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Prime World Editor v1.2.3

Started by Aruki, March 22, 2016, 04:06:58 AM

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Quote from: Aruki on April 02, 2017, 11:07:07 PM

When you repack are you specifying the game as a MP1/MP2 pak, and not a MP3 one? The pak files are completely unmodified from the final GameCube release so there is no reason why it should work on GC but not on Trilogy.

Yes, I am specifying it as a MP1 pak.

When I extract the Metroid1.pak from the gc version it is roughly 54857 kb and trilogy one is ~55629 kb.
And when I repack it (PakTool -ra MP1 Metroid1) I get a file that is ~55617 kb.

If they are supposed to be the same size when unmodified then perhaps my version of the trilogy is bad?


Naw, they won't be exactly the same size, mainly due to minor differences in compression caused by pak padding. eg. some file formats only get compressed when larger than 0x400 bytes, so suppose a file is something like 0x3F0 bytes; Retro's packer wouldn't have compressed it, but it -does- pad it up to 0x400, so when extracted PakTool will see the size as 0x400 and compress it. As a result PakTool's version is slightly smaller. There isn't really a non-hacky way around it that doesn't involve a ton of work, so I just left it that way. It doesn't cause any issues as far as I'm aware so it's fine.

I think I confirmed a while back that with the compression differences accounted for, PakTool's paks are byte-for-byte identical to the original game's.


Quote from: Aruki on April 02, 2017, 11:30:19 PM
Naw, they won't be exactly the same size, mainly due to minor differences in compression caused by pak padding. eg. some file formats only get compressed when larger than 0x400 bytes, so suppose a file is something like 0x3F0 bytes; Retro's packer wouldn't have compressed it, but it -does- pad it up to 0x400, so when extracted PakTool will see the size as 0x400 and compress it. As a result PakTool's version is slightly smaller. There isn't really a non-hacky way around it that doesn't involve a ton of work, so I just left it that way. It doesn't cause any issues as far as I'm aware so it's fine.

I think I confirmed a while back that with the compression differences accounted for, PakTool's paks are byte-for-byte identical to the original game's.

Okay haha
Well then, I must be doing something wrong. I will keep playing around to see If I can get it to work.

Thanks for your help though! Your work is amazing! Keep it up :D


Alright, got it to work. I'm not entirely sure what I was doing wrong, but it seems okay now. Thanks again for your help

Edit: If anyone was wondering how I fixed this problem, I simply used wit tool instead of wii scrubber to compose the image. For some reason replacing files with wii scrubber will cause black screens if you change too much stuff (something to do with the fst.bin file :heheh:).



Prime World Editor v1.2.0
>>> DOWNLOAD <<<

There is no way I can write a changelog for this update. Instead here's an overview of what it does.

This update basically completely changes the way PWE accesses data from the game. You don't extract paks and then open MLVL/CMDL/ANCS/etc files directly anymore. Instead, to load anything in the editor, you need to create a project. To do this, you click on the new Create Project button and point it towards an ISO, and then allow it to generate a project for you using the files from that ISO. Once you have a project created, you simply open it up, and then you'll have access to every file in the game directly within the editor.

What are the benefits of this setup? In the short term:

* One of the big ones: Assets now have filenames. There is a resource browser integrated directly into the main application window. From here you can find any asset in the game. The editor also contains built-in tools to organize and rename assets, as well as to import/export asset names from an external file, so if anyone decides to organize everything, they can easily export the names so others can use them, even with existing projects.

* It's infinitely easier to find things. This isn't only due to the asset filenames (although that's a big one), but just in general because of the way I've been able to integrate an asset management system into the editor. For example, there is a big list of worlds/areas right on the sidebar now, so it's now extremely easy to jump directly to any room you want without having to go through the hassle of opening MLVL files, finding the area in the combo box, etc. that was required on the old build.

* The restriction that you can only use assets that are already in the same level is gone - you can now freely use any asset and any script object in any map. The editor will automatically detect which assets are in use in which packages and make sure all needed files are present when you repack. Load times have also been optimized and are pretty close to the load times you get with the original game files. However, please keep in mind there's no support for the SAVW format still, so any script objects that depend on data being written to the save file still won't work correctly.

In the long term: The systems that have been implemented in this update will make it far easier and faster to add new features in the future. The base game's filesystem is optimized heavily for the game, and as a result it's very user- and editor-unfriendly, and difficult to work with. On the other hand, PWE projects are designed to make it simple to add new content to the game and then get that content running ingame as quickly as possible. It also provides an extremely solid foundation to work from that will make make it vastly simpler to continue building new tools and functionality on top of what's already here.


Anyway, you can expect development to be a little bit quiet for the next month or two - things are really busy for me right now, both with work as well as the fact that I'm moving soon, so I really need to backburner PWE for a little bit so I can focus more on other things. But once I get back into this there is a TON of stuff I've been aching to work on, and I hope future editor updates will take a lot less time than this one did!

In the meantime: If you're happy with the work I'm doing and want me to keep being able to do it, you can support me on Patreon! It's not required at all, but having patrons has done a lot to help motivate me to make sure I make progress on a regular basis, and having some income from this project helps ensure I'll be able to keep working on it for the foreseeable future. <3


ONE LAST THING: Pwootage is working on porting PWE to Mac/Linux! We don't expect this will be a complicated process, as PWE already uses exclusively cross-platform libraries and functionality. There'll be download links up when the ports are ready!


Not a single dds image that was converted from a texture is opening in any software that I have the can edit dds images.

Edit: The header on the exported dds images are incorrect as well as it doesn't export the texture, just very faint colors here and there. DDS |.........................................................€?..€?..€?..€?........DXT5......................@.............FYRC The text coding from hxd that had completely change to the proper header format.


yeah I don't suggest using that lol. None of the asset import/export utilities have ever been very good or fleshed out. I suggest just waiting for newer/better ones to be added in a future update.


Quote from: Aruki on August 11, 2017, 05:10:31 AM
yeah I don't suggest using that lol. None of the asset import/export utilities have ever been very good or fleshed out. I suggest just waiting for newer/better ones to be added in a future update.

Alright, and I love the new ui. Makes things a lot easier. And when I did fix the header the image was just a few colors thrown here and there


I am just going to point every time I download a new version of pwe my virus protection software keeps saying it's bad even though I put it in as safe to use.


Hey there.

I recently upgraded to the newest version of the editor (version 1.2.0) and have noticed that doors, enemies, and items all appear invisible for me. I'm wondering if it has to do with my graphics card or something, but its confusing since I was able to see the models in the previous version of the editor.

I am editing the trilogy version of Metroid Prime 1 for wii. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this issue.

Edit: Also have warnings in the log file that look like this: [0642.868] Warning: 03a_crater.MREA : 0xC074A - Struct "PlayerActor::PlayerActorStruct" ( (0x00000011)) template prop count doesn't match file; template is 0x05, file is 0x06.
Perhaps this is related?


Sounds like you have outdated template files. How did you upgrade? You need to completely replace all PWE files with the new ones. You can't mix and match


I didn't keep the old files. I simply deleted the old version and started using the new version. Maybe that was my mistake? lolol

Edit: Okay sorry. I had accidentally merged the two versions together and that was causing all those errors in the log file. However, the invisible models are still a problem for me.

Black Falcon

For anyone interested, I did a couple streams during the past week, getting to know how PWE works.
First stream is just me messing around, adding lava to a room and trying to make the incinerator drone a more challenging fight:

[spoiler=1st Stream - Doing some shenanigans][/spoiler]

Second stream focuses more on the objects themselves, setting up teleportation, adding weather to chozo ruins and manipulating cutscenes.
Also added timestamps to the video description.

[spoiler=2nd Stream - More in-depth look][/spoiler]


That's awesome, thanks for sharing! It's cool to see someone using the tools for something even if you're just messing around. Sorry it's such a pain to do much of anything currently :P Def helps inspire me to want to improve them and add more stuff though!


Hey yall, just here to announce I'm finally releasing a new update.

Prime World Editor v1.2.1

The main change in this update is improved support for script object properties. We now know how to replicate property IDs, so this new update contains tools that allow you to determine if a property is accurately named (i.e. has the same name it had originally in Retro's tools), and also contains tools to help guess possible names. In the property view, you can right click to show a view that indicates if the property is named correctly or not. There is also some new stuff under the Tools menu. Finally, you will notice if you open a project for MP2/MP3/DKCR, there are a ton more property names now that were found via the new tools. I think Bearborg said we have something like 40% of properties correctly named now, but that's an old figure that I haven't checked personally.

Those are the main feature changes. In the backend, there was quite a bit of refactoring done on PWE's property and serialization systems, and this ended up being pretty complicated and sucking up a lot of dev time. These changes will give me a much better base to build new features in the future. However, since it currently doesn't affect the end user experience, I won't go into detail here. I might do a more in-depth writeup on it later if people are interested.

Anyways, I do have plenty of stuff I want to work on now, and I'm hoping I can bust out a few new features to expand PWE's editing capabilities in the near future, but I will refrain from promising anything right now.. life's been complicated, PWE's had to take a backseat to a lot of other things, and I'd rather share info about new features once they are actually in development and I have something to actually show.

Hope yall enjoy the update!


Hi. I have a new release ready.

Prime World Editor v1.2.2

This update adds editors for string tables, scans, and tweaks for all games.


Prime World Editor v1.2.3

This build adds support for quickplay. There is a new button in the world editor that, when clicked, will immediately launch Dolphin and boot the game into the map you're editing. You can control Samus's spawn position in the editor; she will spawn wherever the editor camera is located, or you can right click -> play from here and Samus will spawn in the spot you clicked on.

This tweet has a video showing the feature in action:

Heavy caveat: Only the v1.088 GameCube version of MP1 is supported (NTSC 0-00). Other games & builds are a possibility in the future but currently they do not have this feature.

The game-side functionality for this is implemented via a PrimeAPI patch, and the source code for that can be found here:


Hey all; quick development update

I'm gonna officially put out a call for more contributors to the project. It's been becoming more and more clear to me that I don't have the kind of time I need to implement all the features I want in any sort of reasonable timeframe, especially as the amount of free time I have has shrunk drastically over the last ~2 years or so. I don't like the idea that this project lives or dies based on my own personal ability to work on it. I've always felt it had a lot more potential than just what I've been able to do with it on my own, and I'd like to see that potential get realized at some point.

If anyone's interested in contributing to PWE (working on whatever features you're interested in), please let me know! I realize there might be a learning curve to get started especially as the build system is not very easy to use, but I'd be glad to take some time out to smooth that out and make it easier, and assist newcomers in getting started, if anyone is interested.

You can get in touch with me here or on the Metroid Prime Modding Discord Server.


Thanks to some major efforts put in by Cirrus and Ceres, PWE's build system has been moved from qmake over to CMake. It should be far easier to compile & run on different dev environments, and it's also been successfully built on macOS and Linux. Hopefully we will also have prebuilt binaries available for those platforms soon.

I'm hoping this will help get a few new developers on board the project. I'd like to put together a rough roadmap of planned updates and features sometime soon. If anyone is interested in contributing to the project, let us know on Discord if you have any issues building or need help navigating the codebase.

Also, I want to provide a heads up that I will probably not be making much of an effort to keep this thread up to date anymore since pretty much all the activity has moved to Discord by now, and there are rarely any substantial posts here other than my own updates. If you'd like to stay up to date on the project (and other projects such as URDE) then I would recommend joining the Discord and/or keeping an eye on github.


keep up the good work. Are there any videos on how this is progressing...
I'm going to check youtube now.