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Winter Hacking Contest! (2017)

Started by DSO, January 27, 2017, 04:26:39 AM

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@ThatSpoiler You've uploaded a rom file, could you please create an ips patch and reupload your entry?


Hey @DSO do you have a unified scale or something that you want us to judge from? I know the criteria, but we need a way to compile what all the judges think. :p


Thank you to everyone who entered in this contest, it's nice to have a few surprise entries! I thought this was going to end up sparse after we had a few cancels. I will be playing everyone's levels promptly. The judges have through March 12th to send me their thoughts.
We have 4 eligible entries:

Super Metroid Frostbite by our Jiffy
Winter Mission, a Zero Mission hack by Ing-ing            (OMG a non super or NEStroid entry finally)
Deep Freeze, A Zero Mission hack by Captain Glitch            (OMG again?!)
Super Metroid Gelid by Scyzer/Grime

ThatSpoiler's entry, Metroid: Ice Break, is sadly disqualified from judging as it was uploaded as a ROM and not a patch and it's past the submission deadline for him to update his post with a patch. Of course, I'm sure people will play through his entry if he uploads a patch regardless.

@Lunaria As for judging, I had planned to do the same thing as last contest, which was just getting all the judges lists of best to worst and handing out points by list position. If you a different system in mind, let me know. Or are you asking if there's some special judging metric I want you to go by when it comes to the contest theme? Personally, I was going to dock points if a hack poorly represents the theme or add points for creative uses of the theme, but I figured every judge would have their own weight on how important for scoring properly fitting the contest theme is and I'm ok with that. All I need is for the judges to send me a message with their rated best to worst by March 12th.

Version 1.2 of Deep Freeze may have been on the discord server in time but this is the official submission thread and it was not submitted here on time. So I think judging will have to be based on 1.1, unless some of the other judges want me to relax the rules a bit.


QuoteVersion 1.2 of Deep Freeze may have been on the discord server in time but this is the official submission thread and it was not submitted here on time. So I think judging will have to be based on 1.1, unless some of the other judges want me to relax the rules a bit.
I'm not a judge, I think this is kind of bullshit. He uploaded it to discord because he couldn't access the forum to do it there. He tried getting ahold of multiple people to have it uploaded and he had it ready long before the deadline. I even offered to do it but he said he had messaged you about it so I figured you would do it since he sent it to the person in charge of the contest, and discord has the timestamp of when he sent it. The patch doesn't change the hack drastically or anything but it was done before the deadline and it was uploaded as best he could, so it should still count imo.


I can see both points of view, but the fact is I was mistaken - I thought I had stated in my first post that submissions needed to be in this thread, but nop. I hadn't. It should be the rule but I failed to communicate that. I didn't want to contradict myself and bend the rule on a whim, but turns out it's a rule that was never stated.


Aw man! My mistake for uploading a ROM. I'll create a patch so if any of you are curious you can still play it even though its DQed in the contest. This was my first hack so I did not know what form it had to be in. Maybe next contest.


I hope I did this right. Here is Metroid: Ice Break!


It is quite a shame, since I did quite enjoy your hack. Be sure to upload it to the main site too so we can rate it.


Just giving a heads up, I'm playing and putting Ice Break in my rating order despite it getting disqualified. Personally I think it should fly since it was submitted way before the deadline, and not knowing that we don't allow distribution of ROM files is a rookie mistake, (you do it once and then never again). If you don't find that agreeable DSO then you can deal with it on your end and remove it from my rating order after I sent it in to you~ ;P

Anyway, 3/5 hacks played.


Friendly reminder to the hack authors:  please submit your stuff to the main site.  It will make them easier to find for people not specifically following the contest, and it's a handy place to post bugfixes or other updates that you made after the deadline.

FrostbiteDeep Freeze, and Winter Mission are already up.

While I'm here I'll say that I think this was a really successful outing:  a good variety of games hacked, at least half of them made more than a token effort to follow the theme, and they all had some cool ideas in them.


Quote from: thedopefish on March 12, 2017, 03:18:27 PM
While I'm here I'll say that I think this was a really successful outing:  a good variety of games hacked, at least half of them made more than a token effort to follow the theme, and they all had some cool ideas in them.

Pun intended?

Nice to have some variety in the contest. I hope that this is a sign of things to come.


Now that the contest is officially over (and enough time has been given for people to play these themselves), I guess I can dump my review of each hack, now.

(This is a more in depth review. DSO already has my results as a tl;dr)
(Played and reviewed in submission order)
(Much like A.N.T.I, using bullet points, because I suck at words)
(The first bullet point will always be the theme, whether it's marked as a positive thing, or a negative thing)

[spoiler=Frostbite - Jefe962]tl;dr - Best hack

+ Sticks to the theme of freezing/thawing (albeit, basic, but works)

+ Level design
+ Slowed down red brinstar
/ Palette choice - Thawed out palettes feel a bit dull. This could have been my monitor, or something else, so I'm leaving this as more of a non-issue
/ Ridley fight. Balancing ridley is pretty difficult without it feeling too short, or too tedious with low equipment. This fight was pretty short lived
/ Movement feels a bit unusual. Run is disabled, wall jump speed and spin jump speed are different, and it feels like spin jumping is the fastest way to get around (maybe just ever so slightly)
- Unaltered Torizo room/fight (You're better than that, jiffy)
- Room that thaws the area is not obvious in what it does (I personally don't understand 1x1 dead end rooms solely to trigger a room state)
- Difficulty spike after thawing the facility out
- Fuck reos
- Fuck maridia bugs[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Winter Mission - Ing-Ing]tl;dr - Worst hack: Sure, it sticks to the theme, but I started losing the will to live as the hack went on.

+ Sticks to the theme (albeit as basic as frostbite)

- Adam knows jack shit about reserve tanks
- Graphical glitchyness upon loading the starting room for the first time
- Apologising in the item descriptions. Save that for the readme, not in the hack
- Rinka spam is reserved for SL hacks. And even then, don't do it. Ever. (not as bad as SL hacks, but a nuisance, either way)
- Do NOT...EVER place multiple rippers across a slope/stairway (see larva-imago room. Navigating those 4 rippers without getting hit is cancer)
- A lot of "not obvious route is not obvious"
- Level design feels very basic
- What's the logic behind making wavers and reos immune to almost everything
- Give me bombs, and then morph, then tell me to enable bombs. Why give me bombs first, then?
- Some of these door placements make some transitions look jarring (mostly a graphical thing, but it still looks jarring)
- What's the fucking deal with the reo at varia
- Speaking of varia, hello graphical glitchyness (there's also some of this in bombs' room after the freezer has thawed)
- Thawing the facility makes no sense (the way to do it, is also hidden very poorly)
- Do not place a sub-area/main area textbox and an expansion so close to each other (timing wise). Strange things happen.
- Unobvious shinespark puzzle is unobvious (I spent 30 minutes looking for this, and wanted to kill myself after finding it)
- Respawning metroids in tight corridors with wavers. Both go through walls
- Missable missile expansions (See thawed larva-imago room)
- E-Tank excess as a way of saying "ur win" (sure it sticks with the story, but that amount is ridiculous)
- Reserve tank disrespect (when's increase reserve refill speed, adamf? :colonrightv:)[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Deep Freeze (1.1) - Captain Glitch]tl;dr - 3rd best: I was torn between this, and Gelid for 2nd/3rd best. Both did some good stuff, but also fell short on others. If this stuck to the theme a bit more, I'd have definately given this 2nd best

- There's a lot of freezing going on, but not a lot of thawing

+ Use of zm-style hidden passages (fading when the player passes through. Certainly a good addition, what after playing a very basic looking hack earlier)
+ Little emphasis on "Bomb Fucking Everything" (which is what winter mission felt like at times)
+ Boss palettes
+ Level design is pretty neat
+ "Secret rooms"
/ Optional bosses. Whilst it's a nice addition, but with the amount of gear you can get, it trivialises them
/ Item progression feels unusual. Not in a bad way, but not good either. Non-linearity for you, I guess
/ Ending screens. These don't do anything for me, but I can proably see a few people getting a kick out of it, none the less
- Apologising in item descriptions. Do that in the readme, not the hack
- Map is a bit confusing at start (stop pulling pages from SLG/Fear)
- Not crediting physix
- There's a lot of "Hi boss--Bye boss" going on
- Imago palette
- Imago room's grey door is not actually a grey door
- Why is there a morph tunnel directly above that door?
- Space vessel--WOA! WE'RE GOING ON A MAGICAL JOURNEY! (it's a fucking party vessel, not a space vessel)
- I'm sure homenag is disgusted by this actually good hack[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Gelid - Scyzer/Grime]tl;dr - 2nd best. Same with Deep Freeze. Torn between giving this 2nd/3rd best.

+ Follows the theme

+ Visually looks pretty neat
/ Lack of file selection. This is mostly an issue for people who use a different control setup from the original.
/ Lack of any real enemies. Ok there's that one "boss", but other than that, the only real threat are icicles, and spikes
/ The escape. I think it was the change of pace from the descent, that put me off here. Water physics didn't feel like utter crap, though
- Lag
- Layer 3 was shitting the bed, badly
- Felt a bit too short[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Ice Break - ThatSpoiler]
tl;dr - DQ'd: Submitted as warez, and not a patch. But we're still looking into this. This would have placed 4th best, above winter mission

- There's a lot of freezing going on, and not a lot of thawing

/ A pretty short hack (not entirely in a bad way, because I find some nestroid hacks can be mind-numbingly boring. See JBAtW)
- Nestroid moves (getting bodied by enemies as you exit a door)
- Disco rave zoomers (because they're not grounded properly, they infinitely spin on the spot)
- Do not place a blue door shell on the exiting side of a red door. They don't open when you exit them (this is mainly a graphical issue, but worth addressing)
- 30 missiles and 3 e-tanks. Boy am I ready for...2 rooms of tourian...[/spoiler]


Might as well post my reviews too, I expected DSO to have posted the results and announced the winners by now, but that hasn't happened. :c

Anyway, here goes (Order of reviews is arbitrary):

[spoiler=Super Metroid Frostbite]
--> Super Metroid Frostbite: 82,0% collected items. (70 missiles, 3 e-tanks, ice, spazer)

Super metroid Frostbite started of interesting enough, cool looking visuals, and some build up. Not even halfway through it though problems started cropping up. For starters, the run functionality seems to have been disabled, making the entire hack feel more sluggish and slow than it needed to. I'm the type of player who usually never let go of the run button, so this was a big deal to me. Secondly, I was just continuously just wishing for it to be over. It was slow, not very interesting, and lacked any interesting sights. The tilework in individual rooms is for the most part ranging from good to okay. But there just wasn't anything all that interesting to see. And after a couple of rooms into each tileset, then you had seen them all.

The difficulty balancing is kind of bad too. Ridley comes out of nowhere and I was not prepared in the slightest, making me end up resorting to savestate scumming throughout the fight. That's not something I want to do, but given that the only save station I had found prior to the fight was the one you started on..., yeah. It was either that or replaying the entire hack from the start, and that's just unacceptable to me. It could be fine if there was at least something to suggest that a boss fight is coming up, but there wasn't. The final boss had the opposite problem, it came across as way too easy to me. Of course, at that point I had backtracked after Ridley to the newly opened up areas and gotten some nice gear, so I'll concede that not every player might have as good gear at that point as me. However, even then it's a stark contrast in difficulty between the two boss fights, where as the former would probably always be harder. The ending also comes a bit out of nowhere if you ask me.

There are also some bugs and weird design choices. The red space pirates take damage from spacer/ice but not from charged shots of the same beam.
Ridley's room is marked as in "norfair" if you open the map, (I know why this is, and it might be hard to fix, but it's worth pointing out). If you kill the final boss and leave the room on the left side and then re-enter, he'll re-spawn and the music is buggy.

It followed the theme decently enough, going for first thawing out the caves and then the "base". There aren't really any ground-breaking ideas here nor anything super exciting.
But it is following the theme and it is doing so decently competent.

Closing thoughts: Fair amount of rooms but not much substance.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Super Metroid: Gelid]
--> Super Metroid: Gelid: Everything, I think.

So, this was very interesting hack.
Since it starts as soon as I hit start I think it's only reasonable that I right away say that I dislike that the options menu is entirely removed. It's not the type of feature I would expect people to add in a hack, but the fact that the choice was made to remove it is just something I can't agree with. I'm not one of the people who usually customize it much, but that's kind of beside the point since I feel this is a flaw.

Anyway, the hack itself was pretty good. It establishes the thematics right from the start and then follows up on it throughout the entire journey. The atmosphere is really good, but it does not necessarily follow the theme. You're destroying crystallisations of some kind, that could allegedly be ice (I'm going to assume so). But that's not a whole lot, and I have a hard time buying into that the "escape sequence" is supposed to signify that this is all melting. (Because there was already water at the bottom from the start).

Speaking of the escape part, I feel that the oxygen mechanic should probably have been introduced in a more risk free environment first. I ended up dying (and using the re-wind feature in my emulator once) because I didn't figure out that you could restore oxygen at the bubble points. Since my assumption was that I was supposed to out-race the water rising. (Which is seemingly possible, BTW). If I had known how these things worked entirely before I was put into such a risky situation, where a mistake could mean starting over the entire bloody thing, then I would have been better equipped at handling the situation.

Graphically the hack looked nice and it didn't go on long enough to get boring. Don't really have anything else to say on that. But I figured it would be worth stating that I appreciated the nice visuals. The level design relies a bit too much on the "push against walls to see which one you can go through". Most locations are fairly well signalled, but if you miss one or two crystals then you end up in a scenario where you just push against all walls to make sure. The boss fight was interesting, though damaging it ended up feeling more like RNG then actual clever movement. It was cool to see, but ended up being less enjoyable than it could have been.

If you open the inventory and see the map then it looks "buggy".

Closing thoughts: Enjoyable and wasn't longer than it needed to be, but a bit rough around the edges.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Metroid: Ice Break]
--> Metroid: Ice Break: Hidden Varia GET, not sure if I missed any other secret thing.

Technically disqualified? It was done way before the deadline the author just didn't grasp what distribution practices we find acceptable. Personally I still think it deserves to at least get my feedback on what I think, if nothing else.

So I'm not really a NES metroid player, at all. I tried a few hacks a long time ago, but I never did get much of anywhere in them. Heck, I have never even sat down to complete the original game in the first place, just not my cup of tea. This was more on the easier end and fairly short, and I admit, I had a pretty good time.

The aesthetics really captures the feel of a cold frozen world so I could get into theme fairly well. Getting a NES hack to go the next step beyond this would require a lot of work, including original graphics work. (Or ripped I guess). So I can appreciate it for what it is.

There was some slight backtracking when you got some new tools, some light exploration, and at least one rewarding secret. For a short contest package I think this is pretty good out of a NES metroid hack. Maybe I just have low expectations from not playing any hacks of this game? Possibly. Nonetheless I found it to be good and enjoyable.

Closing thoughts: Worth playing even for people who don't want to bomb every floor tile![/spoiler]

[spoiler=Winter Mission]
--> Winter Mission: I'm fairly confident that I probably missed some optional items.

This hack is pretty awful and I would not really recommend it to anyone.
I realize it's a novice's work, but I'm not going to hold back because of that, it would be insincere. The biggest issue with the this hack is the atrocious level design and gameplay flow. There is very little signposting at certain parts, causing you to run around trying to find where you need to go to progress next. The one that had me stuck for 15mins was right at the start where I couldn't located the way towards (eventually) bombs and morphball. The only thing suggesting that I could proceed was the unexplored area on the map that could potentially be considered a hint. But that only makes sense in hindsight, and there are plenty of other rooms marked on that map. I don't think it needs to be said, but running around everywhere and trying to shoot every piece of wall is not enjoyable in the slightest.

Even if you know exactly where you need to go, the flow back and forth and the backtracking is just kind of bad and uninspired. Items are turned into almost exclusively keys for locks, without much else too them. The place magically unfreezes after an arbitrary trigger is meet. This causes some scenery to change, but not really in a logical sense. The entire area just becomes destroyed out of nowhere. I guess now in hindsight maybe the intention was for all of that wreckage to be because of the worm? But that's a real stretch.

Tilework was not awful, but there were some odd bits here and there. More to the point, there wasn't really anything I'd consider good, and several things I would consider bad.

I'm not sure what else there is to say about it, I could talk about the insta-kill enemy you can't see coming, or springball jumping over crumble blocks from hell, but I'm not going to. Rather, I'll just say that I found this hack awful and a complete waste of my time. If it weren't for the fact that I'm a judge of this contest, I would not have completed it.

Closing thoughts: I'd rather get a brain freeze.
PS: Don't stop hacking though, no one ever started off great at something. Before one can make good stuff you first have to make shitty stuff. :P[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Metroid: Deep Freeze]
--> Metroid: Deep Freeze: 44% Goku.

Deep Freeze ended up being pretty darn good. My biggest complaint as of yet are the weird "easter egg" rooms. They don't really convey much of anything interesting in my opinion, and rather, they take away from the experience. Since they are fairly easy to located and get to and they are just very jarring when you enter them. The level design is pretty darn good, there are some weird scroll zones where the camera don't quite keep up, but that's about it. There is plenty of platforming that ends up feeling really satisfying (I can't stress that enough), and the exploration is pretty darn good. The backtracking was getting a bit annoying near the end since you're just going through the same areas over and over again, but it wasn't enough for it to hurt the experience too much. Basically, it didn't overstay it's welcome, but it was getting close. The shinespark puzzle was pretty neat and I think it's inclusion helped flesh out the experience, especially since it was optional.

The mecha ridley fight could use some fine tuning though. It could be very hard to survive the fight without all the e-tanks, so I feel some tweaking there could be good. But all other boss and enemy encounters seemed to hit just right, assuming the player is willing to use missiles.

What I feel might be lacking was a following of the theme. There is lots of aesthetic things such as the perma-frozen enemies, and the snow themed caverns. But there really isn't any focus on either freezing or thawing. Any supposed freezing happening is delivered via exposition before the game even begins. That's fine I suppose, it's a great hack regardless. To me contests like these are just window dressing to get people to make good hacks. So in that regard it's a success, but I just can't with a straight face say that I think this hack follows the theme really well.

Closing thoughts: One of the best Zero Mission hacks to date![/spoiler]

[spoiler=And for those curious as to how I voted]
Best Overall (from best to worst):

- Metroid: Deep Freeze
- Super Metroid: Gelid
- Metroid Ice Break
- Super Metroid Frostbite
- Winter Mission

[spoiler=just for fun]
And this is how I would order things if it was just based on how well the theme was followed.

- Super Metroid Frostbite
- Metroid Ice Break
- Winter Mission
- Metroid: Deep Freeze
- Super Metroid: Gelid



My apologies for the delay, the results are tallied:
Winner: Deep Freeze by Captain Glitch
Second (tied) Frostbite by Jefe962 and Gelid by Scyzer + Grime
Fourth: Winter Mission by Ing-Ing

Honorable Mention: Ice Break by ThatSpoiler

Thank you very much to everyone who made this contest a success, whether by entering a hack or judging.


I guess we're doing review time.  For the record, I streamed my playthroughs of all of these over the course of 2 days.  I did not use any savestates or other cheats.  I did have some relatively minor emulator issues with the 2 ZM hacks, as I don't normally emulate GBA games on my desktop PC.  Sorted from best to worst in my opinion.

Here we go!

[spoiler=Deep Freeze]
A competent ZM hack?  What is this madness?

It looks nice and fits the "frozen" theme quite well, though there wasn't much in the way of thawing.  I liked most of the level design, and the layered secret thing is cool (especially since that's a technique you obviously don't see in hacks of SM).  The lore explanation of "Gravity Suit" is cute.  Glowy MechaRidley and ultraglowy escape is great.

I got trolled once, when I found an eye door at low health and decided to backtrack all the way to the previous save room to be safe, only to go back around and through the eye door to find... another save room.

Mecha Ridley kicked my ass when I first found him, so I spent more time exploring and finding additional items (including the "secret rooms").  At that point, I still died a couple of times to Mecha because I'm bad, but the difficulty felt reasonable.  You still might want to tone him down in order to let less skilled players realistically beat the hack under-equipped.

The Kraid fight was tedious because I ran out of missiles and had to farm a lot of fingernails, but he dealt so little damage that there was never any threat.

42%, game time 49:54, real time 1:08:29

This is a pretty solid hack.  It features both freezing and thawing, and makes great use of thawed roomstates to open up previously-inaccessible areas; however the trigger that causes the thawing is not obvious.  It would have been much better if the random dead-end room included something conspicuous to be destroyed, or a map station, or something else to interact with that could give the player some feedback of "something important just happened".

Jiffy loves to make physics changes for seemingly no reason, and this time around we get awkward walljump arcs and a complete lack of running.  There's no particular lore explanation for it, and more importantly the changes were not utilized for any puzzles or creative ways to maneuver through rooms.  So it just makes the game feel slower and a bit "off".

I beat Ridley on my first attempt, although it was pretty close and I'm fairly comfortable fighting him without great equipment.  Players who are not skilled at that fight are sure to struggle.

70.1%, game time 00:23, real time 35:09

Unorthodox idea for a hack.  It looks nice and frozen, and the fact that it's all one giant room is pretty cool.  Given that there are no actual enemies and you're not realistically going to die from the handful of spikes and icicles, I feel like it would be better to take out the health mechanic entirely.  That would also allow giving more focus to the oxygen mechanic--for example, add a brief underwater section prior to the escape.

I spent most of my playthrough confused as to what I was supposed to be doing, but I was able to stumble across the intended solutions and it eventually made sense.  I never got frustrated with the "what do I do now" part though, so that's not a complaint.

That's not to say I have no complaints with the hack though.  In fact I have a list of them:
- It's super laggy
- No main menu, hope you like default controls:  I don't :sad:
- You're able to pause the game during the intro text crawl.  It doesn't hurt anything, but it's unexpected.
- If you die and attempt to continue, you're stuck in an infinite loop of dying immediately upon respawn, and must hard reset
- I died in the escape twice trying to outrun the rising water, until someone in my stream chat pointed out the bubbles to me.
- The game hard locked on me once, upon shooting one of the icicle objects.  I was not able to reproduce this however.

5%, no game time given, real time 31:39

[spoiler=Ice Break]
I'm no fan of NEStroid or its hacks, so I had pretty low expectations for this one.  And I spawned with 30 energy, so it immediately started off on a bad note.  However, everything after was an improvement.

It's short, rather easy, and pretty linear.  The palettes look good.  There are upgrades everywhere, most of them just sitting out in the open.

I don't really know how you're expected to do a freezing or thawing theme in NEStroid beyond featuring Ice Beam and making some snowy looking rooms.  So while it didn't impress thematically, I have a hard time faulting it too much for that.

no percent given, no game time given, real time 10:56

[spoiler=Winter Mission]
Hoo boy.  Another ZM hack.  I'll start off by saying that I did not enjoy this hack.  In fact it was the only contest entry I was not able to finish (I gave up at the Imago fight).

It does prominently feature both freezing and thawing, although it shares Frostbite's problem of the transition to "thawed" being unclear.

The difficulty is very punishing throughout, due to enemies dealing a LOT of damage and the fact that I had zero e-tanks (apparently I missed the 1 or 2 that were hidden, and I also missed Varia).  And there's rinka spawners all over the place.  And then there's the invincible wavers in many of the rooms, which can only be killed by power bombs or shinesparks.

There's also more than a couple required paths forward with little or no hints, many of them quite early in the game.  And either I took a complicated route, or there were places where it was required to do fancy maneuvers involving shinespark chains, freezing enemies in specific places, and/or walljumps.

Getting bombs before morph, and then having to figure out how to enable bombs on the status menu, was very confusing to me.  I'll also nitpick that there's one chozo statue that directs you someplace on the map that obviously doesn't exist in this hack.

The metroid room leading into super missiles is pure cancer.  Fuck that room.

DNF, real time 1:21:20


Thanks for all the input on Ice Break everyone! Since it was my first hack I know I made quite a few mistakes! I understand that you can't make exceptions for mistakes (like uploading a ROM) or else you would end up having to make exceptions for everyone. Big thanks to Lunaria for understanding my mistake. But I do understand why Ice Break was DQed.

[spoiler]I'm glad you guys liked my palletes. I'm still figuring out doors, I'll keep that in mind TheAnonymousUser. I didn't do a lot with Tourian. I didn't want Mother Brain but I probably should have made it more of a challenge. I was going to have a whole Kraid area and Kraid boss fight but I ran out of time. I made this whole thing in less than a week.

Disco Rave Zoomers are AWESOME (I'll fix that problem).[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I might just be making a 2.0 version of this with new areas and hopefully some melting.

As soon as I fix a game-breaking Tourian bug (If you die in Tourian you respawn in a secret world) I'll upload it on the main site to get it rated. Thanks again everyone!


What happned to Super Metroid: Gelid