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[SM] Phazon Hack 0.5 (Under Construction)

Started by A_red_monk_called_Key, January 12, 2010, 04:19:46 PM

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Quote from: n155
can't find the grapple beam :sad:

You need Speed Booster to get it. It's through a suspicious wall at the very rightmost you can head in Powerplant.


To get the Speed Booster I need Phazon Missiles? If yes, where are this?


Phazon Missiles are in Powerplant. Fall down the pit to the left when you find your ship. :wink:


I want to LP this, but hose so-called perma-stuck areas are making me nervous...


I've watched quite a few of your LPs, and I would say that you are pretty safe for the most part as one I don't think you'd get to from your previous outings, and the other that I ran into I was in a world of lost myself. I think you could manage pretty easily, especially with your savestates.


Well the maker said he is working on the issues and, I have seen your plan, so you might as well just wait a while for it and see if it gets updated/bugfixed before rushing into playing it. :P


I need help as to where to go. I found the speed booster and have gone around everywhere trying where to go next. I currently have Charge, Dark, Echo, Spazer, Morph, Spring, Hi-Jump, and Speed Booster. I have no idea where to go now. Amazing hack by the way.


Yes, i have been playing the original SM and this is quite a change without changing the difficulty. I would definately recommend this to someone who is new to the game. 5/5


Just finished...

7:48 with 95%
Just missing 1 E-tank, 2 (super) missiles, and 1 each of Phazon missiles and powerbombs.

E-tank and 1 (super) missile pack were behind tan doors that refused to open, other (super) missile pack was surrounded by solid blocks and thus, unobtainable.  No clue where the last Phazon missiles and powerbombs could be.  Also no clue where the hidden boss could be, as I scoured the entire game and came up empty handed.

As said before, glitchy map was frustrating, also found some of the permastucks others have mentioned.  Also, several of the boss/miniboss rooms glitched upon returning to them after they were defeated.  Almost didn't beat it because the very last room was nothing but garbage tiles when I got there after killing Ridley.  Somehow I managed to get to the ship though.  Also found a scroll PLM in the Phazon mines that didn't work, but luckily I managed to exit the room and the scrolling returned to normal.

Aside from those problems, I'll also echo what others have said.  This is probably the best damn hack I've ever played.  The enemy graphics were cool and new and the areas didn't really resemble the original giving the game a whole new feel.  Very fun to play.   :grin:


Hi all!
I'm new to the site (even though I have been lurking as an unregistered user for months :neutral:), I have played almost all the hacks on the site. I was going to try this hack, but I cannot get it to work... :sad: I have tried everything under the sun that I'm aware of to get it to work.

I used Lunar IPS to patch the Super Metroid (JU) [!] ROM. ZSNES doesn't open the file at all, SNES9X opens the file but goes black and nothing happens. I tried opening the patched file with SMILE but get the error: "The ROM is PAL Version and will not work properly with SMILE." I tried applying the patch to a clean ROM using SMILE, but SMILE Crashed. I've tried opening the patched ROM by forcing PAL and NTSC, with no results...

If anyone has any ideas, I would be most grateful! :grin: I apologize in advance if this is the wrong Board. Thanks in advance!


Make sure you're patching it to a clean, unheadered ROM. Usually that kind of problem occurs when patching an unheadered patch to headered ROM or vice-versa. There are a few different ways to know if your ROM has a header or not. Read "Detecting a header" and "Add or remove a header." You can ignore everything else.
Also make sure your ROM is the correct version.


I got it to work :grin: I always thought my "clean" ROM was header-less, I guess not... Thanks!

Quote from: SMILEuser96 on March 20, 2010, 09:02:05 AM
Make sure you're patching it to a clean, unheadered ROM. Usually that kind of problem occurs when patching an unheadered patch to headered ROM or vice-versa. There are a few different ways to know if your ROM has a header or not. Read "Detecting a header" and "Add or remove a header." You can ignore everything else.
Also make sure your ROM is the correct version.


New art, used all unused rooms, move and added enemys, removed some perma-stucks. map still unchanged. SM Phazon Hack 0.1 release some time next month. 


Nice to see you're still working at it, and willing to fix some of the bugs that've been found. :^_^:


Just started playing this now, and i must say im in love  :whoa: seriously this takes me back to actually exploring. i love the feeling of not guessing whats behind the corner or expecting to get the morph ball as the first upgrade. (Spoiler?) Anyways, been playing for bout 15 minutes now and this hack already has me won over. 5/5 for graphics, sprites, enemies, hell, great job all together. Hope the rest of this hack is just as orgasmic  :razz:

Hiroshi Mishima

My fiancee is a HUGE Dark Samus fan, so I'm sure she'll be very interested in playing this. Although she prefers to play games without save stating a lot and if this has as many bugs/glitches as some have let on, then I may have to warn her before playing it.

In any event, what little I looked at of it seems really interesting, and I'd personally like to give it a go once it's more polished. But I could always give it a try now, too. I may download it and put it with the others I need to try.

EDIT: She saw it and just HAD to give it a try, so we're both playing it right now. The biggest problem we've had isn't so much the map messing up, but just getting hopelessly lost in general. She's holding back her full judgement until we've finished more (or all) of it. But for me, so far I've been really impressed by the overall scope of the project. Once or twice I thought that the Red Phazon suit was a bit "dark" (no pun intended) and would occasionally lose sight of myself in some areas. Kinda annoying, but over all a very fun and beautifully made hack.

Will comment further once I've gotten farther, hopefully get her to actually MAKE an account and post.


Quote from: Red-MonkeySM Phazon Hack 0.1 release some time next month.
We're waiiiiiiiitiiiiiing... :sun:

Hiroshi Mishima

So I watched my fiancee finish the game (my hands are too sore to play heavily right now. I thought the edits on the bosses were really interesting, but it did leave me with a few questions.

1) What would you call the bosses if you had given them names? I figured that "Phantoon" was some sort of Geothermal Energy Machine, and "Spore Spawn" was some sort of security drone. But as for the others? No idea what you'd call them, especially "Ridley".

2) Having been almost everywhere (or watched my fiancee go there), I couldn't help but notice that certain bosses weren't in this. Am I allowed to ask if Kraid or Crocomire are in this? Kraid's one of my favourite bosses.

All I all, however, I was very, very impressed with the overal appearence of the hack. So many things were edited that most hackers don't even bother with, such as the title screen, or the death animation, I mean wow. Even the start menu was remade, it's just so much attention to detail...

EDIT: Looking at the first page again, I noticed that this is listed as both a hack for beginners and a hack for people who like to speed through. I know there was one point where I had to mockball to get to an item, unless that was unintentional.
[spoiler=little help on something?]
I also noticed at least one missile in the PowerStation which seems completely ungettable; it's the one by a Power Bomb Door that leads into the area where the X-Ray was located (one of several entrances there).[/spoiler]


Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima on April 19, 2010, 04:52:41 AM
2) Having been almost everywhere (or watched my fiancee go there), I couldn't help but notice that certain bosses weren't in this. Am I allowed to ask if Kraid or Crocomire are in this? Kraid's one of my favourite bosses.

Yes both are in the game, however Kraid is completely optional, whereas Crocomire is required.  You must beat Crocomire to get the Screw Attack. Assuming you have the nova beam, it only takes 1 charged shot to kill him.  Kraid, on the other hand is completely optional, and the only reward for beating him is a (super) missile expansion.

Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima on April 19, 2010, 04:52:41 AM
[spoiler=little help on something?]
I also noticed at least one missile in the PowerStation which seems completely ungettable; it's the one by a Power Bomb Door that leads into the area where the X-Ray was located (one of several entrances there).[/spoiler]

If I'm thinking of the right one, its the reward for finding and beating Kraid.  After beating Kraid, you enter that room from the left, however the missile is now above the floor rather than in it.  Be warned, you must be skilled at spacejumping, as there are no platforms to help you reach Kraid's mouth (which actually makes Kraid a challenge, unlike the original).


I played through the whole game, and the only thing I was missing was 1 ET, 3 missiles, and a phazon/super missile. I combed through pretty much every room looking for the finish though, and I never found kraid... where was he?


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on April 24, 2010, 02:02:34 AM
I played through the whole game, and the only thing I was missing was 1 ET, 3 missiles, and a phazon/super missile. I combed through pretty much every room looking for the finish though, and I never found kraid... where was he?

In the area that looks like the old wrecked ship, there is a room with a door on the right and at the top, and a powerbomb door on the left next to a missile that seems impossible to get.  If you go through the top door and head left you will find the ship.  Use a powerbomb to blow up one of the squares underneath the ship and drop through.  You will come out in a slightly modified version of a room you may have already visited.  Head right/up-right, and go through the door to find Kraid.  When you defeat him, head through the door at the top-right and you will be back in the room with the PB door on the left, only this time the missiles are obtainable.

Finally finished this game, 2:03 on in-game clock with 80%.  I got hooked on this game from the moment I started playing it.  I loved the fact that you have to backtrack through most areas several times as you obtain new items.  Once I find out where the items are that I missed, I'll try for a 100% run.  Btw, is Mother Brain in this or not?  I didn't find her/it so I thought I'd ask.  Also, who is the secret boss? 

On a side note, does anyone know of any way to fix the map, I kept finding myself revisiting some areas I didn't need to because I lost track of where I'd been.  Apart from that issue, this mod/hack/game gets full marks from me.  Loved it!


LOL  Kraid was the secret boss, so you already found him...  (at least I'm pretty sure he's the secret boss)  :eyeroll:


I just posted SM Phazon hack 0.1 on zophar it should be up for download soon.


First off, awesome job. :grin: Up to the point where I always get stuck due to some issue, this hack is mind-blowing, specifically in the area of graphics.

The problem is, the game keeps locking up on me when I get to that big room before the volcano.  :neutral: I've gone back and re-done patch on a couple clean, headerless roms, and it still does the same thing. Is there any way around that?

THE Purple Helmet

I am also having the same problem in the same spot. The screen is filled with what appears to be solid blocks all the way through. Do you happen to have the rooms address so I can go in and create a path onward? I am really enjoying this hack so far and being stuck here is quite frustrating!  :stern: