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MZM Randomizer

Started by biospark, December 21, 2017, 08:14:18 PM

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I'm doing okay for myself. Wish I had listened to myself and stopped by m2k2 one last time before it closed up. I got a lot of memories wrapped up in that place.

With the current crop of randos and with Dread coming up, a publicly accessible forum+wiki (rather than a social media space or a nu-IRC thing) like m2k2 feels like a necessity. So much info gets so easily lost in the content churn on these new platforms compared to these trusty/rusty old forums that it's a crime they're practically dead these days.

Anyhow, regarding the randomizer, I watched Dyceron run a seed with no early PBs today and he also had the same issue with the suitless sequence not being skipped. We both think it might have something to do with the cutscene skip option (tho that's just a wild guess on our part).


Seems the randomizer has an issue with it's logical path finding.. It can't find any paths where ibj and single wall jumps are out of logic, and unknown items remain sealed. Considering these are the constraints of Vanilla, it seems wierd that this does not generate anything.

Edit: i could help figure out why this is, if you want the help.


If you could explain your problem more precisely (such as posting the seed and settings you're using used) we could have more luck answering your question.

Regarding unknown items: in the randomizer the trigger to destroy unknown item blocks is not collecting the unknown items, but rather collecting the items at the original locations of the unknown items.


It's really simple. Open the randomizer from a fresh install. set items and abilities to full randomization, turn off IBJ and wall jump. Neither beatable, nor 100% will generate. enabling either of these tricks, or unknown items early does let it resolve. At least 1 logical path is known to exist that meets this request (vanilla) so it seems wierd the randomizer does not resolve on these constraints. in fact, Vanilla passes an even stricter version of this constraint, by including no early power bombs.

Nicholas Steel

I'm not sure what happened but I think I got softlocked with these settings

Seed: 554156248
Settings: FVoAlO5pH

I've no clue how it wants me to get Speed Booster from Norfair (22, 8) without ice beam or diagonal morph bomb jumps. It's gate keeping me from completing the seed according to the spoiler log.

Edit: nevermind, I figured it out! For some reason I thought it was a Morph Bomb block and not a Missile Block guarding the big shortcut to lower Norfair.

Nicholas Steel

Just thought I'd let you know is hosting an out of date copy


Quote from: Nicholas Steel on July 24, 2021, 06:27:01 PM
Just thought I'd let you know is hosting an out of date copy

I hadn't gotten around to it, but it's updated now.


Hi, I don't know if this happened before, but I'm trying to use the latest version and I'm not sure if it's my PC's problem or what, but the program wont run at all.
I tried running it as admin and all of that, but it just wont work.
Any help is appreciated <3


Quote from: Harryernes on September 14, 2021, 01:20:18 PM
Hi, I don't know if this happened before, but I'm trying to use the latest version and I'm not sure if it's my PC's problem or what, but the program wont run at all.
I tried running it as admin and all of that, but it just wont work.
Any help is appreciated <3

Can you do me a favor? Go to C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\ and send me the mzmr directory in a PM (preferably as a zip file). Once you've done that, if you delete the directory, the program should work again.


Quote from: biospark on September 16, 2021, 10:12:11 PM
Quote from: Harryernes on September 14, 2021, 01:20:18 PM
Hi, I don't know if this happened before, but I'm trying to use the latest version and I'm not sure if it's my PC's problem or what, but the program wont run at all.
I tried running it as admin and all of that, but it just wont work.
Any help is appreciated <3

Can you do me a favor? Go to C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\ and send me the mzmr directory in a PM (preferably as a zip file). Once you've done that, if you delete the directory, the program should work again.

The directory isn't there, since the mzmr folder is inside a folder on the desktop, but that shouldn't be an issue since in my moms PC I've tried it the same way and it worked, so I'm at a loss in here


Quote from: Harryernes on September 17, 2021, 08:30:11 AM
The directory isn't there, since the mzmr folder is inside a folder on the desktop, but that shouldn't be an issue since in my moms PC I've tried it the same way and it worked, so I'm at a loss in here

Let me explain: the AppData directory contains settings and data files for various applications. Inside AppData/Local, there should be a directory named mzmr. I believe the application settings for mzmr are causing an issue, but I'm not sure exactly what. If you send me the mzmr directory in Local, I can figure it out. And if you delete that directory, the program should work again.

More info on AppData:

Nicholas Steel

The folder you want to look at is


Enter that in to the Address bar in Windows Explorer and press enter.


Quote from: biospark on September 17, 2021, 01:19:24 PM
Quote from: Harryernes on September 17, 2021, 08:30:11 AM
The directory isn't there, since the mzmr folder is inside a folder on the desktop, but that shouldn't be an issue since in my moms PC I've tried it the same way and it worked, so I'm at a loss in here

Let me explain: the AppData directory contains settings and data files for various applications. Inside AppData/Local, there should be a directory named mzmr. I believe the application settings for mzmr are causing an issue, but I'm not sure exactly what. If you send me the mzmr directory in Local, I can figure it out. And if you delete that directory, the program should work again.

More info on AppData:

Ok, now i get it, but I looked for the folder and it doesn't exist. And I've been trying to upload a screenshot but I don't know how yet, I wanted to show the folder isn't there. Also, thank you for your patience so far haha


Is this where I post seeds I think are unwinnable?
Seed: 102600720
Settings: eXoAlQA-C

I looked at the log, and it wants me to go into the Norfair area (where you get screw attack and wave beam etc) to get Power Grip, but without Screw Attack or Bombs there's no way back out. You can't screw attack your way out, and you can't bomb to activate the speed booster machines.
I've been all over this game and I think it's busted. I finally peeked, Bombs are in Kraid, but there's no way to get anywhere serious in Kraid without bombs (or at least Power Grip, which you can't get without getting trapped in Norfair)
I attached the log

PS: How come your randomizer runs so much faster than the Metroid Fusion one?

Nicholas Steel

Quote from: Harryernes on September 18, 2021, 09:18:08 AM
Quote from: biospark on September 17, 2021, 01:19:24 PM
Quote from: Harryernes on September 17, 2021, 08:30:11 AM
The directory isn't there, since the mzmr folder is inside a folder on the desktop, but that shouldn't be an issue since in my moms PC I've tried it the same way and it worked, so I'm at a loss in here

Let me explain: the AppData directory contains settings and data files for various applications. Inside AppData/Local, there should be a directory named mzmr. I believe the application settings for mzmr are causing an issue, but I'm not sure exactly what. If you send me the mzmr directory in Local, I can figure it out. And if you delete that directory, the program should work again.

More info on AppData:

Ok, now i get it, but I looked for the folder and it doesn't exist. And I've been trying to upload a screenshot but I don't know how yet, I wanted to show the folder isn't there. Also, thank you for your patience so far haha
See my previous message, I mention how to navigate to the folder.


Quote from: Djames516 on September 18, 2021, 07:54:29 PM
Is this where I post seeds I think are unwinnable?

The next version will have improved logic and no unbeatable seeds.

Quote from: Djames516 on September 18, 2021, 07:54:29 PM
PS: How come your randomizer runs so much faster than the Metroid Fusion one?
The current logic is just a list of 100 boolean expressions, it's very fast to run. The next version's will take a bit longer. Also, I'm sure kazuto will make improvements to make the fusion rando faster.


Quote from: Nicholas Steel on September 19, 2021, 01:32:35 PM
Quote from: Harryernes on September 18, 2021, 09:18:08 AM
Quote from: biospark on September 17, 2021, 01:19:24 PM
Quote from: Harryernes on September 17, 2021, 08:30:11 AM
The directory isn't there, since the mzmr folder is inside a folder on the desktop, but that shouldn't be an issue since in my moms PC I've tried it the same way and it worked, so I'm at a loss in here

Let me explain: the AppData directory contains settings and data files for various applications. Inside AppData/Local, there should be a directory named mzmr. I believe the application settings for mzmr are causing an issue, but I'm not sure exactly what. If you send me the mzmr directory in Local, I can figure it out. And if you delete that directory, the program should work again.

More info on AppData:

Ok, now i get it, but I looked for the folder and it doesn't exist. And I've been trying to upload a screenshot but I don't know how yet, I wanted to show the folder isn't there. Also, thank you for your patience so far haha
See my previous message, I mention how to navigate to the folder.

Sorry, I might have not explained myself properly. I know how to get to the appdata folder, and the mzmr directory is not on appdata/local. I've entered the address as you told me and an error message shows up. So it seems the program wasn't even able to create a directory in the first place when i tried to run it (which I did several times BTW).
Also, here's the screenshot I talked about earlier, I just made it a zip file.


In v1.4 I am having the suitless sequence still happening after the check box to skip is marked.


I've run into an unbeatable seed. Everything that can propel the Morph Ball upward is locked in Crateria at the Power Grip and Plasma Beam locations.

Seed: 398928472
Settings: 0SoAFHA-B

Collection order:
Round 1
0-Morph, 11-Super, 12-Missile, 14-Missile, 17-Super, 18-Missile
Round 2
2-Energy, 9-Power
Round 3
13-Missile, 20-Missile, 27-Grip
Round 4
36-Missile, 37-Missile, 76-Hi, 77-Energy, 78-Space, 79-Bomb


Quote from: MetroidMst on October 05, 2021, 02:10:24 PM
In v1.4 I am having the suitless sequence still happening after the check box to skip is marked.

Wanna just also chime in that this is definitely happening for me as well. Not sure if the most recent update borked suitless skip patch.

Quote from: phnxdrgnslayer on November 26, 2021, 10:43:46 AM
I've run into an unbeatable seed. Everything that can propel the Morph Ball upward is locked in Crateria at the Power Grip and Plasma Beam locations.

Seed: 398928472
Settings: 0SoAFHA-B

Collection order:
Round 1
0-Morph, 11-Super, 12-Missile, 14-Missile, 17-Super, 18-Missile
Round 2
2-Energy, 9-Power
Round 3
13-Missile, 20-Missile, 27-Grip
Round 4
36-Missile, 37-Missile, 76-Hi, 77-Energy, 78-Space, 79-Bomb

I also looked into that seed and the logic operators for those locations that the hi jump, space jump, and bomb are in, and the only requirement is to reach location 36, which is ceiling tunnel 5 (either grip and morph, which the seed gets, or IBJ, which is turned off on the settings provided) as well as an ability to break bomb chain blocks (which seed has with PBs). Looking at the routes to access that area of crateria, it either requires going the intended route to plasma beam, which it can't without bomb or hi-jump due to the limited space, or to go through chozodia, which without speed or some form of jump I'm pretty sure you can't get to the other PB door to get to the top part of crateria to get to vanilla grip? Either way hopefully the logic updates will improve mentioned earlier will improve this. I normally don't play with early PBs so I don't think I've run in to this being an issue.


I found an unbeatable seed.
The logfile says to go to crateria to get bombs but its trapped in the power grip room. The only power ups that were available was just the power grip and pbs, which were right at the start, and no energy tanks at all. High jump boots were in brinstar too but trapped behind in bomb room. You couldn't go anywhere else, you couldn't reach it to the little plateau below glass tube and Ridley had nothing that could help me, just charge beam.. The seed and settings were   111301359   and   lQoAV8qzL8HA
Also the randomizer is a little buggy in my computer. Whenever I try to load settings, I get an error message that says "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index"
And I feel kinda bad for saying all this. I just want the rando to improve. I actually had a lot of fun trying to beat this seed and just all the 'what are the odds' moments are great


I'm having an issue with the latest release that when selecting to skip the zero suit sequence at the end, it still doesn't happen for me, can you check this out?


Awesome thing you've made!

In the interest of continuing to improve this, there are 2 situations which I've come across which have prevented me from beating specific seeds.

1. I was able to access lower Norfair through the secret access tunnel adjacent to Blue-Bubble Tunnel, by bomb jumping up to destroy the breakable block, then landing on the left ledge and bomb jumping up again before the block regenerates. I thought this was the intended strat, but it turns out I'd missed a check somewhere which contained speed booster. This caused me to access all the way to Ridley, but was left with no way to escape, since getting out requires booster. I realize what I did was out of logic, so may have been my bad, but perhaps some provisions to prevent that or including into logic wouldn't be so bad?

2. I think power bombs are being used as a proxy for real bombs? In the sense that you're intended to bomb jump with them? I generated a seed which had me pick up only power bombs from the start, was able to get into the Crateria tunnel which leads to the Plasma Beam unknown item, but was stuck, since it has a 1 block dip which you are supposed to just bomb jump or ball jump through, but I had run out of power bombs and had not obtained hi jump yet.

I realize these things can be avoided by just knowing a bit more about the rando, but usually my experience with other randos is that you try to avoid any situation which would require a reset at all costs.


Quote from: godspeedkil on October 10, 2022, 03:15:48 PM
1. This caused me to access all the way to Ridley, but was left with no way to escape, since getting out requires booster.
You don't need speedbooster to get back up. I'm guessing you don't know a thing in the room with broken standing chozo statue.

Quote from: godspeedkil on October 10, 2022, 03:15:48 PM
2. In the sense that you're intended to bomb jump with them?
I think that's a known issue but I could be wrong.


think ive got a bad seed
Seed: 858097267
Settings: TxoAlgd5P

according to collection order
im stuck at round 5
which is bombs and speedbooster
bombs are in the long super heated room just under norfairs entrance
and speedbooster is just beyond that room

the problem is that its (to the best of my abilities) not possible to get through the super heated room with just 99 energy
not to mention all the hell i put myself through with 1 hit kill chozodia before i checked the log lmao

edit: it should be possible to get through that room via dumb energy drop luck
but i cant imagine thats intended logic