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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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[spoiler=dstryr712]Try letting the shootable platform respawn, it will give you plenty of room to run.[/spoiler]


I was doing that, but I was holding the wrong button, apparently... Thought I tried them all, but that got me up there with no trouble. Thanks all, for the help!


[spoiler=Time & Precent][/spoiler]
Fantastic hack. I spent 3-4 of those game hours looking for one lonesome, obvious missile. Also happy (to an extent) that I spent so long exploring looking for that damn missile. Shoutouts to Red for a boss hack and Elminster and Rothlenar for helping with an item or two.

Additionally, I'm pretty sure this is among the top 5 biggest hacks in existence screen-wise.


[spoiler=Time  /  Percent]
End time: 10:42
Items Collected: 100%

I just finished shortly after person701.

This hack... wow... words alone cannot describe this awesome phenomenon of amazeballs that is a Super Metroid hack. This is absolutely refreshing after things like Christener Homenag and other shenanigans. 9001 out of 10, easily. I spent 3-4 hours searching for the remaining items so, naturally, my time would be much faster. Shoutout to person701 for helping me get that final Power Bomb I easily missed when I should have gotten it the first time around, and a humongous shoutout to Real Red for creating this masterpiece.



4:33 igt, 75%

this hack is crazy open-ended and cool like that. it never felt like I wasn't sure where to go, but more like, where do I feel like going? there were always a number of options I could take, and I never felt like I was being forced into a particular route. got facesmashed by a couple bosses the first couple times I fought them, as I did everything I could to skip items and sequence break to get to them, but the added challenge was nice. the most frustrating thing by far was the physics, I got incredibly irritated at IBJ as it seemed to just be something like: mash as fast as possible and most of the time it'll work, except when it doesn't. Backflipping got me hit/killed a number of times against ridley/kraid, as I'm used to holding run all the time.  Other than the physics, incredible hack, I really enjoyed tourian and wrecked ship the most.


Quote from: foosda on April 19, 2015, 01:32:30 AM
4:33 igt, 75%

this hack is crazy open-ended and cool like that. it never felt like I wasn't sure where to go, but more like, where do I feel like going? there were always a number of options I could take, and I never felt like I was being forced into a particular route. got facesmashed by a couple bosses the first couple times I fought them, as I did everything I could to skip items and sequence break to get to them, but the added challenge was nice. the most frustrating thing by far was the physics, I got incredibly irritated at IBJ as it seemed to just be something like: mash as fast as possible and most of the time it'll work, except when it doesn't. Backflipping got me hit/killed a number of times against ridley/kraid, as I'm used to holding run all the time.  Other than the physics, incredible hack, I really enjoyed tourian and wrecked ship the most.

I agree I can only pull off a partial IBJ it always stops working around the 3rd or 4th bounce.  I hope IBJ gets tweaked and I hope that the upgrade music chime is put back in but I doubt it because it appears I'm the only one here who misses it and I'm not a fan of silence while obtaining upgrade items.  This doesn't diminish the fact that this is the best video game hack ever created and a new bar has been set for all future hacks. RealRed = best ever and possibly unbeatable in regards to super metroid hacking abilities. 


Quote from: smgoty on April 19, 2015, 01:52:06 AM
this is the best video game hack ever created and a new bar has been set for all future hacks. RealRed = best ever and possibly unbeatable in regards to super metroid hacking abilities.

1000% Agree.  :grin:


I've just got the space jump and spring ball.  Where do I find power bombs?  Btw, this is an awesome game.


You need more equipment to retrieve that item, son. Take a good luck around Maridia... Then use that gear to search more of Maridia.


Very interesting.  I wouldn't have thought to go there without the gravity suit.  I'm looking around Maridia and it's quite cool how many parts of it are designed to get around without the suit.


I just got the gravity suit.  I found it very cool how the spring ball was necessary to navigate Maridia.


Springball is not necessary to navigate maridia. As I do not have it but I have navigated most of the non-power bomb and speed booster areas.



- Really cool visuals, especially in Maridia, Wrecked Ship and Tourian, the strongest point IMO
- Super floaty physics I like, I was hesitant about PB physics at first glance, but it's all good
- Good balance with secrets (not stupidly hidden, but not so obvious)
- No bugs (maybe a few slowdowns but nothing really irritating)
- Nice enemy resprites
- Plenty of places to explore, sequence breaking seems possible
- Map is well-done and usefull

- Space colony, useless as ever
- Remote gates/lock again, this design is getting really annoying
- Not knowing where to go after getting a major upgrade : of course, this is an open-ended hack but a bit of direction would have been nicer
- Pushy bosses : no strategy whatsoever, they are fast and hit hard so your only hope is to hit them harder, this is the kind of stuff that made me going back in circles because I couldn't beat Phantoon and Ridley, so I thought I was not supposed to be there in the first place. The same could be said about Gold Torizo but I read the Readme... Other bosses were complete jokes.
- No story development : you sell this as "a dark twist on the original Metroid storyline", you get introduced to the plot then you don't hear about it about again until the end, so yeah...
- Some speed booster segments can be quite tricky

Congrats to the team anyway. I wish more hacks like this will be made in the future to outshine the utter crap that is still pretty common at MetConst. :wink:


The download links are dead  :mad:


Links worked fine for me when I checked just now. Anybody else having problems with it?
Unheadered mirror in the meantime just in case.


Thanks Grime, I just tried again and it timed out on me... but I didn't close the page and about 15 seconds later the file downloaded.   :O_o:

Now it's working.  Seems like it might be going on and off

Vismund Cygnus

The hype train derailed and all I was left with was a really frustrating experience. I tried really hard to enjoy this but in the end just couldn't.
(will edit later with real review but I'm too sick of this for now)
Oh one thing;
[spoiler]did killing Gold Torizo even do anything?[/spoiler]


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on April 18, 2015, 09:37:22 PM
Quote from: Nbzy5 on April 18, 2015, 09:20:39 PM
I'm having trouble with the VERY beginning...  When I leave the room where the first encounter with Ridley takes place, it's very buggy, and I cannot even see myself...
I've tried both the headered & unheadered, with the same result...  :P Any possible causes?  Lol
[spoiler]Try running to the left.[/spoiler]
Which version of Super Metroid was used?  I'm using Super Metroid (JU).


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on April 19, 2015, 08:51:24 AM
The hype train derailed and all I was left with was a really frustrating experience. I tried really hard to enjoy this but in the end just couldn't.
(will edit later with real review but I'm too sick of this for now)
Oh one thing;
[spoiler]did killing Gold Torizo even do anything?[/spoiler]
What did you not like about it?


Finished this last night at like 1 AM.


Amazing from start to finish. Difficulty and open-endedness are very well balanced and felt true to the original, which I find very uncommon in a hack. I loved the way the fetch quest was done and how some parts of it even helped you out outside of Tourian. The gates were hidden well enough to make you work for them a little, but not so well that you had to x-ray everywhere to find them. Some were revealed on the map and some weren't, but during my search at the end of the game, I always had a decent idea where one might be. I also don't remember finding anything where x-ray was really needed, the hints were enough to let me know something was there that needed to be searched. I x-rayed a lot of places that seemed ever so slightly suspicious and never found anything in these spots, so I figured it isn't your style to hide stuff without a decent hint. I could be wrong since I didn't go for 100%, but as for major items and required stuff they were hidden very well and never in a frustrating way. Ammo system was really neat and solved a couple of the problems that plague Super Metroid: the "*yawn* another missile" and the "I need a power bomb and nothing around here will fucking drop one".

I was expecting this to be a pretty good hack, and what I got was an amazing hack. Most of the areas looked really nice, and I'm glad to finally see a hack with an escape that spans most of the submaps. I've been wanting to see something like that for a while, definitely wanted to put it in a hack myself someday. Also Tourian was really fun to play through despite being fairly predictable (kill a bunch of metroids lol). I really liked the room with the super slow shutter because it was like a survival mode type thing, even though that far in the game it's extremely trivial, it's something I've never come across before in a hack. Also splazma is sexy. Nice to see it put to good use finally. Also nice to finally see an awesome full hack made on top of Project Base. I respect PB but personally don't care for it a whole lot because it feels like Super Metroid easy mode, and I'm not a huge fan of the palettes, but a new hack being designed around it, without a vanilla version to constantly compare to, makes the changes complement the game a lot more and helps me see more potential in PB.

Proud member of the "didn't read the readme club" (in my defense that was pretty long for a readme and I was already streaming and wanted to play right away) and brute forced GT with ice/wave and varia. Then read the readme, lol'd, and did the same with Ridley. It was intensely frustrating but it was pretty nice to have the freedom to do that, but at the same time not feel like it was necessary to progress.[/spoiler]


Is there a "recommended" order for the main bosses?  I seem to be somewhat stuck.  I think I'm supposed to go to Kraid next?

Here's what I have -- [spoiler]morph, missiles, supers, charge, wave, ice, high jump, varia, 5 tanks[/spoiler]  Is that where I should be heading?  I found Gold Torizo but it didn't go well with my current equipment so I turned around.


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus
[spoiler]did killing Gold Torizo even do anything?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]You can't fight Ridley without beating him first, as the doors are locked.[/spoiler]

Quote from: Metaquarius- No story development : you sell this as "a dark twist on the original Metroid storyline", you get introduced to the plot then you don't hear about it about again until the end, so yeah...
Doesn't Vanilla do pretty much the same exact thing? :heheh:


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on April 19, 2015, 12:59:18 PM
Is there a "recommended" order for the main bosses?  I seem to be somewhat stuck.  I think I'm supposed to go to Kraid next?
[spoiler]Pretty sure Kraid/Phantoon can be swapped either way. You can get to both once you have Grapple and your current equipment.[/spoiler]


That's what I thought.  I forgot to mention I have Grapple too.  I think I know where to look around now.  Thanks!

Edit:  OK, I'm missing something stupid and obvious that seemingly hasn't tripped up anyone else.  What, from the map at least appears to be the obvious entrance to Kraid's area is blocked by [spoiler]speed booster blocks[/spoiler].  I've looked all around the area but can't find the way in.  Hint?


Metaquarius: Bosses have strategies! No bullshit, promise! The only boss that lacks an absolute/constant strategy is Ridley, just as he was in the original.
(YES, there are strategies for phantoon and gold torizo)

Also, no story development? You needed it? Samus [spoiler]resolved to find and kill everyone which is exactly what she did.[/spoiler] What else did you need, again?

MetroidMST: [spoiler]Phantoon is intended to be fought two major items (and a fair amount of expansions) before kraid, but both can be saved until the very last minute, should you choose. :)[/spoiler]