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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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Finally found the time to play this hack.

100% in 7 hours (in-game), that took a while.

I liked most of it, loved some parts, but there are a few things that really affected the fun I was having:
-Phantoon and Draygon are way too hard. I'm not even sure I was supposed to defeat Phantoon so early (but I could not find anywhere else to go). I was fully powered up for Draygon, and it was still a huge pain, not enjoyable for one second.
-Gold Torizo is bloody dumb. It's nothing more than a glorified HP check.
-The sound effect for entering and exiting Morph is a VERY bad idea.

I cannot list everything I liked about this hack, there are too many things (amazing level design, clever upgrades placement), so rest assured I have immensely enjoyed it on the whole.


This is the first Super Metroid hack that I've played and I made an account just to say how much I enjoyed it. I would like to start with a big Thank You for RealRed and his team for making this hack! I beat the game at 7:30 ingame time with 93% items collected. Playing through this was very much like reliving my nostalgia of when I first played Super Metroid.  The map design/layout was phenomenally well done, complimented with the textures, colors, palettes really made for a great experience. It was said this hack was made through the author's depression and I could see that in how this hack was so well made. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of figuring out how to beat Golden Torizo and Ridley (I fought them both early through sequence breaking). With this being my first hack I can't compare it to others, but I would find it hard to believe that there are many that are up to par with this one. I look forward to more from RealRed and his team should they ever create more!

My few complaints would be:

-Bomb torizo got stuck in the pit to the right which was a hassle to deal with
-I don't think the current sound effect for going in and out of morphball fits. It sounds too loud/explosive to me. I think it would be better to either remove it or change it to something a little more mild
-There's the chozo statue in maridia that just really threw me off. I wasn't sure if it was a puzzle I was supposed to figure out but after a while I figured it wasn't. It seems so troll to have him there i just didn't see the point
-I think this hack could be difficult for people who have never played Super Metroid before. Some parts I don't think I would have gotten passed had I not played Super Metroid before/dabbled in SM speedrunning a bit (or maybe I'm just awful at SM).


Can anyone help me? I'm trying to get the power bombs below Gate 9, but I can't figure out how to speedily do the top section of the speed booster walls.

I'm doing for the first four walls: Speed booster while in space jump to take out two walls, shine spark. Diagonal shinespark to the upper left to break the next two walls, then the ones after that, I cant figure out how to do quickly. I can do a small amount of a shortcharge for the first wall, but the next few are problematic for me because I don't know what to do to break them quickly. Then I cant seem to get the speed booster floor below gate 9 without doing a longer version of the short charge, which I'm not too great at, it takes me a bit to get it working.

Any ideas on what to do for this? Even a video would help me. :P

By the way, the hack is awesome! I keep getting lost, but that's a good thing in Metroid. :P


Here ya go, Faldomar. :)

Quote from: RealRed on May 05, 2015, 11:05:35 AM
smgoty: For the timer puzzle, keep in mind that if you do a spinjump with speedbooster active, you can turn around and retain your speedboost. This effectively allows you to 1. slow down your speedboost (you can stop holding run in some cases) and 2. keep your speedboost forever! granted with a shitload of skill...

[spoiler=the Zhs2 method]Zhs2 recommends turning off screw attack and slowly spacejumping through the speedbooster blocks. If you don't get hitched on any blocks, you should be able to get through the room in time without too much trouble.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Faldomar on May 18, 2015, 02:18:50 PM
Can anyone help me? I'm trying to get the power bombs below Gate 9, but I can't figure out how to speedily do the top section of the speed booster walls.

I'm doing for the first four walls: Speed booster while in space jump to take out two walls, shine spark. Diagonal shinespark to the upper left to break the next two walls, then the ones after that, I cant figure out how to do quickly. I can do a small amount of a shortcharge for the first wall, but the next few are problematic for me because I don't know what to do to break them quickly. Then I cant seem to get the speed booster floor below gate 9 without doing a longer version of the short charge, which I'm not too great at, it takes me a bit to get it working.

Any ideas on what to do for this? Even a video would help me. :P

By the way, the hack is awesome! I keep getting lost, but that's a good thing in Metroid. :P


The key is understanding the mechanics of retaining speedboost. In the beginning I do a jump and turn around so I can go through the puzzle more carefully to make sure I don't run into a wall. If you run into a wall you will lose speedboost. You can also retain speedboost if you hit the ceiling or run on the ground. It's hard to do this puzzle consistently and it took me some tries to finally get it.[/spoiler]


Thanks guys for the help, I also didn't know I could do that with speed booster, that's going to make things IMMENSELY easier!


Yeah, if you can press stuff quickly enough, you can probably get to echoes status on one tile, which'd be interesting to see. :^_^:


Ugh, I'm literally at 99%, I can't figure out for the life of me which Missile Tank I missed. >.> My map looks 100% complete too...


Nevermind... I'm blind... I passed it in a room in Upper Brinstar. XD
100% HYPE!


Quote from: altoiddealer on May 09, 2015, 10:09:00 AM
Quote from: Drewseph on May 09, 2015, 12:18:11 AMspeaking of path, this game suffered from the one flaw Super Metroid did not have.  It had no direction.  It was too open, and free to roam.  This is a bad choice because it leaves players wandering aimlessly from one end of zebes to the other in the beginning of the game.

I felt exactly the same way on my playthrough.  Still enjoyed it, but I was quite lost at times.

However, I've been watching my roommate play this hack, who is still a SM beginner and horrendous at walljumping.
Watching her play, ignoring all the walljump opportunities, it's actually quite linear so far up to the Wrecked Ship [spoiler]Except for the easy access to Norfair.  I forget how far you can go in the early game before having to turn around, but I gave her a hint to not go down there yet[/spoiler]
She rage-quit at Wrecked Ship and may not continue again  :sad:

She was not at all happy with:
[spoiler]Bomb Torizo immune to normal shots, then getting stuck down in the spikes and NOT spitting out the balls to replenish missiles.  She called me in from the other room and asked me what the hell she had to do and I told her she had to jump over him into the spikes, so to trigger him to spit out a means to get more ammo.  She got killed and pretty pissed about it, but next time around was careful to keep him on the central platform[/spoiler]
[spoiler]The 2 grapple hooks that move left and right in upper left Brinstar, BEFORE getting high jump.  She didn't have TOO much trouble with all the grappling you have to do to get up to this point, but she had a very tough time here getting from the first moving hook up to the second one.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]The trek you have to make to get to a Save Station once going to the Wrecked Ship.  The enemies there do considerable damage, and you have to do some "difficult" grappling.  She's died 4 times now before reaching a save station, having to travel all the way from Samus's ship.[/spoiler]

Will continue giving noob feedback if it holds any interest Red  :bounce:

So my sister has persisted a bit further, but has now given up on the hack.

[spoiler]From my last post, she defeated Phantoon and collected Varia, acquired Supers, defeated Kraid, collected Space Jump and Spazer.

She now has about 8 or 9 E-Tanks, and as far as I can tell/remember, her next move is GT.

I gave her all the advice I could to beat him, but she just can't, and gave up.

I, on the other hand, will be giving this hack another spin for sure because I loved it personally  :bounce:[/spoiler]


did any of your advice include
[spoiler]Go get gravity, powerbombs, plasma, and screw attack first?[/spoiler]
Anyway, oh well.


Quote from: RealRed on May 20, 2015, 04:54:24 PM
did any of your advice include
[spoiler]Go get gravity, powerbombs, plasma, and screw attack first?[/spoiler]
Anyway, oh well.
[spoiler]Is there a way into Maridia w/o bounceball or mockballing from Crateria?

I was watching her go all over the place and she couldn't find access and I wasn't seeing it.[/spoiler]


Quote from: altoiddealer on May 20, 2015, 08:15:43 PM
[spoiler]Is there a way into Maridia w/o bounceball or mockballing from Crateria?

I was watching her go all over the place and she couldn't find access and I wasn't seeing it.[/spoiler]

When you have: [spoiler]Space Jump you can get Spring Ball without defeating GT.[/spoiler]


 :lol: :whoa:
[spoiler]I forgot exactly where springball was, but she said she explored down in lower left Norfair after getting SJ.   ...Obviously not!

Quote from: RealRed on May 20, 2015, 04:54:24 PM
did any of your advice include
[spoiler]Go get gravity, powerbombs, plasma, and screw attack first?[/spoiler]
Anyway, oh well.
Don't you get PBs from Draygon?  Thought there was a need for speed



Quote from: altoiddealer on May 20, 2015, 10:42:01 PM
Don't you get PBs from Draygon?  Thought there was a need for speed

[spoiler] No you can get them after Botwoon. [/spoiler]


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on May 20, 2015, 11:21:25 PM
Quote from: altoiddealer on May 20, 2015, 10:42:01 PM
Don't you get PBs from Draygon?  Thought there was a need for speed

[spoiler] No you can get them after Botwoon. [/spoiler]
Thanks!  :grin:  Man, my memory is garbage.  I do remember liking this hack though


You can also sequence break into Maridia by jumping through the crumble blocks near the first areas of the game (I'm thinking it was a few rooms right of the main Super Missile sequence break).


Quote from: Quietus on May 21, 2015, 04:44:27 AM
You can also sequence break into Maridia by jumping through the crumble blocks near the first areas of the game (I'm thinking it was a few rooms right of the main Super Missile sequence break).
[spoiler]I did that for her to get her into Maridia so she would continue playing... before seeing the comment that she can just go get springball at this point  :eyeroll:

She's going to back out of Maridia, snag springball then proceed correctly[/spoiler]


OK, I am loving this hack but I am finding a few things tricky. 
1) Finding Power Bombs - just a hint as to the general area I should be looking in would be appreciated
2) Speed Boost - before or after Power Bombs?
3) Fighting Gold Torizo - never in the history of SM hacks has so many save states been used to beat a boss  :cry:



So I have no idea where to go next at this point.  I think the last item I got was Super Missiles but even after exploring all of available Norfair (minus whatever's past GT), Brinstar, Crateria, Wrecked Ship and even Tourian, I can't find progress.  I've obviously missed something somewhere but the hack is so large I don't know where to look. I thought I could make it to Kraid but either the puzzles preceding him are eluding me or I just can't get through the water in those rooms.

Please give me some direction on where to go next.


Since you've been exploring Norfair, I'm going to guess that you have Varia already. In which case, Kraid is indeed a good boss to try to reach.


So I made an intended route map, played the game without performing 1wj, ibj, mockball, exploits, etc.



The map of Hyper Metroid that is provided at the Metroid Map Station page misses a Missile pack in Dachora´s room up in Brinstar in the third room to the left of Kraid´s room.