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Super Metroid Escape2

Started by FullOfFail, May 26, 2014, 08:53:26 PM

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So, I have an issue....
    X-ray scope is missing.
I was so frustrated that I couldn't find it I cheated and looked it up.  Exctatic that I finally would be able to get it I rush over to where it is told to be.  I shoot the statue ball and underneath ISsss..... A power bomb upgrade.  I don't know how or why this has happened or if the location has moved in version 1.9
Someone please give me their insight
Thanks in advance.


Yeah, the X-ray wasn't where this thread said it was...  :O_o:

It was in the upper-left of Brinstar, in a room you have to shinespark across from the the room on the right, in order to break through some speed booster blocks coming down from the ceiling.  This room also has grapple blocks, but you can't get all the way across to the left-hand side to get the X-ray because those speed booster blocks are in the way.

I hope I'm describing this OK...

Anyhow, I consider this to be a "tier 1" hack, up there with Redesign, Super Zero Mission and Z-Factor.  Haven't seen it mentioned here, but there's two *entirely* different routes to complete this game.


Quote from: Axatax on February 22, 2015, 09:36:11 AM
Yeah, the X-ray wasn't where this thread said it was...  :O_o:

It was in the upper-left of Brinstar, in a room you have to shinespark across from the the room on the right, in order to break through some speed booster blocks coming down from the ceiling.  This room also has grapple blocks, but you can't get all the way across to the left-hand side to get the X-ray because those speed booster blocks are in the way.

I hope I'm describing this OK...

Anyhow, I consider this to be a "tier 1" hack, up there with Redesign, Super Zero Mission and Z-Factor.  Haven't seen it mentioned here, but there's two *entirely* different routes to complete this game.

Could you possibly attatch some photos... I'm still having trouble.  (Spoilers of course)


I don't believe that the xray scope is in a finite area....... I found it in a place where there should have been a missle pack.... Not sure what happened but at least I have xray to help me.

Narpas Sword

So I just started playing Escape 2.
Thanks to MetroidMst for putting up the walkthrough on youtube. Some items are really well hidden without any indications. How the hell should I see where Spazer is?
Other stuff is nicely done, as for example how to get to Phantoon. Great!

Just finished it. 76% in 6 hours.
The escape was crazy! Many great ideas in this hack. Some not implemented that well.
The best thing was the controllable shinespark. I also liked the idea that some rooms changed after collecting a specific item. For example entrance to Lower Sposporuins. Secret area was nice though the entrance to it was incredibly difficult to find. X-raying through every room isn't fun.
All in all a great hack.

Vismund Cygnus

So you can shinespark from the bottom to the top of Maridia without stopping. 11/10 best hack


I wouldn't really say that's 'without stopping', but it's still amusing to see. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on July 13, 2015, 06:48:15 AM
I wouldn't really say that's 'without stopping', but it's still amusing to see. :^_^:
I'd say technically there was no "stop". It was one continuous shinespark, in that it never really broke, though there are 3 or 4 instances where I strictly had to hit things and slow down; twice in the room at around the 1:20 mark (after Draygon), and at the 1:50 mark (that part was awful to pull off, heh  :heheh:)


Nice shinespark! Had so much fun playing this hack because of these mechanics :)


how in the hell do i get the tourian (sector s) missile tank...if i shinespark->morphball i cannot destroy speedbooster blocks with it


OK I must say the accompanying Queen song totally makes that video one of the more epic posted here.  Something about shinesparks and Freddie Mercury just works.


Quote from: diablo888 on July 21, 2015, 09:36:55 PM
how in the hell do i get the tourian (sector s) missile tank...if i shinespark->morphball i cannot destroy speedbooster blocks with it

If you morph mid-shinespark, you can destroy speed booster blocks.  However, if you clip an object and hear the "impact" sound (like Samus was hit), the speed booster malfunctions and, while still somewhat controllable, will no longer be able to break blocks.


thank you very much, damn.

Steel Sparkle

That shinespark control... That needs to be made into a patch so other hackers can use it in their hacks. Simply beautiful.


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on July 22, 2015, 03:46:41 PM
That shinespark control... That needs to be made into a patch so other hackers can use it in their hacks. Simply beautiful.

You mean this?

Steel Sparkle

XD ask and you shall receive i suppose :3.
That's awesome. I may look into hacking one day after Seeing awesome hacks like this and others.
Thanks for that link.


There's a veritable poop-tonne in the Patches section. :^_^:


There is very sightly bug.  I don't know if you guys notice or not.   After I jump in the air and not move at all until land it, it move by itself without I touch d-pad.   I was like "What the hell?   Did I touch it the d-pad?   No I didn't.   Let me try again."  *jump in the air and land it as move itself*   "*gasp*   It does!    I never encounter this bug before.   Oh well I better tell owner of this hack."   So here I am.   That is what I found this.  I don't know if this is sightly bug or should I ignore it.  Because it kinda annoying when you land it then you fall off by move itself.  I tried turn it off my wii classic controller and use GC (Gamecube) controller and it same thing.


As Brad mentioned, there's a pose issue with jumping straight up and being kicked forward a bit when landing, but another issue I've found is that a lot of the enemies, such as Purple and Green Rippers and those fireball wall guys, they take damage from a normal shot, but block a charged shot.


That may well not be a bug. I believe there are even some enemies in the normal game who do that. I'm thinking of the pirates in the Plasma Beam room and the grey Zoomers on the mushrooms near the start of the game.


They grey zoomers were immune to everything but the Grapple and Bombs, weren't they? Charged or not?

As for the Pirates, the developers forgot to check the plasma damage; they marked the guys immune to everything and then went back to allow plasma to do damage, but didn't think to allow Charged Plasma to be even stronger.


Quote from: Strokend on August 18, 2015, 01:31:42 PM
but didn't think to allow Charged Plasma to be even stronger.

There is only one vulnerability pointer for charged shots, so if charged plasma can damage it then so can any charged shot.


Quote from: Strokend on August 18, 2015, 01:31:42 PMThey grey zoomers were immune to everything but the Grapple and Bombs, weren't they? Charged or not?
Nope. A standard plasma shot vaporizes them. :^_^:


Quote from: Jordan5 on August 18, 2015, 01:52:03 PM
There is only one vulnerability pointer for charged shots, so if charged plasma can damage it then so can any charged shot.
Then how does a charged plasma get treated differently than an uncharged plasma? Shouldn't it look and see "Plasma" instead of "Charged"?


It should, but it doesn't. I think what Jordan5 is saying is that an enemy's vulnerability to a charged shot is universal, so they will block any charged shot, from any combination of beams, if it's not set. Since it doesn't have this vulnerability checked, it is immune to all charged shots.