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Room of the Week 2015 - Archives

Started by snarfblam, February 26, 2014, 05:48:55 PM

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I think the cascades should be darker, they blend with the FG


Looks 100x better jefe.

Alisa I really like that room :)


Just throwing in something I made kinda quick for an art class project I'm working on.


Vismund Cygnus

Gonna have to go with Jiffers. Interesting combination of two tilesets, works surprisingly well. You've improved immensely recently.  :^_^:



I chose Jiffy. Liking the tile work!


Jiffy the Jiffer

[spoiler]Jifferific!  As was last weeks but especially this weeks since you worked in the M1 replica tiles

Retroactive Disclaimer: The purple log dropper was in reference to the shape of the room not the room itself[/spoiler]

Alisa the  :stern:

[spoiler]M1 or bust!  :grin:

Actually, this room looks strikingly familiar....  :?:

The tech tubing looks exceedingly well.  I like the overall style and look of the environment.

Disclaimer: This post was intended to be nice and/or happy or something along those lines.  Any resulting anger and/or rage is entirety coincidental.  The Metroid Construction staff can not be held accountable for random senseless acts of posting conducted by the offending poster of this very post that you are in fact reading at this very moment in time rather than the multitude of other activities individuals choose to engage in while time allows not limited to TV, Grub, stuff, and things.


"looks exceedingly well" -  Means that it doesn't look like "shit" and or fecal matter materials.
"I like the overall style" -  Continued work on this hack is approved, hacking credits have been added to your account, carry on...


Sly the Bacon

[spoiler]I like the use of water, I think you could use some more detail or variation in the perimeter tiles work (floor, ceiling).  Also the structures in the water look ok but I think you can do more with them[/spoiler]

Anyway that's my words, yea I know... fairly useless this week.  Too busy to play in Photoshop ATM (besides, it could get dangerous if I decided to do more than 2  :lol:  :wink:)


Jefe for me this week.  I like the new blend of tiles.  There was nothing wrong with Alisa's room, but I feel like I've seen the same room before due to similar rooms using the same tileset appearing before.

Zero One

I voted Jefe too. Looks very pleasing. The only thing I would suggest would be to mix up the background. It's quite repetitive.

Alisa, your room looks quite interesting, if perhaps a bit too busy. But to me, the custom tiles look blurry and out of focus.

SlyPork, good room, but there's not much interesting happening there. I'd suggest getting rid of that flat edge on the cave background. Curve it a little.


Quote from: Zero One on January 27, 2015, 11:12:56 AMI'd suggest getting rid of that flat edge on the cave background. Curve it a little.
There are also two sets of those tiles: Ones with transparency, and ones without.  For use in front of a sky like that, you really want the ones with transparency.


Jefe's room looks kickass. It's very well crafted, too.

Alisa's room is cool, but the hypocrisy of him having an extreme focus on an interconnecting CRE set is hilarious considering he rags on anyone who has anything that looks like SM:Redesigned. It doesn't look the same, but you're obviously trying to achieve the same purpose. Also, your thick black outlines and lack of contrast in color range makes your hack look like a cartoon. I'd recommend giving the doors, pipes, and shutter graphics the same treatment for the sake of a consistent visual style.

Slypork's room feels pretty oldschool, but the lighter dots in the black cave sections are kind of ugly, the randomly ending wrecked ship parts feel like tiling errors, and the black coming out of the ceiling moss at the end are most definitely tiling errors, seeing that the bottom doesn't have the same thing. Needs a little work!


This is the only decent room I've seen this week.
[spoiler=Alisa]No comment.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=SlyPork]The first thing I notice here, is that the cave just seems unnatural (not enough variance). And, echoing what bloodsonic said, the wrecked ship tiles randomly cutting off almost feels like a tiling error, along with the cave tiling errors (ie. The black parts on the outside of the rock. This is noticable outside of caves)[/spoiler]


Quote from: Bloodsonic on January 29, 2015, 09:09:27 PM

Alisa's room is cool, but the hypocrisy of him having an extreme focus on an interconnecting CRE set is hilarious considering he rags on anyone who has anything that looks like SM:Redesigned. It doesn't look the same, but you're obviously trying to achieve the same purpose. Also, your thick black outlines and lack of contrast in color range makes your hack look like a cartoon. I'd recommend giving the doors, pipes, and shutter graphics the same treatment for the sake of a consistent visual style.

Correct me if I am wrong but I'm fairly certain Alisa is a sister member of Metroid Construction...  :?:  :?:  :?:


Did a quick entry, to advance this week a little.


I'm guessing last week didn't exactly happen... again? I'll enter last week's again.



Yea, it looks like ROTW got derailed a bit.


[spoiler=green stuff bruh][/spoiler]
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i might be a little late


Hmm...  Now, do I vote for the pink hoops with the blue spots, or the green hoops with the red spots? :^_^:


I wouldn't say they're green. They look more like Yellow to me. Good job.

Vismund Cygnus

For something completely different:
[spoiler=I'm not biting the lead, my pencil's broken again][/spoiler]


Most of those crystals look fine, but the one in front of the door on the left stands out as weird for some reason.  Perhaps because it's parallel with the door, and it makes it look like things are in rows, and therefore unnatural.


Personally, I'm not a huge fan of those crystals. I think they might look better if there was overall more structure and complexity to them. Not necessarily to this extent, but you get the point.


Change in entry
[spoiler=even better greens bro][/spoiler]