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Super Metroid F I N A L S T A N D

Started by Moderndayzero, February 04, 2010, 08:39:09 PM

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Looks like some wild shit. I like it! Your use of old and new tiles is quite different from other work I've seen, and I'd like to see more. Good luck with your hack, carry out the mission carefully


It looks damn good!  Everytime you show off that landing site its different, but it gets better each time. :P

Glad to see you took my advice and came around here.  Hope to see more from you!

Welcome to metconst. ^-^


Welcome back =P

Looks good as ever, but I find it hard to believe that that landing site takes up 5165 bytes?! for one, you don't need a layer 2 background for it, as the background is drawn by the BG_Data, FX2 and Layer1_2 pointers for that room. That should save a couple hundred bytes


I like the way the ground being naked makes it look like you're really high in the sky.

But if you change the pallet number on the doors, it'll be a different color for each area you enter. Keep that in mind.


It's a shame that Genocide got killed. =\ Anyways, love the landing site you've got going.


Looking good  :^_^:
I will play this if the rest looks that good. (Or better)

Quotealso im trying to expand the rom so i can add more crap in each room because this vid is of the landing site and
it is pushed to the max, i had to delete alot of it to make what u see fit "im not happy with it".
so if you know how or have any info at all please share. thx again.
So, you want to expand rooms? Easy. M2K2 uh... MoonEdit is still useful.

Quote from: MoonEditIf you're tired of running out of space for a room, there's a cure. You'll just need some free space in the SMC to work with. SMILE has an option for expanding ROM space, so that's the best way to get some more room. The banks created by the "expand ROM" option will start at E0 and go on from there. A single bank is good enough for at least a dozen large rooms, so let's just expand it once for now.
 What you'll want to do next is open up the room you want to edit and pull up the pointers window. Change the Level Data pointer to point to free space. For your first new room, this would be E08000 (300000 in hex). Note this is E0-8-000 and not E0-0-000! Pointers will never have anything below 8000 in the second two bytes! As long as you make sure you're above 8000 for the bytes after the bank, go ahead and save, and you'll see right away that your size limit has changed to some ridiculous value. You can now edit to your heart's content and not worry a smidgen about silly room size issues.
 There is one more thing you should do, though, and that's add this room to the "level_entries" text file for SMILE, stored under the Smile/files folder. Add its hex location (300000) at the end of the file. This will make sure that SMILE keeps you from overwriting other rooms.
 Any time you decide to do this to rooms hereafter, you'll need to take an extra step and open up your ROM in a hex editor. Check where the free space begins after your new room at the very end of the ROM, so that you're not overwriting your first new room with your second one. If your new room goes from hex address 300000 to 301200, you'll want to use an address somewhere else. If you want to leave yourself a few hundred bytes in case you decide to edit the old first room later on, You should pick an address like 301400. Plug that into your pointer window to see what the pointer for that location should be (in this case, it's E09400, again, NOT E01400, as that's not above 8000!). Put this value into your Level Data pointer, and save. Don't forget to add this room's hex address (301400) to the "level_entries" file!


Technically thats not a quote from m2k2, but the Moonedit SMILE FAQ, which originally (and still is to my current knowledge) was/is hosted on the Moonedit server. 

PJBoy copy/pasta'd the moonedit guide FOR m2k2 so peeps that didn't have access to it could read it.

Just putting that out there. ;D

(I only bring this up so you don't give m2k2 the credit for anything)


teach me OH wise ones >.<


you can hit us up on irc if you want.

We'd be more then willing to help you, and for back and forthing, its alot easier than the forum.  The forums for asking detailed questions, but if you want a broad question answered irc is better.


Not to mention its a damn fun place to hang out in your free time.  Don't get too addicted! You won't get any hacking done! :O

asm wise, you'll want to learn the basics first, then hit up Kej's docs. <-- Hefty guide to assembly on the 65816 <-- Kejardon's documents


Want a hint?
Put a black haze (combines more with the scenery) instead blue haze (this doesn't combines with the scenery, and is sickening).  :wink:


Nobody linked him to this guide, which covers just that in-depth with pictures and everything? I'm disappointed in you guys.

And I've gotta say, I love the way you mix area tiles together. I think I remember you from m2k2 awhile back. You should totally get in on the PB full hack project when it gets to the point of needing rooms built. Keep at it.