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Samus: Mother Brain Returns

Started by Odb718, February 10, 2014, 01:38:18 AM

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Hey, This is my first post on this forum. I've created a hack of the original Metroid for NES.

These are the first two spots you should see. People always miss Maru Mari, so I pointed it out in the second pic

The last pic is the only one you shouldnt "naturally" come across so it's a sort of secret. [/spoiler]
Thanks to MetEdit and Editroid especially. With out Editroid it wouldnt be half as nice as it is.
I used Nesticle to redraw Samus' sprites. It's supposed to represent a new suit in which the X-ray vision is built into the top of her helmet.
I've redone weapon locations, maps, and basic layouts of the areas. I plan on making a video of tricks you can use in the hack to get to other places faster.
There are a couple short cuts if you get lucky and find them.
** The game now includes Saving and the Mini-Map. **

You can download the IPS here.
AS OF 3/20/19 this is the most current build
This is just the IPS

aaand I just found this...  :O_o:
It's someone playing an older version of my game. From 2008 I believe. You can watch it to see a general layout of the game.
This is the most up to date version. I'm pretty sure this will be the final version of the hack.
Let me know what you guys think.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Completed Hacks Criteria!Please submit at least two screenshots, the patch itself, a short description of the hack, and all other related info (such as title, preferred author's name, etc.)
Do you have any more screenshots of anything apart from just the title screen?
That being said, this looks promising. M1 hacks are few and far between, so I may have to check this out in a bit. Welcome to Metroid Construction though!


this is pretty fun, i like the kid icarus rooms. also the variations in color is nice too.
havent got the feeling that im lost quite yet but i just got into [spoiler]kraids lair? i got long beam without bombs with some classy mid air unmorph jumps and damage boosts[/spoiler]
good stuff will have to play more


Daltone, I put the damage bounces in to get around a couple spots. You can find a sequence break in Kraid's Lair.
I wasnt sure about the Kid Icarus feel at first, but it allows for plenty of secrets so I kept it obvious. I want the player to KNOW they can pac-man if they find the right spots.

My next project is a Super Metroid hack. I feel Smile is one of the better tools out there for modding a newer Metroid game. Are there any REALLY complete tools for other series? I'd like something as user friendly as Editroid, but it doesnt seem like anything's out there. The games seem too complex.


Smile is pretty darn good for what it does, and at some point we will have Smile RF, which includes tons more features and a redesigned interface. In so far as other games are concerned, you've really only got DoubleHelix for fusion and zero mission. It's alright, but we have yet to see a full hack of either of those games.
M2 is not even worth mentioning, until we get a new editor there's no point.
I'd say go with Super, but I'm a super metroid hacker so I have a bias.


[spoiler]I ran around kraids lair for awhile and all i found was wave beam and missile tanks, i take back not feeling lost lol. should i be looking in this area more or is kraid somewhere else? still has that hateful feel of kraids area, good job![/spoiler]

Edit: I think there is a problem with the passwords, i had at least 5 missile and 2 etanks, it loaded me up with 1 of each, i had all the main items i collected, i went back to pick up a etank and they are both gone :( i really dont want to do this all again lol, getting wave was brutal


Kraid is in fact hidden. He hates it if you find his energy tank. If you look at the bottom middle picture it'll give you a clue where Kraid is. If you still cant find him I'll give you a walk-thru. The music should play to let you know you're in the right spot. I'll have to look into the problem with the passwords.

Quote58, Ive been working with smile, but I feel inhibited. Encumbered. Things that I feel should be easy to do I have no clue how to accomplish. Like adding or deleting enemies should be something high on the list to do. I just dont know how to do it.


For info on enemy properties, check section 2.4 of the FAQ.

For adding enemies to a room, check Grime's in-depth guide here. (From the Docs section)

Failing that, jump on irc (details on the Main Page), or ask in the Engine Works section.

Happy hacking. :^_^:


Quote from: Daltone on February 11, 2014, 07:53:47 AM
Edit: I think there is a problem with the passwords, i had at least 5 missile and 2 etanks, it loaded me up with 1 of each, i had all the main items i collected, i went back to pick up a etank and they are both gone
Because of the way the password system works, password tracking data (which password bits correspond to which items) needs to be updated when missiles, e-tanks, and red doors are moved. Editroid can try to fix this for you, provided you don't have too much stuff for the password to encode. Alternatively, there is a manual password-tracking-data editing mode.


Quote from: snarfblam on February 12, 2014, 04:36:05 PM
Quote from: Daltone on February 11, 2014, 07:53:47 AM
Edit: I think there is a problem with the passwords, i had at least 5 missile and 2 etanks, it loaded me up with 1 of each, i had all the main items i collected, i went back to pick up a etank and they are both gone
Because of the way the password system works, password tracking data (which password bits correspond to which items) needs to be updated when missiles, e-tanks, and red doors are moved. Editroid can try to fix this for you, provided you don't have too much stuff for the password to encode. Alternatively, there is a manual password-tracking-data editing mode.
I dont understand how that works at all lol, here is my password if anyone can help:
00KG00 010000
4b4P3G C000Yg

im not sure if the etank im missing cant be picked back up since i remember now that one of the spots looks similar to another i havent checked. still, it needs to keep it remembered for me. thanks


So, Hopefully I've figured out a decent way of taking care of the password problems.... I _think_
I've prioritized some of the doors out. As in, if you open some red/purple doors and die, you'll have to burn another 5/10 missiles on them. I guess I'll have to play and die a bunch.  :eyeroll:
The new ips is here!8QYyhQiQ!Dpd3InXWjevsMSu3IOPRWjadB3VWg27dRzjOTchTVrQ
Unfortunately I'm pretty sure your code wont work properly Daltone. ----EDIT---- I tested the code. I started in Kraid with 25 missiles and no eTanks. The red door was still in tact. I had the Wave Beam. As soon as I touch a missile grab, it resets my total to 5 missiles and I cant get any more. Sorry about the trouble :[

Quietus, thanks for pointing those threads out. I was reading the Moonedit thread. Seems to be helping a little too. I'm on IRC on an EFNET server. Might have to look into figuring out how to open a second server at the same time. Not too sure how to do it. I usually accidentally close the first server.

----Edit yet again----
I'm not exactly sure what's happening, but it's reverting back to taking out the beams. Ice, Wave, and Long beam get knocked out for Doors.

The ips I uploaded had a problem with a door. I've fixed it and uploaded a hopefully perfect IPS to MEGA. Anyone who downloaded the ips from host-a should download this one.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Odb718 on February 13, 2014, 12:06:07 AM
Might have to look into figuring out how to open a second server at the same time. Not too sure how to do it. I usually accidentally close the first server.
In most clients you should be able to open up a new server just by accessing the server list and adding it (in this case espernet) to the servers you autojoin. At least, I know for a fact that you can in hexchat. It'd be silly if you couldn't, and if you're using a web based client I'd recommend downloading one just 'coz the web ones suck  :heheh:


Depending on the client, the usual command would be "/attach"


Played this more, i like it but i have some complaints.

[spoiler]there is alot of bugs throughout like enemy placements (youll walk into a room and see a geemer spinning in mid air or just enemys stuck in the ceiling)
ridley is bad the space above the doors you can walk through and get perma stuck, one of them i was able to get out but the other made me stop playing entirely,
kraid is super glitchy, you can see his claws and spikes floating there before you pick up the etank, then he just walks left into the water? and hugs the wall. After i beat kraid i did a controller 2 warp to the elevator and the password gave me a extra etank upon loading, (i had 3 when i beat him and 4 after i warped out)
Im playing this on my NES via powerpak so im not sure if any of these wont show up in a emulator.

I really want you to fix this good because its got alot of potential, it just seems like it diddnt have much testing. polish it up more and ill pick it back up.


Daltone, I have noticed the spinning guys. I find it acceptable in Metroid. It happens.
I dont know how I missed that problem above the door in Ridley. I was changing it because I got complaints that it was hard to get back out the long way. I must have moved the piece or right clicked it in Editroid. It's fixed now.
I also made the end of Ridley, the "fast exit" more novice friendly. It uses a trick I picked up from snarfblam.
I made a platform for Kraid. He shouldnt fall off and hug the wall. I have it kinda the way I wanted.

I duplicated some rooms in Tourain; For color changes. I changed a few enemy's slots in Brinstar to help get them on the screen more often.
At this time I dont recommend relying on passwords. I'm not sure how I'm totally going to fix it and still have everything in the rom.

The most current ips can be found here  <-- 2/27/14
^^ has an error in it due to a custom piece in Kraid.

I will be updating the rom. Right now I have 10 other things to take care of so I dont have a ton of time for testing.


I've been putting in a lot of time on Samus:SMB lately. I've gotten to a point I'm not sure about. Animations. I've added one that's in the game for sure.
I've been working on a second seen here VVVV
I'm really not sure what to do with it. At first I was thinking of making the blocks breakable. But the animation only works at a very specific timing. So if/when they reform the timing's off and the bubbles seem to come out of nowhere.

Im thinking of adding a second "drip" spot/type. The animation only takes up 7 tiles. Adding the second type would only be 1 more 8x8 tile.

Is it possible to make blocks hurt you like an enemy or lava? If that's possible I could come up with something I think.

The two drips are for timing/looks test. I prefer the one on the right that closer matches Samus' velocity.

I've also cleaned up a few spots by creating/editing some new blocks in. Nothing too drastic except one spot.

The video should be working now.


"This video is private." :neutral:


Looks really awesome, editroid seems to be really nice.


So I've been working on this for a little while and wanted an opinion.

Which of the 4 looks the best? I honestly cant decide.
The left most is currently the one in the downloadable version. I _think_ I like the 3rd the best but the 4th is nice. The second one makes the biggest impact, imo.

I have some other stuff I'm holding close to the chest for now.
Let me know what you think.


Personally I prefer the one on the far right. I'm not a fan of the huge Kraid face, but the statue on the far right looks nice and I like how open the elevator shaft is :^_^:


I agree with Jordan.  It's clear what to expect, but it's not cluttered.


I like the rightmost one the most.


My vote goes to the third one on the right.


Quote from: Odb718 on March 22, 2014, 07:07:23 AM
So I've been working on this for a little while and wanted an opinion.

Which of the 4 looks the best? I honestly cant decide.
The left most is currently the one in the downloadable version. I _think_ I like the 3rd the best but the 4th is nice. The second one makes the biggest impact, imo.

I have some other stuff I'm holding close to the chest for now.
Let me know what you think.

Second from the left.  Large graphics are always a win.


Any thing looks better then a spike on a spike, or a spike only attached from the side (saw this one in kraids lair a few times)