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[W.I.P Hack] Super Metroid: Station X-32

Started by MINERGUY67880, November 26, 2013, 07:58:48 AM

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Super Metroid: Station X-32 is my latest project, it takes place after Metroid Fusion on another Biologic Space Laboratories station. I will be doing lots of work on it because I am on Thanksgiving Vacation.

     Station X-32 is an abandoned BSL research station on planet SR378. Space pirates discovered it and built yet another base in it. The Galactic Federation sent Samus there to destroy the station by activating it's auto destruct explosives.

Old Power Suit Idea

New Power/Fusion Suit


Current Map of the ship landing area: (It's too big for the [img] thing)


Just so you know, you better upload lots more images of actual progress in your hack or this topic will be locked very quickly; forum rules ya'see.
But anyway, good luck and remember to keep lots of back-ups :^_^:



Changing the power suit to a more fusion suitish style.


If you're after a more Fusion-like suit, you'd need to switch your blue and yellow.  Fusion has the main parts of the suit blue, and the random bits yellow.  If you just wanted it to be inspired by Fusion's colours, then carry on. :^_^:


Just fusion inspired, but thanks for the clarification though!


Your suit palette looks fucking horrid and I suggest reading up on some colour theory before going back to the drawing board. Also, please turn off your blur effects before taking screenshots.


Ok, i'm going to make the colors less bright and blend them more evenly.


Oh look, it's another 'I'm making a hack' thread with nothing but fucking suit palettes.


Ok, ship landing area is almost done. Will be posting some pics pretty soon.


Added a map of the ship landing area. No worries, there will be a lot more stuff in there!


Pointless CRE structure in the middle. Slightly altered tiling to the left of that. No other apparent changes.
Also, I can spot over 10 BTS errors in one quick glance, which is a lot for just 6 slightly edited screens.

You have a lot to learn. For starters, when you place door bubbles, copy a door from somewhere else and paste it directly without flipping it. That way you get the doors rights.


Thanks for the door tip, I was wondering why they were being weird. Also, I am new to Metroid Hacking.


I think that's part of the reason your getting blasted with the F-bomb.  There's almost no reason to post a hack thread with your first tinkerings within SMILE.  Usually, the chances of any first hack getting released are non-existent.  Read, learn, backup, and tinker.  Once you're more experienced, tuck yourself away, and get some serious content ready before creating / updating a thread.

Also, see my reply here.  Happy hacking! :^_^:


What he said. Calm your posting and come back with something substantial if you'd like to earn more feedback than noobshafting.


Post locked. I'm a derp for posting so early.  :nope: