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Room of the Month - October 2016

Started by Daltone, September 13, 2016, 03:01:31 PM

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Who made the Room of the Month?

Daltone and Digital_Mantra
3 (16.7%)
9 (50%)
2 (11.1%)
1 (5.6%)
3 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 0



Dman coolab, he did the top and i converted to smile

not sure how alternate states are handled with ROTM

fixed dots for quietus


I think you should do something about those repetitive dots in the filler tiles. Also, the shaft at the top could be a little more vertical. :wink:



I may end up expanding this.[/spoiler]


It may just be my monitor, but the bulk of that room looks almost impossible to see. Only the greenery and doors are clearly visible.


Quote from: Quietus on September 20, 2016, 09:15:01 PM
It may just be my monitor, but the bulk of that room looks almost impossible to see. Only the greenery and doors are clearly visible.
It has to be. I can see it just fine on my monitor.


Quote from: Quietus on September 20, 2016, 09:15:01 PM
It may just be my monitor, but the bulk of that room looks almost impossible to see. Only the greenery and doors are clearly visible.

Quote from: Tarince on September 20, 2016, 09:18:03 PM
It has to be. I can see it just fine on my monitor.

It's your eyes Quietus...

Here, borrow Daltones Glasses:


I don't know but I think someone glued the nose on upside down????


Quote from: Tarince on September 20, 2016, 09:18:03 PM
It has to be. I can see it just fine on my monitor.
Yeah, it seems fine on my monitor at work. Hey, ho, it may be time for a new monitor. :^_^:


jiffy: needs color variation. all blue.

guy with green avatar: style clash, black tiles need visibility, no background?

retroo: where are the walls/ceiling?

daltone: rocks are highly varied, ruins are not. it helps to study SM's lower norfair.

good work everybody, keep it up!


Vismund Cygnus

Look at me go, almost being on time!
It was close, but Daltone managed to pull off a victory for September.

We've got 5 entries for this month, each looking pretty damned solid:
[spoiler=Daltone and Digital_Mantra]
Vismund's note: Given that it's the same room and I forgot to say anything, I'm allowing this entry, however in the future when submitting a room with multiple states, I'd prefer that only one state is submitted.[/spoiler]
Can Daltone claim back-to-back wins, or will someone topple the reigning champ? You decide, Metconst!

Now that I've actually managed to do this on time, we have the entire month of October to submit for next month! Get to it!


Daltone_Mantra: Look's pretty neat, I always like seeing good use of bubbles. Nothing too over the top, flows really well, good entry. The only thing I don't particularly like is how repetitive the foreground filler is. Two room entry for two people.... shouldn't you guys be voted for separately....... This seems like a scam to win.....
Underage: As I mentioned previously on irc, great room. I mentioned that I didn't much care for how the stalagmites were a different color from the rest of the tileset, it just looked off to me. Idk if you changed it or not since then, but its still a good room regardless. The tiling reminds me of how I tiled Pantheon Redux, good work! (oh and the doorcap palettes are too saturated)
Tarince: This room is so dark I have to turn up my brightness to see it! Structure over all seems pretty solid, not a big fan of the giant ferns in the middle of the room though. Other than that and the tiles being /just/ a bit too dark, its a good room.
Retroo: What is this I don't even.... This room is pretty silly, lemme say. It's got a 'I hack while I take illicit drugs' feel to it, kinda like some of dmans stuff. As a nondrug user, I don't really get it... So, I'm not gonna give it a review, which could be either good or bad, take it however you want. :P
suku: Oh look, I made a room guys! I decided to open up editroid today just to goof around with it, it seems pretty solid. It's quite different from SMILE, but I'm getting the hang out it. I may and or may not actually make a nestroid hack, maytroididk.png. This is the starting room though, you start on the little pad on the right side of the room. Not much else to say, hope you like the palette. (I haven't gotten around to editing enemy palettes, so I hope you don't mark me too low for that!)

[spoiler=and the winner is.....]ME! nah, who votes for themselves, that's scummy shit right there. I didn't know if I wanted to vote this time around, but I went with Jiffy's room.[/spoiler]


Jefe for me. Good, solid stuff. :^_^:


I voted Daltone / DMan's room. Second states after quake or something is nice. If it wasn't for that though, I'd vote jefe because I hate the orange palette.

Vismund Cygnus

[spoiler=Daltone/DMan]It's a nice room. I like the concept of a room that changes when you come back to it. If nothing else it's memorable. I see complaints about repetitive filler but I imagine that it can't be seen in game. My main issue is the copypasted background, but overall it's a neat room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jiffy]I certainly don't think it's a bad room, but there's also nothing that makes it stand out. Looks like filler to me, which is fine and probably expected for any hack, but it's not particularly interesting as a result. Just as a side note, the colour on the 22.5 degree slopes is just slightly off and I'm #triggered[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Tarince]If I could see the room, I'd be able to rate it better. Reminds me of Final Stand or whatever that hack was called. Possibly because the tileset was taken directly from it?
Anyway, needs brightening, and also a background of some description.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Retroo]This isn't a room, but rather a philosophical question: If a room has no walls, no floor, and no roof, is it still a room?
Basically idk wtf is going on here[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Squee]Oversaturated palettes? Sign me the fuck up! I actually really like this room. It's a NEStroid room that isn't repetitive, even though it uses the default tiles. Mad style points.[/spoiler]
Ended up voting Digitone, but Squishy was a close second. Jiffy's room is good but nothing particularly special, and the other two I had no idea what was going on.
Still, solid stuff all around.


Double D: your concept is cool but the visuals rely on seeing the whole room at once, not a 16x10 space. Pass.

Jiffy: Needs some warmth, although your palette is pretty good. Also camera snap. Eugh.

Tarince: Rocks too clumpy. nicely decorative but lacking contrast. and a background. Imagine a blue background...

Retroo: Very abstract. Where are the walls?

Suku: I actually like the neon room. Nobody has the balls to construct a glowing pink room. Tiles could use some personal flair.