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Community Item Randomizer Race (Suitless "possible") 10-25-2013

Started by MetroidMst, October 23, 2013, 06:04:51 PM

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Sounds like fun, but I've never streamed/skyped like this before. What do I need? I don't have a working mic.

The list of required items needed to traverse Maridia suitless is kinda big. I know that Speed Booster spawning in Space Jump or Plasma's rooms was fixed, but if suitless Maridia comes up, you'd need a whole bunch of lucky item placements. I wonder if it's possible to get an unbeatable seed? Say, Gravity in Spring Ball's room, Hi-Jump behind Draygon, X-Ray in Plasma's room...

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: PokeyTroid on October 24, 2013, 05:30:52 PM
Sounds like fun, but I've never streamed/skyped like this before. What do I need? I don't have a working mic.
A microphone would be pretty necessary in this case unfortunately to get in on this, because if nothing else, those watching (and the others playing) wouldn't have a clue what you're saying/doing.

Also, is 1400 EST confirmed for start time? If so, I can do it. 7am's not too early for me. I mean, there's always coffee right?  :^_^:


Quote from: person701 on October 24, 2013, 04:36:43 PMUhh... you're very unlucky...
It seems so. :neutral:
Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on October 24, 2013, 05:35:25 PMAlso, is 1400 EST confirmed for start time?
If by 14:00 you mean
Quote from: MetroidMst on October 24, 2013, 11:12:48 AMit seems 1600 EST (4PM) might work better
...then it has been confirmed, sort of. :wink:


It appears 16:00 EST is going to be the time.

While it is a race, it is going to be more for fun and laughter, so don't worry too much about doing uber good.


Just wondering, is this an any% race or a 100% race? I'd ask in IRC but someone else might be wondering.


Quote from: MetroidMst on October 24, 2013, 05:53:02 PMWhile it is a race, it is going to be more for fun and laughter, so don't worry too much about doing uber good.
I just love the randomness of it all.  Like when you're ploughing through the game, hunting for items, and the first item you get is Screw Attack, and you think it's going to be a great seed.  Then you get Spring Ball followed by the X-ray Scope, and you just have to sigh. :^_^:

Mon732: Any%.  100% could mean ridiculous backtracking for some people depending on their item placement, which would make it even less of a race. :^_^:



Ah ok fair enough.
I'm trying out a random seed now and it's a pretty refreshing way to play Super Metroid.
Even though early power bombs = early Giant Sidehoppers



I got 7 AM as well. It should be starting now, right? I'd still like to watch, what's the Skype?



I would like to join in (along with Jamie my brother), but we may have kids over, so if they come, we could get interrupted during the call. If that happens we will probably have to mute our mic, but still listen in. Also just to be sure, it's at 4pm tomorrow right?


4PM is correct.

EDIT: And just so everyone is on the same page, we'll be starting the call beforehand and getting set up first so we can be ready to go at 4. So please keep this in mind, and happy racing!


So, this starts in roughly 20 minutes. I'm going to try streaming my playthrough, but my internetz might be too crappy. Anyway, here's a link to my twitch in case you missed it a few post above.


So I got a time somewhere between 1:45 and 1:50 and an item percentage of 67%.
The ambiguity is because I am a plonker and forgot to look at my time...


00:54 in-game time, 44%. Pretty screwed over at the beginning.
At least I didn't do as badly as person. :^_^: gotta feel bad for him after that hehe

Vismund Cygnus

I went for like, 2 and a half hours and then gave up.
F*** suitless Maridia.  :lol:


I got 1:22 with 60% collected. Not bad in all, skype calls during races are always fun.


I would like to be in it mister MetroidMst/ShyGuyExpress.
Infact. I sent you a Skype friend invite a looooooooooooooong time ago.
By the name of: Tmmp.
EDIT: Wait it's over?
        Awwww...  :cry:
        I would love to do a Randomizer race with someone but I don't have any friends that even play this game.  :cry:


Patience, young one.  I suspect there'll be another at some point. :^_^:


By the way.
Can anyone tell me how to do a Randomizer run?


Well, you could start by downloading the randomizer from the first post and using it to generate a randomized ROM.


SMILEuser beat me to it. :heheh:

Go grab the program linked in the first post, select if you want suitless Maridia turned off, possible, or forced upon you, then hit "Create." Simple as that. A few things to note are major upgrades and Reserve Tanks are all switched around (so Brinstar's Reserve Tank could be Plasma Beam, Spazer could be Grapple Beam, etc.) while Missiles, Super Missiles, Power Bombs, and Energy Tanks get switched around (so the usual first Energy Tank could end up being Super Missiles). And to prevent the vast majority of permastucks, the Morph Ball, first missile pack, the Super Missiles behind Spore Spawn, and the Power Bombs in Red Brinstar are all the same.

So yea, have fun.


The bomb is also always in its original spot, and I believe the first e-tank in Crateria is too.
By the way, the totals of the e-tanks, missiles, supers and power bombs can be anything. You could, for example, end up with something like 25 e-tanks, 30 missiles, 130 supers and 80 power bombs. :grin:
Or 1 e-tank, 5 missiles, 5 supers and 300 power bombs...

Whatever happens, have fun!


Uhh yea... I forgot the bombs are always where they normally are. ;>_> As for the E-Tank, I'm 100% positive it has the ability to change as I've witnessed such. Though you've got me wondering if it's possible for the randomizer to not spawn enough E-tanks for you to survive Mother Brain's rainbow beam (even though the odds of that are likely somewhere in the ball park of 'astronomically low' and 'next to zero').

Edit: Proof about the first E-Tank :^_^: