the best Metroid zero mission hack ... I don't know.

First of all, i believe that if someone wants to complete this hack in all possible ways they will have to play the game 23 times, because there is a lot here. Now that I've finished saying that, it looks like I'm never going to finish this hack rom, and like I said, it's really ambitious.

Does anyone know why the name of the game is Zero Mission (it should be first mission, right)? ok, forget that this detail, the name "ultra complete" came from the idea of ​​leaving the game with things that only exist in Prototypes, taking things exclusive to the original metroid and putting in that game, adding extra characters like those S and X that are characters very famous blues ...

You can play in orginal mode with the original map (really?) Or with the new map that I'll create for new mode, but you can even play with those same maps facing left or right or upside down, for this is what I said is ambitious.

I already thought about almost all the ideas, I just need to make the new map and get a Pc to start making this hack rom. I almost forgot, I know how to do the wall jump but I can never do the bomb jump for a long time, so in the options you can activate the easy bomb jump, just drop bombs without stopping that the bomb jump will work.

I hope I don't screw it up since this is my first hack rom, and don't think that in a few months' time I'll just forget about the project forever (I've done this before). Why do this hack rom? because I want to fulfill my wishes for this game and get known to make more hack roms "Ultra Complete".

My name is Guilherme Lago, if you think I did / wrote something I shouldn't comment on there, if you have any questions then comment there too, if you thought this was incredible or ridiculous, comment too, I want to know what you think about this project.

I hope that no bad person will steal these ideas for their own hack rom, it would end me. And yes, the hack will have a lot of exploration, and it will not be linear, and the characters must be unlocked, there will be no frustrating challenges or extremely difficult secrets, rest assured.

Note: I'm using Google Translate to write this text here.


Prime hunters can already be upscaled to look relatively decent but the thing that always stops me from picking it back up (other than the copy paste bosses. probably cant do anything about that) is the sound design. I absolutely hate he sound it makes when you activate switches and when you get hit. Theres gotta be some way to replace a lot of the sounds with ones from the trilogy. And even the music too.


I'm here to POST HACK IDEAS  :grin: to be freely used by anyone either directly or as inspiration, that I have gathered over the last years and sorted by topics and put together in a more informal manner in text files (as changing the wording up for every individual idea would just take probably more time than what it'd be worth compared to leaving them), mostly by me but also from other people's public posts.

Here is a link to the ZIP file with the text files:

The ideas are sorted as follows:
° Enemy & Boss interactions hack ideas [by far the longest list of ideas]
° Room & Area Design & Effects & Elements (besides enemies) hack ideas
° Object & Enemy Graphics hack ideas
° Samus & Items & Abilities hack ideas
° remaining Mean, Deceptive or Trolly hack ideas  :twisted:
° Gameplay Concepts & Events hack ideas
° Silly Meme hack ideas   :heheh:
° Plot, Topic & Story hack ideas
° Sound & Music hack ideas [shortest list of ideas]


since i have no idea about programming and maybe the hack is already out there?

Id like to see the screen turns black/white when samus energy is low instead of the beeping sounds. is that even possible?


Quote from: K4yr4h on October 03, 2020, 10:20:35 AM
since i have no idea about programming and maybe the hack is already out there?

Id like to see the screen turns black/white when samus energy is low instead of the beeping sounds. is that even possible?

That's possible, probably wouldn't be too difficult. No one's done it yet, though.

Also, for the record, people don't really appreciate hack idea/request threads under this forum category.


i would like to know if possible how to make all five beams active at once without crashing the game? if it is possible could it be further modded   to be limited based off the energy in the reserve tanks. most people dont like the reserve tanks so i figure why not make them useful. so to recap if you have all five beams and they are all active your beam will resemble the hyper beam but it will be limited use based off of how much energy you have in your reserve tanks so you also have to have at least one reserve tank.


Hey guys.

I simply would like to remove all iframes in the game.

So no sprite flickering or invincibility at all after Samus takes damage.

I've done this same concept with Mega Man 1-5 and it's a riot.

I'm just not finding any game genie or gameshark codes to help me get started.

Any help at all?

Please and thank you.


There already is a (gimmick) hack that does exactly this. It was made by Taco, and here is a link to the ips patch (the hack is currently not in Metroid Construction's list of hacks):

However, there is another hack that achieves very similar results on Metroid Construction, which would be Super Metroid OHKO (One Hit Knock Out) which has been played by some people already:

So this concept is not new at all around here, but since you mentioned applying this to Mega Man games I think you might be also interested in some of these further gimmicks that I and some other people from the SM community have come up with rather broadly for games applicable types of gimmicks that you maybe could also try out on Mega Man games:,5218.msg67662.html#msg67662


I don't want to sound like a weenie or anything, but why do most metroidvanias(Metroid hacks included looking at you, V I T A L I T Y) have to have dark backstories and/or creepy twists? I, for one, would welcome something relatively lighthearted, which doesn't necessarily destroy the planet.


Quote from: Mod-troid on February 15, 2021, 11:52:54 AM
I don't want to sound like a weenie or anything, but why do most metroidvanias(Metroid hacks included looking at you, V I T A L I T Y) have to have dark backstories and/or creepy twists? I, for one, would welcome something relatively lighthearted, which doesn't necessarily destroy the planet.

Make a hack.


Hi everyone,

Is there an ips patch without any changes to the vanilla game but in which you start with the complete equipment (suits, speedbooster, space jump, screw attack, morph & spring ball...) but with staring ammo (so no missiles or bombs or beams) ?
Thanks for your help.


I doubt it. That's something you could do yourself with SMILE though.


super metroid but all enemies (excluding bosses) are twice as big



Based on Metroid Prime 2D and using some influences on SM Subversion and other hacks, I think it's possible to do a Super Metroid adaptation of Prime. The SM engine is pretty versatile and powerful, despite a few limitations (probably less limitations if the SA-1 version is released).

Graphics: Custom, preferably. Make morph ball rolling animation like on SM Redesign Axeil. Different grapple tiles.
Music: Custom for new areas and new arrangements for well known tracks.
Physics: Slightly higher gravity.
Mechanics: Have toxic/acid water, change Space Jump for double jump, only lay three bombs, wave beam doesn't go through walls, beam tractor, beam doors, among other Prime unique mechanics.
Pause Menu: Like Subversion, but with the ability to add more text and scroll through it. Plus, adding a hint system like Redesign Axeil.

...and many more things I can't think about at the moment. I hope this is doable.


Not exactly what you want, but check out Tallon IV tours


Quote from: MetroidPlayer on October 01, 2022, 09:56:50 AM

Since the topic was brought up again recently, and I'm not sure how many of the other veterans around here are still active at all, and those who are aren't nearly as active as they once were. (Considering I myself started hacking at about 13ish, about 10.5/11 years ago now, a lot of us started as teenagers or college kids in most cases, people with some decent free time. We all get busy with life, lose time for our endeavors, hence why a lot of projects die among other things.) However, I can tell you that this idea has been around long before MY tenure. Ironic you mention Prime 2D. Do you happen to be aware of how long Prime 2D has been a thing?

Although I don't know nearly as much as some of the other members who've been around longer than I, even, the original Prime 2D demo (if you haven't seen it, it's on YouTube still) All the hackers my age or so remember growing up looking at that demo among others like AM2R and the dead as a doorknob MSR388. I remember on 2017 when they dropped a trailer to prove it was still being worked on, I guess at one point they lost a developer or something, and THEY went to using Super Metroid as an engine, and ultimately found out, as I did, as we all did. Super Metroid Prime 2D will NEVER happen within the ROM OF SM Although they've made some cool developments since I quit hacking and started building my own game and engine off of Kousoru's old engine, ROM expansions existed ten years ago, and I remember it could only be done once, basically, you only had so much readable space. So if you were really good at HEX and ASM, you could maybe do SOME of what Prime can, but you'll never have the data space OR the color index with 16 bits and limited pallets. The button mapping is FAR beyond the SNES, you need 8 keys for visors and beams ALONE let alone arrows for movement, you got your jump, missile/sm, that's all over by your visor and beam stuff, so already you've got a ton going on, plus pause button, now you wanna add scanning in, unless you use the Xray visor style (which I don't advise) you need the mouse because that's how I put scanning in my engine very much like Prime 2D. The Prime 2D you know, (and by the way let me say welcome to the community, it's always nice to see fresh faces here, and I hope you'll find this info all helpful) was built in Troid92's new engine which I believe he made completely free code in CSharp (C# or C++ (one of the two, some version of C program language which is basically what Game Maker is based off of, it's functions are similar, but more user friendly.) Same thing with AM2R, they're all built in Game Maker or another C, Javascript, or Python programs, but in this case mostly the C languages or GMS.

This isn't meant to be discouraging, in fact it can be encouraging; when I had realized this, I became determined to learn GML to be free from the SNES limitations and let my imagination free, and I did, and Ive lost a lot of time the last five yesrs to college, remodeling my first home among other things, now finding myzelf the time and recovering resources, I'm once again working on developing MY own Prime 2D engine and inspired game, so by all means, if "Super Metroid Prime 2D" is a concept you REALLY wanna do, until my Prime Engine is complete its a litle simpler more user friendly for a beginner, BootEngine is a very solid and complete Super Metroid engine, that woulc be like taking an SM ROM and modding it into a Prime version, but in free code not ASM. ASM is a complex language compared to C++, I would think it'd be easier to pick up C++ or C# than ASM and Hexadecimal any day. Don't get me wrong I've done enough Hexadecimal to know how it works, but looking at 16 digit characters of letters and numbers (same with decimal,binary) Its tolerable but knowing the limitations, I was like if I gotta learn to program, I wanna go big or go home so to speak, and I did and I was a 15-16ish year old kid when I first got the hang of Game Maker 8, I reverse engineered Kousoru's engine and went from there. BootEngine and MEngine are both very good starting engines if you like SM Physics, they both have enhanced frames and physics of SM even, so if this concept is to ever exist, that would be one of its best chances.

That is one interesting thing I'd love to see someone do whether it be with my engine or another, is a "Super Metroid Prime" adventure that crosses a remake of Suoer Metroid with Prime's game mechanics (no beam stacking, visors, specific doors, etc.) Maybe even a graphics change but still following more of Super Metroid versus a "Prime 2D" concept.

I can tell you that the game in which I'm developing with my engine (I've yet to decide upon beside announce an official title for the game itself ) It will be similar in concept to Prine 2D, translating the most memorable rooms into a logical, playable and enjoyable 2D experience, while every Prime room will exist in name, there's also going to be "expansion rooms" included that are OF ENTIRELY different original concept. Some are designed like I'm working on now, to link the Phendrana Drifts later areas to the beginning areas quicker, as well as offering elevator access to an area besides Magmoor Caverns (a hated backtrack in Prime) likely thru the Phazon Mines, it works great for story logic and backtracking timeliness. Areas like the impact crater will receive multiple brand new rooms, a significant expansion, same with Magmoor Caverns, since Prime was rushed out of development, and the Impact Crater was created within the games final momth(s) and Magmoor Caverns left as a "hub way" for the game hence its lack of boss fights as they had no time left to put one in! The sunken frigate will have its own location area and map data (although you get it on board Orpheon, and by default if you choose not to when you reach the "frigate crash site" room in Tallon IV as an "incoming scan data" That means the Overworld will be slightly expanded as well, making it slightly more balanced with the Chozo Ruins.

I'm sure you can tell from the way I discuss my project why I'm so apt to say get on board with a GM engine for this idea if this is what you truly want to go for. Don't count on Prime 2D since they got C&D'd (don't discount that I wouldn't doubt someone could still be developing and a third party eventually does a proxy drop, I literally have ZERO ties to their project nor them to mine, HIGHLY respect and admire their work.) Otherwise the current thought in my mind, (CURRENT QUOTA!!) Prime Engine release 2030, absolute latest. Yes I hope that would be the full game engine, but be prepared it could only be the full engine, with a playable demo and some fair levels. However, after what happened to Prime 2D, I don't plan to do any public release of any Exes until the FINAL game release, then I'll release the entire engine and game, except to those who are part of my development team and the trusted members of the community who mostly have been here long before me even. Also still through PMs no public release links. If any of you guys who are new here have any questions at all about "Prime 2D" hacks and fan games by all means I'd be happy to answer any questions I can, being someone whose almost specialized in making  "MP2D resources" although their art style is a bit more complex, mine uses more of an AM2R, "polished Zero Mission style Samus" with mixed graphics from all the titles and modifications of the vanilla tiles by many, MANY other members, ultimately thrown together and blended together, cleaned up and put together by myself.

I am glad to see this is obviously still a topic that people are enthusiastic about seeing and want to have, this is honestly what gives me personally motivation, knowing that other players really want this and enjoy it as much as I do. Prime turns 20 this year, it may turn 30 by its first 2D remake in some form. I'm sure it will, the want is there. The means are coming more available, but it won't, however, be as a SM hack, but as a standalone fan game like AM2R and such. I hope that helps explain everything in a way that's not discouraging, because it used to be brought up so often with some half ass attempts at a landing sight with bad tiling errors and just so new and they have big dreams but don't realize they're not plausible. They've become more conceivable based on the parameters, but I still say your best bet is free code or Game Maker or another program like it.


Since this is exactly what this thread was made for, I have an idea I was given by another fan, he said he always wanted to see Samus have a melee weapon, like a sword, and at first I kinda went ehh, but he sent me a picture and the thought cliques, I originally thought maybe like a Wind Waker Easter egg, where Plasma pirates can drop their sword and she picks it up, but with the gun, not very plausible.

I ALSO was planning to expand phazon beam use, taking from Prime 3, and my SM based reserve tanks, allowing Samus to be nt a reserve tank to fire phazon, ticking down her energy #s a dark blue that return to normal once out. I wanted to make a beam combo for this, as well. And then it happened, I found the format I think would jive best;
Staring with Physix's "wave dash" code which I'll heavily modify, I'd be thinking I'd do it like Samus getting a beam In prime where she kind of thrusts the arm cannon up, but with a slight dash, this "sword" would appear as a blue aura around it similar to the shape of a Trooper sword, and acting effectively as a Bayonette. This all sounds solid to me, what does everyone else think? Would you like this hidden function, or no?
And irregardless how you feel, if you have any suggestions for more "original" items or attacks for Samus please drop them as a reply. Thanks sveryone!