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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Yea, I think it's photobucket, zoom in on Crazy's, looks a bit blurry too.  He's using photobucket also.  I'm going to check out the sites the other entries are using, maybe Ill start using them.  Photobucket has too many obnoxious advertisements anyway.


I knew I wasn't crazy when I noticed the blurriness after uploading. Guess it's time to dump photobucket.
These are some awesome rooms, but Grim's room demands my attention each time I look at it. Still can't believe that's Metroid.  :whoa:  The cavernous feel, the orange light near the top of the room, & the ribcage (?) lying in the middle that seems as if an animal became trapped in that pit really adds a lot of atmosphere. Those are bones... Right?  :^_^:



Quote from: Grimlock on August 18, 2014, 02:38:32 AM
Yea, I think it's photobucket, zoom in on Crazy's, looks a bit blurry too.  He's using photobucket also.  I'm going to check out the sites the other entries are using, maybe Ill start using them.  Photobucket has too many obnoxious advertisements anyway.
Use Imgur. It's the best one, and that's what I use. The only reason mine looks a little weird is because it's one big 35 scroll room cropped to four scrolls.


Or you could use dropbox, much simpler to me :P


Quote from: Drevan Zero on August 18, 2014, 05:07:06 AM
Or you could use dropbox, much simpler to me :P
Dropbox requires registration though, whereas imgur doesn't.


Gohan for me.  I mentioned about the lava in the windows looking odd, but the rest of the room is great.  There's just the right amount of outer layering too, so it doesn't look overdone, but still adds a great feeling of depth. :^_^:


Sorry for my big room, I had the larger tile-size on in smile, and never realized it actually exported that size aswell (I normally never use 32x32, I was just doing some layer2 bg detail and needed it). It didn't really occur to me until this morning, but it was too late to replace it. Just for good measure I'll go ahead and post it again, though. Maybe Vis or Quote will swap it if it's not too much trouble. Nevermind, it uses the original link, cool-beans.


Alisa Orlova

[spoiler=Who is That Pokemon?... Its Pikachu! Its Jigglypuff!... F***CK!!! ]It's a god damn quite suspicious, sir!!! I'm not bragging, but I understand something in the design (at least I think so). I've seen your previous works, and I saw your video. It's a completely different style. For me, this means that you are stole the idea, or it's not your work, or it's just "pie in the sky" (Lucky shot). Three fucking sixty no scope!!!  I hope that I am wrong. And if I'm really wrong, you should take these words for the compliment! Keep it up! Nice work i should say! But i'll watching for you.... already feel it, right? I'm watching. Like a snake under the snag...sSs.sSSs...suspicious...sssstuff. :<_<:
[spoiler=Cloud14]1x00000000 (SICNR)    
Too good to criticize.  :heheh:[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sylvester Stallone]Color theory in action! The combination of shades of grey, orange and blue, it's one of the ten most pleasant color combinations for the human eye. But, something tells me that it is a merit of game designers but not yours.
Hey! How someone can love a game where the main character shoots pasta? Check out this. Of course this is a joke! :heheh:
Good job sir! Seriously, wonderful combination of colors! Pew-pew-pew! it's me! Mario! Mario fusion. Ok, Ok, no more racist stereotypes. Capisce?  :pwuh:
[spoiler=FullofFail]Do you think I don't know about the "Ctrl (plus) minus"? Do you think I don't know about the "Ctrl (plus) 0"? You not fooling me! I can see the room in its entirety. And I like what I see! I'm not a big fan of "rabbit holes", because you know... "drink me", "Mad Hatter", "Queen of Hearts", stupid war, and tea with drugs. A lot of drugs! I done with it. You're doing fine! But i think you should remove some "rabbit holes".
[spoiler=Grimlock]Yes!!! I solved the "Da Vinci code"! Ok, let me explain you what i see. It is an evil GODZILLA, riding on a Kitchen glove! Arrr!!!!!
You can try to defocus your eyes, and then, the room will look like an old neon sign.
[spoiler=Gohan]The prospect? No, not heard. Seriously, how does it work? The platform in the center of the room is too symmetric. But overall the room is good.
[spoiler=Me]"Заебись, четко!" Well, of course you will not be able to translate it, but I'll help. In this context, it's translates as "Satisfactory", "Easy to understand". But hey! What can i say? I spent a lot of time to create the tiles and palettes. You learned a new word! So, congratulations! Smarter every day!
[spoiler=CrAzY]Oh come on, you're not fooling me. I hope that the results of the vote will not affect on your desire to do good rooms. Hey! Stop! Wow, you're new here! You should know that I'm here all control. I like the grey cardinal! Remember cadet! Nobody likes you! This competition will teach you to hate your life! I mean, welcome home!  :heheh:

Quote from: Benki on August 18, 2014, 03:02:36 AM
Very well done, gets my vote.
Hey! Do not think that I do not recognize you behind the new avatar! I remember your name! Yes, I remember... I remember the previous week... "Layer 2 scrolling = 0". A severe defeat. Oh, this... Benki... Arrrr. I'll get you!


We have a bunch of solid rooms this week.

I had an hesitation between Gohan, Grimlock and Jefe.
Finally Jiffy gets my vote  :yay:

Also, it was unexpected to find my room accepted into the contest. (unexpected ? I have a doubt finally  :wink:)

I know this is illegal to post a ROM, but yeah buddies, this is a .DOC file so it is safe :


Quote from: CrAzY on August 18, 2014, 02:54:42 AM
Those are bones... Right?  :^_^:

Yea, he forgot his wall jump back at home, poor guy didn't realize there was a replacement at the top.  :nowai:


The delectable table of deluxe dingbat entries! THIS WEEK IS SO JUICY, I COULD MAKE A DRINK FROM JUST CONCENTRATING ON IT.

[spoiler=No Regrets]
[spoiler=Jiffers]Overall, this is a decent room. AND YOU HAVE BUBBLES! Although. . . I do notice you have changed it slightly from the first time I saw the room, since the bubbles appear to not use the glow anymore. (The glowing is fine, if you change the glow to match!) Thing is, you left the middle juice sacks alone. You kind of get away with it, since it matches the other tiles, but please note that next time, THE WHOLE BUBBLE IS DELICIOUS AND ALL OF IT NEEDS ATTENTION. I'm watching you. . . Don't make bad bubbles.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=CloudNein]At least bubbles?[/spoiler]
[spoiler=TheCobraLips]AND WE'VE COME ALL THE WAY TO YOU, YOU FUSION LOVING HACK. I must admit I am pleased with this room, but most of that is due to seeing Fusion rep'd in RotW. WE ALL KNOW THIS COMPETITION IS ABOUT THE TILESETS, AND THIS WOULD ONLY BE IMPRESSIVE IF YOU PORTED THIS TO SM. (If you use a tileset from the original source, and you're hacking that source, but this tileset is in a different area. . . Is that an inport? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA I MADE LAUGH) Also, the chained block makes me think it did something wrong, and now it is being punished.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=FullMoonFlubb]If I had a disease named after me, I would want it to look like this. Seemingly plain, nothing major, BUT FILLED WITH SECRETS THAT WANT TO DESTROY YOUR PATHETIC SOUL. This is just something I feel needs to be mentioned, as without the little secret areas, this is a much more boring room. SECRETS ARE GOOD. ITEMS ARE BETTER. BOSSES SHOULD DESTROY NOOBS WHO DON'T SEEK THE TREASURE. One other thing is the darker FG brick tiles look dark enough to be BG brick tiles. I'm sure it works fine in game and seeing it in action, BUT PLAYERS DON'T WANT TO TRY TO WIPE WITHOUT FIRST KNOWING THEY BLEW UP THE PLANET.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Grim Reaper]And here, we have NEStroid in its' natural habitat. I feel a need, NEIGH, A STRONG NEED TO POINT OUT THE HORSE HEAD AT THE TOP OF THE ROOM. (GET IT? NEIGH? HORSE?) You even made it a unicorn, with the horn seemingly saying, "This is how to make a palette in NEStroid." (Not directed at anybody of course. . . I can't see straight after the green!) Bonus points for the nice purple Kool-Aid at the bottom, BUT THAT GETS REMOVED FOR LACK OF BUBBLES![/spoiler]
[spoiler=A Samus Darkly]This is pretty striking visually, HOWEVER IT STRIKES LIKE A FIST IN THE FACE. Here is the big issue with this, you need some more work with the tiles. You've got some Maridia rocks in there, which isn't bad. However, on a lot of the slopes-to-flat tiles at the bottom, you see this pretty horrible cutoff. The rocks just suddenly stop. TOO BAD YOU DIDN'T NOTICE AND SUDDENLY STOP! NOW IT IS THERE FOR US TO LAUGH AT YOU FOR ALL NACHOS. Other than that though, the worst thing is you're using Norfair stuff. . . AND NO BUBBLES.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alisa Language]THERE BE TILES, SAND SAND! (Bet you don't get that, you intellectual midgetburger.) I just have one very serious question about this thing. From what I saw of the video, it looks like the little red thing prevents you from unmorphing, and you have to touch the green thing to allow that. If that is the case. . . Why is there just an Energy Recharge on the bottom left? You just made the player take damage to be able to open this gate, and they get an Energy Refill. THAT IS A BIGGER LETDOWN THAN NEKOISHI DROPPING A PRE-LICKED LOLLIPOP. Seriously, not even a Missile? Otherwise, the sand is a nice addition to the mushiness that is the moldy mildew the migrates into Morph tunnels.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=#Craycray]Ladies and gentlemen. (And Quietus) This is how to use bubbles. The room overall is pretty meh. Without the bubbles, this would be used as an example of a reason to publicly flog an invalid for a good reason. HOWEVER. LOOK AT THE BUBBLES! THEY ARE SEEPING FROM THE PIPES. THEY ARE OOZING WITH RADICAL BUBBLENESS! THIS IS HOW TO ROOM AND WIN AT LIFE PEOPLE! LKJFLKSFJLISFJIEJIFSLFLI BUBBLES[/spoiler]

I think we've all learned a valuable lesson here. I did not enter, and thus the overall score of the rooms is pretty terrible. HOWEVER, there were a couple that used bubbles, and that is worthy.


I've not commented on rooms in quite some time, and I liked a few, so why not?

[spoiler=Jefe]Good use of palette. Always liked purple bubbles.  A good room, but it feel a bit empty, not sure why, you have plenty going on.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Cloud14]When you first submitted this room, I was very happy.  There is just something about the simplistic style used, the bubbles especially.  The red does seem a bit to loud, but otherwise, seems solid.  Even if this was just a joke room, I like it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Grimlock]The heavy contrast between the black and the rest really makes this room shine.  It allows the room to seem dark and moody, which is what you seem to be going for, the light is a nice touch.  Fine details in all the right places, I can't think of anything bad to say about this room honestly.  Good job guy.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Gohan]This room reminds me of a Dman room that was in this contest awhile back.  The sharp contrast between the orange and the black really makes this room pop.  The background is simplistic, which helps with the popping, expect for the top left, which sticks out like a sore thumb.  Also, the use of the purple foreground filler seems a bit lacking, as its squarish in several places, round these out a bit more maybe.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alisa]Ah, Alisa.  I was all ready to vote for Grimlock this week, then I come into vote, then I see this.  This room is great.  Attention to detail is superb, I dig all the sand, moss, and good use of CRE.  My only complaint is the background really.  The whitish outline feels out of place for me, and keeps the background from popping like I like.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=everyone else]Meh[/spoiler]


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on August 18, 2014, 01:06:50 PM
The red does seem a bit to loud, but otherwise, seems solid.

Hum, sorry for this red, but it's because of the highlight colors.
When I made this, I tried to be respectful of the software limitation and used only textual features. So you can make every color you want for the letters, but highlight is limited to 16 colors. (If you count the white, also 16 reminds hex  :lol: )
This red is the only color close to the Norfair brown. Fun story.


Alisa Orlova

Quote from: MetroidMst on August 18, 2014, 10:39:17 AM
...Seriously, not even a Missile?
I have tried to implement a scheme where for the restoration of health need to "pay". It's something like "heat run" (suitless run). If the player does not have enough health (or other stuff) he can't recover. I still think about this scheme.

Quote from: squishy_ichigo on August 18, 2014, 01:06:50 PM
My only complaint is the background really.  The whitish outline feels out of place for me, and keeps the background from popping like I like.
Oh, thanks for the kind words. Don't understand, how did you know that I love compliments? Okay, BG. I made this tile and palette specifically for "Deep/Maridia" (darkens liquid). This means in the game this room will be significantly darker. I don't know did you see my video or not, but here is a picture for comparison. I can't make edge more darker, because I will lose the visual volume.  But I'll think about it. You're the second person who drew attention to it.

Thank you all for the feedback!  :heheh:


Lots of entries so guess I better start typing.
jefe: Well let's see here. The rock tiles look like the brightness has been upped a touch and the bubbles are good except for the bright white dots on them. Having the glow on them still isn't all that bad, but you could definitely benefit from having that removed. Another thing that would've done really well here is some layering between the bubble and rocks in some portions (like the slopes). Then there the bit over by Ridley's mouth which I'm... meh on. It works, but it's not in my taste. Point A to point B, nice room still.

Cloud14: ... :>:

FlamingCobra: Wild Fusion room appears! :o Looks like something that could've come straight out of Fusion easily. I suppose the room serves it's purpose as intended to, making the player use Morph Ball and Bombs/Spring Ball. Okay work here.

FullOfFail: Yes, I know the majority of the room is made out of blocks, but my issue is that such sections are a bit too straight. The walls namely and the corners could do to be not so sudden. Great variation in using the bricks however and the transition from cave to brick used at the top of the room could do to look like the bottom transition I think. Good layering in the room as well, but I'm unsure how much of it would actually be seen by the player. I'd give this a decently above average score for this tileset in its vanilla form.

Grimlock: Where have you been hiding out? The works you've been showing are quite good for being NEStroid. The room looks nice, especially the little lighting you've got going on at the top, though I'm curious about "hairpin" section in the middle of the room. I think I recall you saying about working in some wall jumping in which case, sweet. I don't have much of anything "bad" to say except that you could do some more good by putting a bit more of those plant at the bottom places. Even then, I know structures could limit you on that. Good and interesting work here.

Gohan: The lava in the windows doesn't seem right at all and nor does the transition on the background in the top left. However, I'm a huge fan of the rest of the room. I like the water recolored to look like lava at the bottom and the palette for everything is rather fitting. Though, aside from having an item hidden somewhere in there, I'm not really sure what this room could be used for. A good scenic stop I suppose?

Alisa Orlova: This tileseet has been an interesting one for me to judge. Colors and the layering all works well together, but my gripes come from the sand and the bottom portion of the room. Looks to me as if the sand is too bright for the rest of the colors and room. The bottom of the room I will say is off-set. First, the save station is rather out of the way, which isn't terrible I guess. Though, going that far down for an energy refill behind a super gate seems pretty silly for me. Putting items down there is completely logical though! Another interesting tidbit about this tileset and your rooms is that they tend to be slopier (there's an interesting word, slope-y-er) than most others.

CrAzY: Not entirely sure how to phrase my thoughts on this room, so I'll just let them come to be as I type. First off, the room is really straight and doesn't look very natural at all except for the top (which looks like the room in Norfair that has the lava missile in it, correct me if I'm wrong). I wouldn't sya the tiles used that the end of the pipes work very well as a "pipe ending" either as I'm almost completely positive that the CRE square blocks would do better. You've also missed a few fade filler tiles along the bottom to. ;) Add some slopes to the straight portions to make things feel less bland and break up the longer pipes so they're not one long continuous, uhh... pipe I guess. And finally, the bubbles seem out of place.
Whew. My vote this week goes to Gohan. I liked the take on Norfair and the tile variation.


person701: It's the ship room. :P Thanks for feed back, I'll do something with the top of the bg.


my room sucked i deleted it


I'm changing my room submission. There's still a full day to make a room, and if I don't finish then I guess don't include me this week.  :heheh:


You archived Gohan's entry Snarf, just to say. :P
Anyway I have my doubts with that room. Guess it'll wait until Monday.

I'm cooking up a suprise for a RotW in the near future, but in the meantime, feast your eyes on this.

[spoiler=Egg And Toast][/spoiler]



First picture of Equinox, the hack will be almost in Black & White, almost!



It's simple as all hell, but my intentions are showing off the new graphics set. It's far from complete it's only a very basic version and it needs tweaks and other adjustments, however, I do foresee it being a nice tileset if fine tuned by the right artists. I did the grunt work of it but I ain't exactly the greatest with detailing, if anybody else likes the design I'm more then willing to publish the beta, hell just accredit me for it and let me see what you did with it. I merged Kennon's tileset with it for the purposes of making a layer 2 for special effects, it gave a nice contrast in my opinion. Any regards I'm glad to hear.