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Metroid Prime: Return of Samus

Started by TobiMikami, December 26, 2016, 12:47:27 AM

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Metroid Prime: Return of Samus because Nintendo doesn't listen to what their fans want By TobiMikami

[spoiler]Effectively a "Metroid Prime 0" Metroid Prime: Return of Samus seeks to fill in huge gaps left in Metroid timeline theory, and explain the unexplained open ends that are often questioned between Metroid 1 and Metroid Prime.

After the fall of Zebes, Space Pirate forces divide among three vessels. After the discovery of Phazon on Tallon IV, Frigate Siricaus becomes the headquarters of a new Metroid experiment. Using Phazon, the Pirates develop a "Prime" evolution of Metroids, these "Prime Metroids" foster a Core Essence, produce Phazon, and are many times stronger than their normal counterparts. Eventually evolving into the creature found on Tallon IV as "Metroid Prime" these creatures quickly overthrow the Pirate stronghold. Orbiting above planet Tallon II, the frigate's remaining live staff emit a distress signal calling the Frigate Orpheon for backup, responding to the signal in the meantime, is none other than Samus Aran. Once Samus is discovered on the vessel, the pirates decide their best option is to abandon the Frigate, sending it kamikaze into the planet below, sacrificing their research in an attempt to eliminate the Metroids on board, along with Samus. Though she narrowly escapes, the Frigate effectively becomes a leviathan seed, corrupting the planet, and releasing the Prime Metroid DNA into the environment. In pursuit of the Space Pirates, Samus lands on planet Tallon II as well, and thus, a new adventure is born[/spoiler]

Project Origins
[spoiler]This game is being built in Game Maker 8.1 using the AM2R Kousaru Engine. While Studio is more agile than 8.1, and I could port to a new engine, it has taken me a while to become proficient with this system. The Studio versions have eliminated and completely changed many programming usages, and considering that I have two projects, a Zelda and a Metroid title in 8.1, I will likely finish both of these titles before I attempt to use Studio. Bouncing between the two styled games has given me a lot of insight into how to improve each engine, and up to this point, much of the progress is behind the scenes, very little level design is implemented, and the main focus has been on weaponry, HUDs, etc. While this engine includes beams, missiles, PB's, Spider Ball, Shinespark, etc, etc, it lacks things like Super Missiles, suit upgrades, etc, which is where the majority of the effort has gone into thus far. With all of that being said, many resources are modifications in most cases, and less likely, direct usages of other works found throughout the internet. If you find that I'm using your resources, and would like credit for such, please let me know. If you would like to provide resources, I would be happy to consider/use them and accredit you as desired. I am doing the development by myself, aside from the resources already in existence as a vantage point, so any help is great, considering AM2R is done, and the next REAL Metroid title is indefinite.[/spoiler]

Current Progress
What DOES exist and WORKS:
Power Bombs
Power Suit
Phazon Suit
Screw Attack
Space Jump
Spider Ball
All 4 Beams
Super Missile (Charge Combo)
Charge Beam
Morph Ball

What EXISTS but needs Work:
Current Prime HUD (Getting the map and numbers properly positioned, the painfully tetious process of converting the health bar, beams and visors on screen.)
Ice Spreader

What's on the immediate To-Do List:
Meta Ridley (Current work in progress, Spriting about 75% complete)
Basic Pause Menu/Inventory screen
Thermal and X-Ray Visors (Mocked, just need to be implemented)
Wavebuster (Unsure about the progress of this at this time)

In the Hunt:
Varia Suit
Gravity Suit
Metroid Prime

Screens, art, and Mocks
From the current build:

From the previous build:



Will you re-release the engine with new updates?

I'm choosing to focus much of the main development at the moment on engine works, followed then by the complete world designing. I would like to, after implementing some of the projects currently in the works, create a short demo of the opening tutorial-type area of the game. ETA on that is about 3-6 months, mainly due to time constraints. Any type of contributions towards the graphical end of things, especially tiling, would likely help to improve or make sure that timeline is met, since that's where most of my design time is spent. I do/have taken into consideration the opinions of a lot of Metroid connoisseurs, on top of my own, so everybody's opinions weigh a worth, much of the plot elements are based on what flows best and fits best with the missing links, and much of the way the game is played, elements involved, etc, are based on what the general consensus of people like, while, at least attempting, to omit those that are disliked. I'll begin updating here with more promising updates as they become complete, in the meantime, the simplest opinions will be seen as contributions, and all contributions are greatly appreciated. 


For some reason I imagined this being "Metroid Prime 2: Return of Samus". Kind of like a metroid prime sequel but one that took a different fork in the path than Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.

Keep us updated, this looks tight.


I'm not sure if prime style HUDs is fit for purpose for a 2D side scroller, I recommend reconsidering. The previous builds FoV looks way too small, but the HUD design seems way more solid.


A lot of times when I develop, I leave commentaries on in the background of different Metroid titles, which sparks a lot of thought and gives off a lot of opinions on plot details and the titles themselves, I felt like I had a good angle to write and design from here, considering most people write off Hunters, this gives some insight to the questions not answered in Prime, and neglected and pushed aside as Dark Samus and Phaaze takes the spotlight.

The original HUD I feel would have seemed less cumbersome with the increased screen ratio, which was a blessing to the game since graphics are a huge part of this game, and I really would prefer people play it in the original ratio without distortion. A lot of the inspiration to scrap it came from the fact that a Beams HUD extension was still necessary, and Other M left a bad taste in most people's mouths, and that negative association is something I wanted to move away from. That being said, my current plan is to try to roll with the Prime HUD until the first demo. Mainly because I feel it works out a lot better in game play than it does in screenshot. I did debate lengthening the HUD so that the beams and visors would sit lower, but I feel like it's better at Samus-level, that way sub-floor hints are easier to spot. It's been tweaked many times, and will probably see many more before a true complete release.


the hud looks nice, but it takes up way way too much of the screen imo. There's no reason an hud should cover up enemies and level data below like 1/3rd of the screen.
Not saying it won't work, but it looks like it would be really distruptive


On a note of new development, now ready to be sent into the engine, Gravity Suit Samus.


Yo, Tobi, I heard what happened to your laptop, stopping you from being able to make updates and such, but what is the current situation.
I have been around for a while :)

See you next mission.


Hey, I just learned a new synonym of the word "Awesome."
It's called Metroid Prime: Return of Samus.


Does the kousoru engine convert to studio 2? Am2r does i hear.
If it does i wonder what could be made with it...


@TobiMikami I was looking through screens and mockups and saw that perhaps your HUD isn't final. Using your mockups on a screenshot I changed what the minimap looks like.

Do you consider this to be a nice change?