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Super Metroid Escape2

Started by FullOfFail, May 26, 2014, 08:53:26 PM

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Then that would be the oversight.


Not really. The pirates in that room are designed to be immune to everything except plasma, which means you're trapped in the room until you collect it. If they didn't block charged Plasma shots, then other charged shots would damage the pirates too, thus making the room design pointless. If anything, the oversight would be having all charged shots share the same vulnerability.


Quote from: Quietus on August 20, 2015, 04:41:40 PM
If anything, the oversight would be having all charged shots share the same vulnerability.

I assume that was what he was getting at.

Having one pointer for charge/hyper/special saves a tonne of data (basically halved the pointers) for a small inconvenience, so I understand why they did it, especially as the devs were pressed for both time and space.



Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on November 08, 2015, 09:41:55 PM
Have you tried the Main Site?
I did, but I just didn't see it... maybe I should have used the search function  :grin:


I know it's kinda a "zombie thread" but I don't really see any reason to post it elsewhere..

I had some fun with..Escape 2:



Really enjoying this hack so far. The path forward is usually well hidden but never overly frustrating to find, items are well hidden and rewarding to look for, the use of shinesparking is very creative (albeit a bit difficult for me, still can't figure out how to shinespark straight down or through small tunnels), I actually like the overuse of blue as the main color palette, and it's open-ended and can be sequence broken. I got Supers very early, immediately after getting bombs (via IBJ).

Also, I'm not sure I took the correct item path. I sort of hit a brick wall after exploring as much of Fearful Labs as I could, and so I ended up taking my 6 E-Tanks and doing what I assume to be forced heat runs in Spospo to get Power Bombs, Speed Booster and Wave Beam, and with those items I was able to get to Kraid and get Gravity Suit. Only later did I get Varia, after nabbing Ice Beam in Water Maze (I got Varia BEFORE I killed Phantoon, couldn't find him early on).

Wish I could find Spazer/Plasma, but Ice/Wave is good enough I guess. Spazer is definitely well hidden, and that's how it should be.

Edit: Does Crystal Flash not work in Escape 2?

Edit 2: What's with these rooms? I've found three rooms so far that tell me there is an upgrade in them, but the chozo statues in them hold nothing, and X-Raying the entire room reveals nothing. What's going on here?

Still can't find the Plasma Beam. I had to consult the forums for finding the Spazer. I know I said these items should be well hidden, but Spazers location is so ridiculously obscure, I don't know how anyone is reasonably expected to be able to track it down without outside assistance. Even X-Ray doesn't help in locating it.


Plasma is located near [spoiler]your ship[/spoiler]

I've also noticed some seemingly empty rooms.  This is a very weird hack in many ways.


I found it. WHAT'S IT DOING THERE, OF ALL PLACES!? God, this hack is so goofy.

Side note: How do I store a shinespark in ball form? I assume that a shinespark is the ONLY way to get up the shaft in Landing Site, the one next to the Grappling Beam with the spike walls, but I can only get enough speed in ball form because of the tunnels separating them. There's no way to get a charge anywhere nearby, so I have to figure out how to store a charge in ball form so I can unmorph with the charge and shinespark up the shaft.


If you figure it out let me know.  I've tried every button combination I can think of but so far no dice. 


Well, I made it all the way to the end, conquered the boss rush...and gave up at the escape. Probably the most obnoxious sequence of shinespark puzzles I've ever seen in a hack. It's cool that the creator wants to show off shinespark control, but the escape does NOT need to be this difficult to get through, certainly not harder then getting some of the hidden expansions. Once I got to the third one I just gave it up. There's no justification for this.

It sucks because I really enjoyed the hack up until this point, and to see the entire hack brought down because of one, one aspect of one area, rather. Tourian itself was just fine, it was interesting with the boss rush and didn't outstay its welcome. But this escape is just too much. 15 minutes won't cut it with how many attempts I needed just to get through the first two shinespark puzzles, with who knows how many more to follow. I stopped on the third...I just can't do it.


While there is no way to charge a shinespark in ball form, the hack uses momentum rules similar to Project Base.  Spring Ball allows you to run while in ball form, you can then jump, unmorph, land, and duck to charge the spark.  It's actually necessary to do this in order to obtain an item in the Landing Site area near Grapple Beam.

There are three paths in the Escape.  Two can be obtained normally, and the third requires completing the Secret Zone.  The path for the first two escape paths diverges at Shaktool:  you can go back through that one door and shinespark to the left for a much more straightforward escape path and a different "final boss."


Is there a certain beam combo that works best against Ridley?  I can get him a very deep shade of red but he just.  won't.  die. 

I've got 9 or 10 tanks, 3 reserves, all suits, all beams, I'm not going into the fight ill-equipped here. 


Ridley's health is unchanged from Vanilla SM, though apparently he takes damage from the uncharged pea shooter?  Either way, he takes normal damage from Charge, Missiles, and PBs, and double damage from Supers.  He still has 18,000 health.

Here's the Beam damage chart according to Smile:


Ammo damage is unchanged.  So the best beam option is charged Plasma with no other beams equipped, but if you have the ammo, you should use Supers as they deal 300 normally, so 600 to Ridley.

[Spoiler=Special Note]There is a special version of Wave Beam that is well hidden away.  It causes your uncharged beam to fire super missiles with the properties of whatever beam combo you have equipped.  (Note you must keep this Wave Beam equipped at all times, or your beam will no longer fire correctly)  I do not know if it uses Super Missile damage or your current beam combo's damage for calculations, but enemies and doors react to it as though it were a Super Missile.  It cannot be used to open Green Gates and Green Doors opened by it will respawn Green unless an actual Super is used to open it.[/spoiler]


Hmm.  Strange as I don't really struggle with him much in Vanilla and the room you fight him in doesn't seem unique.  I must just kinda suck right now.  I'll press on. 

Edit:  Beat him shortly after posting.  I thought having all the beams equipped was stronger than plasma alone when charged.  Using charged plasma shots plus the 15 supers in my inventory worked fine. 

So then I found a shinespark course in the secret area.  It was about 5 huge rooms of trial and error ridiculousness that was so hard I finally cheated and used slowdown to get through it because I wanted to see the reward.  The reward sucked.


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on November 15, 2016, 08:12:18 PM
Hmm.  Strange as I don't really struggle with him much in Vanilla and the room you fight him in doesn't seem unique.  I must just kinda suck right now.  I'll press on. 

Edit:  Beat him shortly after posting.  I thought having all the beams equipped was stronger than plasma alone when charged.  Using charged plasma shots plus the 15 supers in my inventory worked fine. 

So then I found a shinespark course in the secret area.  It was about 5 huge rooms of trial and error ridiculousness that was so hard I finally cheated and used slowdown to get through it because I wanted to see the reward.  The reward sucked.

It's for 100% (101?) completion.  Bragging rights only, basically.  At the very least, it's good training for the final escape's primary route.

Steel Sparkle

I never knew there was some insane shinespark puzzle in that game. Good thing i know it ain't worth it so i can avoid it :p


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on November 19, 2016, 11:56:59 AM
I never knew there was some insane shinespark puzzle in that game. Good thing i know it ain't worth it so i can avoid it :p

It's something in the latest version (1.9).  If you have any earlier version, it won't be there.  When I did my playthrough of Escape 2, I ran version 1.6, which didn't have the post Secret Area Shinespark Marathon.


It's comically hard.  It took me multiple attempts doing parts at 50% and even 25% speed.   It's one of those where you can think you're right on the money but still hit a protruding ledge or something and have to start the whole room over.   So in addition to going up, down and side to side you also have to coordinate your morph and unmorph.  Anyone who can complete that gauntlet in real time has way better reflexes than I do.


What's supposed to be at the end of that gauntlet? I got there and found nothing.


All I found was a [spoiler]pack of missiles[/spoiler] followed by a door that takes you right back to the warp zone.  Maybe it appears in two places for purposes of 100% and you already got it elsewhere?  It was there for me.


Yeah, I got it elsewhere. Pretty sure I know which location it was from now. Thanks.


I can't even think where to start... but let me get this straight:
You need some knowledge to finish this hack without any tool assisted stuff :!:

I finished this hack yesterday (IGT: almost 10h - 88% - normal version) and it was awesome! I really liked the puzzles that came with the changes to shinesparking :cool:

Some items were hidden in a way where I found myself wandering around like crazy... then realizing what to do after more like 30min - you tend to overthink things. If you're not into scanning every inch with x-ray, you might get disappointed though - better shoot all the walls! :O_o:

And the idea behind the secret area(+multiple spots to pick up key-items) is very interesting by itself. I was wondering why I've found (7 :!:) empty item rooms even tho it's a NEW area for me... my first guess is that the patch might be bugged. (I remembered another hack where you can find the same items in different spots, but if you take it from one spot, the other one vanishes into thin air so that might be it :whoa:)

I got some complaints tho: :stern:

First: Draygon's fight is a bit tricky to figure out and without enough health you might have a really bad time! :<_<:
Second: I've never found SPAZER... then I asked in chat where it was.... the place where it's hidden - well, let's just say I can't comprehend WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD HIDE IT IN SUCH A PLACE  :!: :?: :!: :?: Even Plasma wasn't that bad :pwuh:

Some last words:
If you know your techniques and what to look out for - this hack is worth your time! :bounce:

PS: Don't hate the final escape! The game is gradualy teaching you all the basics you need to get past it. If you can't do it, hate yourself, not the hack!  :razz: :lol:


Quote from: Axatax on February 22, 2015, 09:36:11 AM
Yeah, the X-ray wasn't where this thread said it was...  :O_o:

It was in the upper-left of Brinstar, in a room you have to shinespark across from the the room on the right, in order to break through some speed booster blocks coming down from the ceiling.  This room also has grapple blocks, but you can't get all the way across to the left-hand side to get the X-ray because those speed booster blocks are in the way.

I hope I'm describing this OK...

Some commentary on your spoiler:
I was able to get through this room and get the X-ray scope without shinespark. A clever swing off the right block drops you just under that block with enough momentum to grab the grapple block on the other side of it. It took many tries but I got it.

I also tried jumping off the crumble blocks below and walljumping up the left side of the room. I think there may be a way to make this with walljumping alone too.

If this fails, wall jump off the crumble blocks to IBJ could also get you up there. Either way there are at least 3 different ways, possibly four, to get through this room. Only one of them requires the speed booster.