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MZM Randomizer

Started by biospark, December 21, 2017, 08:14:18 PM

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Was randomizer set to beatable?
Settings and seed please?


The randomizer doesn't prevent softlocks. Especially if Power bombs are obtainable before Chozodia. All it checks for is to make sure it is beatable. However, there have been many reported seeds that are non-completable when PBs are available before chozodia.

Nicholas Steel

Quote from: biospark on February 12, 2018, 12:11:56 PM
Quote from: Nicholas Steel on February 12, 2018, 04:31:53 AM
I can't seem to beat this:

Seed: 600537958

Turns out there's a problem with my item requirements for the item in the lava after the chozo ghost fight. If you don't have gravity, you need power grip and hi-jump to reach it. The hi-jump requirement is missing. I'll fix this in the next version.

Is this resolved in the current release? Are there any other similar issues known that I should be weary of in the current release? I ticked the option to keep Power Bombs locked out until I reach Chozodia because of what Cpt.Glitch said above this post.

1) What do you think of an option to have the game default to headphone audio?
2) An option to adjust the default angle of the Arm Canon when holding L? For example I'd like it if it defaulted to a downward angle.

(also wow it was over a year since I last posted here)


how save the rom with the randomizer?


Hey uh... I might just have an out of date version of the Randomizer, but if you look carefully at the Speed Booster placement...

It's locked behind speed booster blocks. I got 1.2.1 from 2018-10-13, apparently, so I might just be out of date but I can't find a more recent update.


According to your settings, you only have the game set to "beatable." Not every item has to be obtainable in a seed with this setting, it only checks to see if the game can be finished.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on September 25, 2019, 01:00:25 AM
According to your settings, you only have the game set to "beatable." Not every item has to be obtainable in a seed with this setting, it only checks to see if the game can be finished.

Ah. Swear I checked 100%, guess I didn't. Thanks!


I am new here and I think I found a bug.

Seed: 665531932

The item on the Varia Suit spot after beating the Chozo Ruins Boss after obtaining Varia Suit (which is in Crateria in this Seed) is missing and I haven't obtained it before.
However, the item is there before beating the Chozo Ruins Boss and after beating him whitout obtainig Varia Suit, but not after beating him with Varia Suit obtained.
I played the Seed four times to prove that.

I guess there is an issue with the code that prevents you from getting Varia Suit for free (and setting the item in the Varia Suit spot to obtained) after beating the Chozo Ruins Boss.


Hi, I'm not sure if I'm just not understanding the readme correctly regarding "you can specify items to leave unchanged by entering their numbers (between 0-99) separated by commas. The item numbers can be found in a log file."

I think the Power Grip is 76, but whenever I try and lock it + no PBs before Chozodia the randomization fails. Am I misunderstanding what the numbers mean in the lock file? Or can I not leave the Power Grip in the default location?


Randomization will fail if it cannot create a seed with all the specified settings. You likely have other settings enabled that make randomization options limited. Such as no walljumping or IBJ.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on January 06, 2020, 12:02:24 PM
Randomization will fail if it cannot create a seed with all the specified settings. You likely have other settings enabled that make randomization options limited. Such as no walljumping or IBJ.

Thanks, I'm just still not sure if I'm interpreting the item IDs correctly. Is there a list anywhere that doesn't rely on the log files as I don't understand the log file format. Is 76 actually the Power Grip?

My settings are "np45AAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAgEAgWKB" but I ask because with other randos leaving a key item in the original location is always valid because worst case the rando can leave all other items before that point in the same place.

So I feel like I must be misunderstanding the item IDs for this failure to occur.


Yes, 76 is power grip. After looking at your settings, it is clear why it fails. Like I predicted, you also have Infinite Walljump and bomb jumping out of logic, heavily restricting what the randomizer can do. I would suggest learning how to wall jump and bomb jump, since neither are very hard in ZM.


I don't know if this has been suggested yet or not, but an idea for the randomizer would be to add a block next to the wall to the right of morph ball to enable escape by wall jump from the location without requiring morph ball, spacejump, or highjump.  Then you could remove some blocks above the next morph tunnel which should allow access to up to 8 item locations that morph ball could be located in (some requiring additional items such as missiles, speed booster or power grip).   Just my thought, it would be nice to see some more variance with morph ball's location in this.


I found a seed that I don't believe to be beatable.

Seed: 1758002856

The only way I can see beating this is to bypass the wave beam requirement towards the casual entrance to Ridley (the backdoor is locked).  Is this possible with missiles, super missiles, power bombs, varia, gravity, and speed booster?  I'm talking about the room to the right of the entrance to vanilla wave beam. 


Quote from: MetaEdge on June 08, 2020, 06:35:07 PM
I found a seed that I don't believe to be beatable.

Seed: 1758002856

The only way I can see beating this is to bypass the wave beam requirement towards the casual entrance to Ridley (the backdoor is locked).  Is this possible with missiles, super missiles, power bombs, varia, gravity, and speed booster?  I'm talking about the room to the right of the entrance to vanilla wave beam.

So I've just dived in took a look and it's quite the evil seed, definitely doable but you'll have to:
[spoiler]Dive into Chozodia instead of heading into Ridley. This way you can get Bomb from inside of the pirate ship, which means you'll have to speed boost up, break the wall, wall jump back up, and then head to the room blocked off by a Power Bomb door and a Super Missile door for Bombs.[/spoiler]

This will open the seed up entirely. It's not a fair seed by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a seed. If you want to avoid this, your best bet is to disable early powerbombs before Chozodia.

EDIT: It gets worse, but that's up for you to find out. :pale:


I got stuck along the way on that route without hi jump.  How do you pass the big room with a bunch of security lasers right after the speedboost climb?  I got stuck right at the exit, unable to jump to the platform the door is on. 

Not the super tall room that has the bomb-able barrier in front of the exit, I'm okay with those wall jumps.   


I believe I got a seed that put the Wave Beam in an inaccessible location, while the settings I used include "100%".

The seed placed Wave Beam in Norfair (21, 11), which is the item in the ceiling after the Imago bugs that normally require Wave Beam to defeat (or reach from the left side). Power bombs, plasma beam, etc did not kill the larva from the right side, and I'm unable to enter the left side without Wave Beam (needing to clear out breakable blocks in order to speedboost through the blocks.

Seed: 851711899

Attached the generated log file.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on October 25, 2018, 09:34:08 AM
You will not need wave beam. You can charge a speedboost in the vanilla pre-wave room (the one with a sidehopper in between two bomb walls). From there you'll have to do a short but tricky spark chain back into the hallway with all the shot blocks. I've had wave there as well, well before this version.

OK, should have read this first, this is exactly what I needed to do. Nevermind!


Seed: 1485171659

Am I just bad? Starts off decent with wave beam, power bombs and screw attack in brinstar, but I can't figure how out to collect anything after that.


Quote from: ArXyn13 on June 25, 2020, 09:13:33 PM
Seed: 1485171659

Am I just bad? Starts off decent with wave beam, power bombs and screw attack in brinstar, but I can't figure how out to collect anything after that.

I just tried this seed too and there doesn't appear to be any way to beat it.  What does the logic think is required for accessing the early half of pirate ship?  As near as I can tell you require hi-jump/space jump for it.


what are the odds of getting space jump as the first item? I've probably played this randomizer somewhere around 50 times off and never got space jump as the first item once. Otherwise it's pretty great.


Quote from: MetaEdge on July 01, 2020, 05:28:58 PM
Quote from: ArXyn13 on June 25, 2020, 09:13:33 PM
Seed: 1485171659

Am I just bad? Starts off decent with wave beam, power bombs and screw attack in brinstar, but I can't figure how out to collect anything after that.

I just tried this seed too and there doesn't appear to be any way to beat it.  What does the logic think is required for accessing the early half of pirate ship?  As near as I can tell you require hi-jump/space jump for it.

So this wasn't just my seed... I tried out the randomizer for the first time today and got softlocked in Ridley, so I checked out the map and it turned out ice beam was blocked by speed booster blocks, and bombs, space jump, and speed booster were all deep in Chozodia where I couldn't access them because I had no way to jump up to the cliff below the tube connecting the ship and the ruins. I'm not sure even High Jump can reach the ledge, but even if it could the item was deep in a heated section of Norfair so with my available energy tanks it would only be possible with really good luck in enemy health drops. 
Seed: 505335543 


this Randomizer is 2018 Old so try out the Random Randomizer by Cpt.Glitch where you don't get Softlocked


Quote from: Nabil on July 26, 2020, 08:57:59 AM
this Randomizer is 2018 Old so try out the Random Randomizer by Cpt.Glitch where you don't get Softlocked

Doesn't the random randomizer only mess with text and room connections and more palettes? You still gotta use this rando before using that lol


Does allow bomb jump mean double bomb jump? Seems that the only way through my seed is with the ridley first shortcut, but I can not do it with single bomb jump. Hope not, because I can not figure out how dbj is supposed to work.


Quote from: ArXyn13 on August 12, 2020, 08:57:43 PM
Does allow bomb jump mean double bomb jump? Seems that the only way through my seed is with the ridley first shortcut, but I can not do it with single bomb jump. Hope not, because I can not figure out how dbj is supposed to work.

It means regular bomb jumping. If something can be done with double bomb jump it can also be done with single bomb jump. The only difference between the two is that double bomb jumping is a lot more efficient, going twice as high in half the time.