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[SM] Edit the '1994','Nintendo Presents Metroid 3' and Title

Started by dewhi100, September 30, 2017, 01:26:30 PM

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TL;DR: How to edit the 1994 Nintendo etc. text? How to export the title screen palette? How to edit the SM title logo?

How do I edit this text? I've found their location in the ROM map on the wiki, but I can't make head nor tail of the raw data. Strings in Pokemon were a lot easier to edit; every character was represented by a byte and you just change the byte! In this, single characters appear to be represented by multiple, variable amounts of bytes.

As for the title and logo, I've exported the title screen tiles and I can see them in Fatilety. But how do I export the Mode 7 Palette? Another thing- when I open up the ROM itself in Fatilety and go to $A6000, I don't see the tile map there regardless of format I'm viewing in. I'd like to edit not only the title but the logo as well, and if I can't get the title tilemap without exporting from SMILE, I have no idea how I'll find and edit the logo itself. How can I access the logo?


Title logo gfx are Title 2 from the tileset editor, under special gfx.
Title palette is 0661E9 FF. I think line 09+0A are for the logo, starting from 00 @ the top.

Palette entries for the title logo fade in colors.

'title00' 06C6BE 0B
'title01' 06C6E0 0B
'title02' 06C702 0B
'title03' 06C724 0B
'title04' 06C746 0B
'title05' 06C768 0B
'title06' 06C78A 0B

1994 Nintendo Presents Metroid 3 is mixed amongst bank $8C.
Spritemaps look something like dw numberofsprites : dw xxxx pos : db yy pos : dw tileproperties.

For example, this is how 1994 is drawn out. These gfx are also from Title 2, which can be edited in tile layer pro.

ORG $8C8862 ;//060862

dw $0002 ;//'1'
dw $0008 : db $00 : dw $3310
dw $0008 : db $F8 : dw $3300

dw $0004 ;//'19'
dw $0008 : db $00 : dw $3376
dw $0008 : db $F8 : dw $3366
dw $0000 : db $00 : dw $3310
dw $0000 : db $F8 : dw $3300

dw $0006 ;//'199'
dw $01F8 : db $00 : dw $3310
dw $01F8 : db $F8 : dw $3300
dw $0000 : db $00 : dw $3376
dw $0000 : db $F8 : dw $3366
dw $0008 : db $00 : dw $3376
dw $0008 : db $F8 : dw $3366

dw $0008 ;//'1994'
dw $0008 : db $00 : dw $3330
dw $0008 : db $F8 : dw $3320
dw $01F8 : db $00 : dw $3376
dw $01F8 : db $F8 : dw $3366
dw $01F0 : db $00 : dw $3310
dw $01F0 : db $F8 : dw $3300
dw $0000 : db $00 : dw $3376
dw $0000 : db $F8 : dw $3366