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Metroid Advance Game Editor (MAGE) Thread

Started by biospark, June 21, 2016, 06:19:47 PM

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Would like the option when importing BG3s to a tileset to expand the BG to any usage of that tileset(shouldn't be too hard of a macro)
GAME errors out when trying to import a tileset or BG to Debug rooms then saving.


Quote from: interdpth on August 10, 2016, 08:59:49 AM
Would like the option when importing BG3s to a tileset to expand the BG to any usage of that tileset(shouldn't be too hard of a macro)
GAME errors out when trying to import a tileset or BG to Debug rooms then saving.

This was a planned feature already (please be patient!). You can copy the pointer for now.

And do you mean MAGE instead of GAME?


Quote from: biospark on August 10, 2016, 02:33:42 PM
Quote from: interdpth on August 10, 2016, 08:59:49 AM
Would like the option when importing BG3s to a tileset to expand the BG to any usage of that tileset(shouldn't be too hard of a macro)
GAME errors out when trying to import a tileset or BG to Debug rooms then saving.

This was a planned feature already (please be patient!). You can copy the pointer for now.

And do you mean MAGE instead of GAME?

I have no idea how I fucked that up. But pls fix the debug room insertion. I can privately send ips and example if needed.


Is it giving you an actual error? Or is it just messing up the graphics of other rooms that share the same BG3? If it's the latter, you should just be able to copy the BG3 pointer to other rooms.


Quote from: biospark on August 10, 2016, 03:24:40 PM
Is it giving you an actual error? Or is it just messing up the graphics of other rooms that share the same BG3? If it's the latter, you should just be able to copy the BG3 pointer to other rooms.

my b, issue isn't from importing. It's from resizing.

Resize room to 40x22. Save room, enter new room, reload room 0. Crash. I've done this in rooms that take up more screen. I tested room 0x25 in Main Deck, it is these specifations. I resized to the room to 40x21 and reloaded it and it crashed. :( Using latest mage.

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at mage.BG.DrawRLE(Rectangle region, BitmapData srcData, BitmapData dstData)
   at mage.Backgrounds.DrawBlocks(Rectangle region)
   at mage.Backgrounds.RedrawAll()
   at mage.FormMain.UpdateBGs()
   at mage.FormMain.ResetValues()
   at mage.FormMain.LoadRoom(Int32 a, Int32 r)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Is the callstack. Resized room loads properly in DH. So has to be something with the room loading code.


I've found an undo/redo related bug. If you paste blocks over a blank area (with the dark gray background) and try to undo, the block data is reverted but the blocks won't disappear. This will get fixed when I revamp the gui and undo/redo system. Just wanted to point out that I'm aware of the bug in case anyone else encounters it.

Quote from: interdpth on August 10, 2016, 03:44:59 PMmy b, issue isn't from importing. It's from resizing.



ETA on next update? Need to work in the debug area and resize it.


Is there any technical reason MAGE doesn't support exporting animated tilesets & animated BG's as an image?

This would be a really convenient feature! How doable is it?

(i.e. in MF, the blinking BG2 tiles + the dark/light blue/purple background gradient in the room before the main deck navigation room).


Quote from: jake on August 11, 2016, 09:10:36 PM
Is there any technical reason MAGE doesn't support exporting animated tilesets & animated BG's as an image?

Do you mean exporting tileset/room images as animated .gifs? That wouldn't be a high priority, sorry.

Quote from: jake on August 11, 2016, 09:10:36 PM
in MF, the blinking BG2 tiles + the dark/light blue/purple background gradient in the room before the main deck navigation room

There are multiple navigation rooms on the main deck. Give me a room number.


New version:

0.7.0 - Aug 11 2016
  - Added keyboard shortcut 'G' to load the room a door connects to
  - Added two Zero Mission patches that allow adding new elevators
  - Added automatic checker for sprite drop probabilities
  - Added additional text types for Zero Mission
  - Renamed text types to be less confusing
  - Added Location Names to Connection Editor
  - Changed Text Editor font to Courier New (for better compatibility)
  - Fixed bug when resizing rooms

I opted to release a newer version now before finishing the tile table editor. I have a good idea of how to revamp the gui, which I'd like to work on next.

I would appreciate if people tested these new things out to make sure they work!


So I'm completely unsure how to get imported graphics for sprites to stay. I import from raw, see it in the viewer. Then how do I save it to ROM and to the sprite? :O


Should be automatically added once you import. Then all you have to do is save the ROM at some point.


Quote from: biospark on August 13, 2016, 05:37:29 PM
Should be automatically added once you import. Then all you have to do is save the ROM at some point.

Ah, I thought the sizes would auto adjust. Figured it out :D

Odd situation, I have a repointed AI offset table. MAGE reads it fine, however if I repoint the sprites image the AI offset get saved horribly like so:


Why would you repoint the sprite graphics? The graphics editor does this automatically.

I'm guessing it's a problem on your end. MAGE would never overwrite the AI pointers.



You shouldn't hit apply in the sprite editor. The problem is that when you import the graphics, the sprite editor still contains the previous offset. So when you hit apply, it's pointing back to the original data, which was just overwritten (since your imported image is larger).

None of the editors interact with each other, so you have to reload before you see changes made in another editor.

Also, MAGE currently doesn't have a way to change the number of graphics rows a sprite uses in Fusion, though you can use a hex editor if you know what you're doing.


Sorry, forgot there are specific 'navigation rooms'. I was referencing Main Deck room D (where you fight the SA-X).

In that room, the tiles in the mid ground (BG2?) have lights that flicker.
I don't know how this was accomplished. I just assumed that there was a sequence of tiles that where looped through to accomplish the flashing lights (hence 'animated tilesets').
Also the room as a dark/light purple gradient applied to the BG2 tiles but that may be a different thing.

Also, rooms like Sector 1, room 0 have animated backgrounds (BG3?) -- i.e. water tank sequence. Or other rooms have animated lava/water (BG1?).

I called the BG2 sequence 'animated tilesets', and the BG3 sequence 'animated backgrounds'. (I wasn't referring to GIF).

I was hopping there was some way to export the entire sequence (so that I could replicate it in a python/js MF clone I have been working on intermittently).

And yea, its definitely not a priority! I was just curious.

Quote from: biospark on August 11, 2016, 09:17:45 PM
Quote from: jake on August 11, 2016, 09:10:36 PM
Is there any technical reason MAGE doesn't support exporting animated tilesets & animated BG's as an image?

Do you mean exporting tileset/room images as animated .gifs? That wouldn't be a high priority, sorry.

Quote from: jake on August 11, 2016, 09:10:36 PM
in MF, the blinking BG2 tiles + the dark/light blue/purple background gradient in the room before the main deck navigation room

There are multiple navigation rooms on the main deck. Give me a room number.


Sounds like you've never used the animation editor. For Main deck room D, the flashing lights are done using an animated palette. For sector 1 room 0, the water tank uses animated tiles. The easiest way to check it out is by going to a room you're interested in, then opening the tileset editor. From there, you can press edit for the animated tileset or animated palette to see those. For example, the flashing lights use animated palette 7.

The editor doesn't support viewing animations, since it would be more of a novelty and not very useful for testing (since you can instantly test rooms using an emulator). I'd like to implement it in the long term, though.


Quote from: biospark on August 14, 2016, 01:35:57 AM
You shouldn't hit apply in the sprite editor. The problem is that when you import the graphics, the sprite editor still contains the previous offset. So when you hit apply, it's pointing back to the original data, which was just overwritten (since your imported image is larger).

None of the editors interact with each other, so you have to reload before you see changes made in another editor.

Also, MAGE currently doesn't have a way to change the number of graphics rows a sprite uses in Fusion, though you can use a hex editor if you know what you're doing.

Pls add a window. I'd add it if you got MAGE on a repo or something.  2E4A50 +((spriteid-0x10) << 1) * 2 is e z :(


Hey guys

I've been working on a palette hack for MZM which changes the red outline of all tiles in the game to more natural colors (EDIT- Screenshots:, also check the originals in the sub-folder!), but I can't find some of the colors in the chozodia tilesets for some reason. I've tried changing most reds in the palettes for these sets (there's usually a specific color used throughout the game), but it just doesn't change the color I want in the set. It doesn't seem like the color is even in the palette most of the time.
It also doesn't help that chozodia has a lot of duplicate tilesets, any idea why or how I can find this stuff?

I just was wondering, would it be possible to change the 'unknown' items in MZM into regular, working ones?
I know it would probably be difficult to fix, because of the chozo boss and everything connected to that, I was just wondering if it was feasible anytime soon or if someone had looked into this already.


Quote from: passarbye on August 22, 2016, 01:51:14 PM
I can't find some of the colors in the chozodia tilesets for some reason.

Did you try checking the animated palette for those tilesets?

Quote from: passarbye on August 22, 2016, 01:51:14 PM
I just was wondering, would it be possible to change the 'unknown' items in MZM into regular, working ones?

Guess you never saw this post?,18.msg49899.html#msg49899
It needs more work that I haven't gotten around to, it also doesn't play well with the toggle item patch.


Quote from: biospark on August 22, 2016, 02:51:25 PM
Did you try checking the animated palette for those tilesets?
Guess you never saw this post?,18.msg49899.html#msg49899
It needs more work that I haven't gotten around to, it also doesn't play well with the toggle item patch.
I completely forgot that Chozodia (and the pirate mother ship) animate while you're being chased around, could make for some interesting effects later  :wink:
Thanks, I think I saw it before but just forgot about it. As you said, it isn't really complete (gravity doesn't give full suit sprites, etc.), so let me know if you get to it again.

and with all that, I've completed my MZM Red Removal hack (I'll make a topic soon). How do I make an .ips to distribute this?


I've been using your editor (MAGE) to make all parts of the minimap green (hidden). In that way, the minimap opens up in the same way as in Super Metroid and Zero Mission.


Metroid Zero Mission: Red Removal

[spoiler]This removes all the red outlines that make the tilesets look like shit in MZM!
Every tileset has different outline colors to match the set itself; every outline in the game was changed.
Comparison images (Here) Original MZM on the left, Red Removal on the right.

only apply this patch to "Metroid - Zero Mission (U) [!].gba"

Created by: passarbye
Special Thanks: biospark, Interdepth, FlamingCobra, etc.[/spoiler]

I've played through the game with this patch at least twice, it should be bug free.
Known issues:
after chozo boss battle, animated chozo pillars (during room exit) have a small red outline, but I'm not really worried about fixing it because you only see it once.

Constructive criticism is welcome.