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New Years Resolutions

Started by personitis, December 26, 2009, 10:36:49 PM

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What are yours [going to be]? The two I have right now are to remember my resolutions and the other is to get some major progress on Rebuild that way I can get it outta the dirt.


To win @ school, get laid, level up at drawing, hack moar.

and probably troll less.


-To not get annoyed as easily by stupid and/or lazy people.
-Hang out with the family abit more.
-Get a good hack out, that people ACTUALLY enjoy to play.


New Years Resolutions?


You mean those things nobody ever does?


-Get done with ice metal!
-marry squishy! :3
-Get that project for an old friend done.
-Kick fizzer in the ass untill he starts hacking again.
-Move out from hell.
-Stab pink kirby in the back again.
-Eat cake.
-Make more avatars in the same style.
-Draw more lunamons.
-Eat cookies! :3


Quote from: Phazar on December 27, 2009, 04:39:31 PM
Quote tunnel, anyone?
Minimod, mini... oh, wait.

I guess I could add working up some cash and get more serious about my AP classes for resolutions aswell.


Lol I'm trying to cut down on Facebook, so I deleted my account XD. Though I'm on FB now, it's not exactly difficult to restore it >.>


oh god no
* squishy_ichigo smacks Phazar with:
Quote from: squishy_ichigo on November 05, 2009, 12:42:24 AM
Its technically not in the rules... but it should be.

Quote tunnels are technically spam, and if you could try not to use them in the future that would be swell.  It clogs our beautiful forums! d^_^d

edit: Figured I'd elaborate a bit...

If the post is on another page, or your replying to something after a few people have talked its fine to quote them.  But if they JUST said something, you really don't need to quote at all.  The quote feature is there so people know what your referring to when you make a post, and if the content you are posting about is nearby, it should be obvious enough to know what your posting about without the need to quote.

And quote tunnels are when you quote other quotes, creating a chain of un-necessary boxes of text.  If you must quote multiple things please be tasteful.  Pick and choose parts of the text you want to quote, or use spoiler tags.

plzkthx, I don't mean to lecture, its just annoying. :P

I need to read this other guide! It'll probably go over my head though.


meh, since it's in the off-topic and only a newyears thread, I don't really why a slight bit of spam matters.


Thats were it starts, then it gets out of hand.

Don't do it kiddies... I am a nazi about quote tunnels!


My resolutions are to finish SM: Freestyle, and to not fail a class in school.  This might be hard...


Yeah, everyone knows about the infamous quote tunnel at M2K2 that got out of hand.  I'm just playing, tee-hee!

Anyway...for my REAL New Years resolution, I will put more time into my new band, try not to get on Facebook rather than homework, and finish Metroid: Super Mission.


Quote from: devonodev on December 27, 2009, 11:54:51 PMfinish SM: Freestyle
Quote from: Phazar on December 27, 2009, 11:55:54 PMfinish Metroid: Super Mission.
This is the kinda stuff that's nice to hear around here! =D


Quote from: Phazar on December 27, 2009, 11:55:54 PM
Yeah, everyone knows about the infamous quote tunnel at M2K2 that got out of hand.  I'm just playing, tee-hee!
But we all know I'd rage by the second page.  :cool:


* Zhs2 smacks squishy for being such a tightwad

I, for one, resolve to troll James more. I haven't been pissing off as much as I'd like to lately! D:


Zhs2, not cool man! He is starting to turn all emo on us! D:


Well Zeke you've already turned this into a troll thread on James.
Luckily though I'm here to get you guys back on track. Doet.


I will resolve to post here less


Wuuuuut?  Your alittle late posting in this topic hayashi! :O
/me gives hayashi 200 :awesome: points!

also... I've got a new thing I want to try out... so... without further ado!



Fux, I didn't see the topic's sell-by date.

Sorry for gravedig.

Will not happen again. (tries to find the oldest unlocked topic on the forums to reply to with a message saying only "Narokath pargon santak pargon pargon Xel'lotath pargon!")

(I really need to stop watching YouTube Let's Plays and actually play a game, someday)