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Stackable beams

Started by biospark, September 12, 2015, 08:00:35 PM

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This is still a work in progress. I would appreciate if people could test this to make sure there are no bugs. Most of the beam graphics are just placeholders until they're replaced with something better. If someone wants to make custom graphics, that would be appreciated.

The IPS patch includes the debug menu for easy testing.



I have some free time tonight, I'll test it. I like how most of the beams look in that video. I do think that the plasma+wave should be more wavy instead of just a purple line, though.


Quote from: PKstarship on September 12, 2015, 09:03:52 PM
I have some free time tonight, I'll test it. I like how most of the beams look in that video. I do think that the plasma+wave should be more wavy instead of just a purple line, though.
I'm not good with custom graphics, but if no one offers anything, eventually I'll try to make something myself. Also, the wave beam by itself will probably be changed to resemble the wave beam in super.


Quote from: Quote58 on September 12, 2015, 10:17:16 PMWhat are you and what kind of sacrifices do you take?
No sacrifices, just custom graphics.

Or money :P


TBH as basic as they are I'd be just fine with the graphics how they are right now, they resemble the original beams enough.


Quote from: Mayo-chan on September 12, 2015, 11:38:29 PM
TBH as basic as they are I'd be just fine with the graphics how they are right now, they resemble the original beams enough.

At the very least, I'd like to make the ordinary wave beam move up and down, as well as add some graphics to the ice beam since it doesn't flash or anything.


One thing I noticed is that the beam graphics have a sort of priority to them. I believe it's normal, followed by ice, wave, wide, and plasma. If plasma is part of any mix of beams, the plasma graphics are used because that is higher priority than the rest.

Edit: Would you also consider adding the Easy and Hard modes, along with the gallery from the Japanese release of Metroid Fusion? I normally play the Japanese version because it has the extra content, I don't know how hard it would be to port it over to the American version.


Quote from: PKstarship on September 13, 2015, 01:19:37 AM
One thing I noticed is that the beam graphics have a sort of priority to them. I believe it's normal, followed by ice, wave, wide, and plasma. If plasma is part of any mix of beams, the plasma graphics are used because that is higher priority than the rest.
That's exactly how I intended it. It's modeled after SM.


I haven't found any bugs yet, but I did find out that the rippers in the area after the restricted zone are immune to the ice beam. Also, might I suggest stackable missile upgrades too? If you get Ice Missiles, the game automaticly thinks you have the Super Missiles, and the same goes for Diffusion Missiles. The patch is really good so far though :^_^:


Quote from: PKstarship on September 13, 2015, 02:15:43 AM
I haven't found any bugs yet, but I did find out that the rippers in the area after the restricted zone are immune to the ice beam. Also, might I suggest stackable missile upgrades too? If you get Ice Missiles, the game automaticly thinks you have the Super Missiles, and the same goes for Diffusion Missiles. The patch is really good so far though :^_^:

That's because rippers are immune to the normal beam. Did you try using the charge beam?

And yeah, I suppose I'll make stackable missiles eventually.

Edit: I just realized rippers in ZM can be frozen with an uncharged shot. I guess I'll change how that works.


I do know this happens in Super Metroid, but firing a beam, pausing, and selecting another beam messes up the onscreen beam when the game is unpaused. I don't really know if this is fixable, it doesn't really have any negative effects, just pointing it out.


Yeah that's unavoidable. It's not a problem right now anyway, since there's no way to change beams without the debug menu.


GFX are the only problem i could find; Completely irrelevant compared to the awesomeness of what's been done.
[spoiler=I know you're not interested in fine-tuning the gfx for a while, and you most certainly already know this but just in case]
there aren't any trailer things for Ice beam combos
they're (almost) all only one frame.
I know how much of a pain doing this is; I Got pretty far into getting a spazer in Zero mission, but editing the Tilemaps was super tedious and frustrating. (I fizzled out before i finished.)
I thought of this because your plasma-wide-wave is almost identical to what I ended up with.
enough belittling! This works way better than i could have dreamed.
Doing the gfx on it projectile by projectile, Frame by frame, Piece by piece, part by part, will not be easy. but ya know it'll be appreciated!


Yeah, I figured I would give all ice beam combos the same trail as solo ice beam. That will be added later.

Actually, adding graphics isn't too bad. Just requires some tiles and the OAM data. Just a little time consuming if anything.


Next we'll be seeing some SBAs I bet. Nice one biospark, this looks amazing to me. :^_^:


This sends chills up my spine. Beam combinations were one of the primary features in my Metroid Mod for Terraria, which makes me actually appreciate the work you've done more-so than anyone else (I think, at least), because I basically know most of what you had to go through when you made this...

I wish I had some kind of "Stamp of Approval" I could put here. :lol:


Just to archive my thoughts;

[00:03:52] <RealRed> that's insanely badass


So, I haven't found any problems with this. The only real complaints I have is that enemies who are immune to beams can't be frozen with the Ice Beam, and the Charge beam doesn't make the normal beam any wider. Otherwise, it seems like a pretty solid patch. Just one question I have: If the Ice Beam is a normal weapon in your non-linear hack, where will it be located? will you get it along with the Ice Missiles, or from some extra boss, or from the SA-X like normal?

Edit: Would it be possible to add the Gallery, as well as the Easy and Hard mode from the Japanese release of Fusion? I normally play the Japanese version because it has those, but I don't know how difficult it would be to port those to the American version. Adding these things might make people take up the challenges to get all of the pictures, just like Zero Mission.


I intentionally removed the charge beam so that I could replace its code with the ice beam. Previously the ice beam's code was part of wave beam.

My non-linear hack is intended to be kinda like project base. It's intended as a base for future hacks, perhaps ones where you get ice beam before the end of the game (or not at all). My hack will keep items in the same location, since it has the same map.


This is wonderful. Nuff said.


This is exactly what a great many of people want. With the removal of linear forced beam progression in fusion, a great deal more design options open up! 10/10 good work, can't wait to start seeing fusion hacks!


Just wanted to chime in and say this looks pretty awesome!  Hopefully this will strengthen the fusion hacking community once it's released and attract some more talent to Fusion hacking.


Quote from: Grimlock on September 19, 2015, 08:15:37 PM
Just wanted to chime in and say this looks pretty awesome!  Hopefully this will strengthen the fusion hacking community once it's released and attract some more talent to Fusion hacking.

Well, it is released! It just needs a few tweaks, plus some nicer graphics.


So, I just did a full playthrough with this... or, it would've been full, if it weren't for one problem: The SA-X (the final battle with it) cannot be damaged. I mean, I can freeze it with Ice Missiles, or Screw Attack it (which hurts me), but I cannot damage it with my beam. I've tried with and without Wave Beam but with no luck. And I doubt any other combo will work (I may test it later). :bounce:

However, I will say that you have done an amazing job. And regardless of the problem I just ran into, it's pretty solid. Good luck on further improvements. :^_^: