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Super Metroid: Airy

Started by MetroidMst, August 22, 2013, 08:40:34 PM

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I had this kind of glitch on Super Zero Mission and on Digital Cube...
I'm playing on PSP too...
You're using Snes9x TYL right ? I think it's an emulator glitch...


Right, from what I've read on here I am definitely playing this game wrong! I have varia, charge beam, 95 missiles and 25 super missiles and I'm going 1-on-1 with Ridley and barely making a dent in his health  :sad:  A little earlier I fought and beat Gold Torizo by glitching him into a corner and it still took 6 minutes of charged shots in his ugly face to finish him off.  What am I missing?  :pwuh:


It just looks like you've chosen a tough path.  When I fought him, I was geared to the teeth, so he was pretty straight forward for me.  Have you saved before his right, so that you can backtrack, and go and gear up?


go to bubble land and look around. You'll know what you're looking for soon enough


I can back up easy enough.  Bubble land? I have not seen any bubbles  :whoa:

Ok, thanks for the hints.  I went to bubble land and got seriously powered up and went back and kicked Ridley's scaly ass.  Then i went on to Tourian and found that Mother Brain is already toast! How am I supposed to finish the game? Am I supposed to give Mother Brain CPR???  :pwuh:

I just found out from watching FirePhoenix's amusing live stream that I have been to fake Tourian and the real Tourian is actually called Orion  :whoa:


Yup, and if you need them, there are hints above for finding the entrance.  I presume you didn't notice earlier, but when you fought Phantoon, he was in Orion. :^_^:

The Monster of Surrealton

Finally got around to playing Airy.

Just ran through (almost) all of Planetia, going into Lonely.

It's pretty fun.


Well, I finished the game with 83% for item collection (we won't mention the completion time  :nowai: )

I liked this hack even if it was a bit unbalanced and gave plenty of opportunity for unintended sequence breaking.  I didn't like the fact that the reserve tanks were almost impossible to get especially for those not adept at the speedball move  :mad:


I found one of them to be pixel perfect, even though I can speedball.  I ended up at 50% speed, and using major save state abuse. :neutral:


Quote from: Quietus on September 01, 2013, 12:00:25 PM
I found one of them to be pixel perfect, even though I can speedball.  I ended up at 50% speed, and using major save state abuse. :neutral:

Does that mean you got all 4 of them?  :whoa:


I know what Quietus means, I find speedballing quite easy but a couple of those reserve tanks I just couldn't get, despite spending far too long trying.


I only found the location of 3 Reserve Tanks, and didn't mind that they required Speedball. I only collected two of them, probably the two harder ones to get that I found. I am surprised I got one of them, since it looks like a block is placed in the right spot to help you, but it really isn't.


Quote from: ianfrombristol on September 01, 2013, 12:25:37 PMDoes that mean you got all 4 of them?  :whoa:
Yup.  As mentioned above, I finished with 99%, and the item I missed was a Power Bomb expansion.


I would not consider myself a very good player---pretty much, "advanced at the original game" but there aren't many hacks I can play through.  E.g. Spore Spawn in SZM is just a little too hard to play in real time (and I didn't feel like trying 10 times).  But Airy... Airy works for me.

It's been almost maddening at times.  But even though I've missed some obvious things and spent 7:39 running around already, I was able to get up to Ridley without
[spoiler]Power Bombs.  Which I just found tonight, and spent the rest of the time raiding all those formerly blocked off parts of Airia...[/spoiler]
Now I ought to be able to beat him, once I head back there.

It's been fun.  I like exploring and it's actually well-balanced.  I can't wait to play more of it tomorrow.


Just finished this last night with 85% completion.

Liked the hack generally, even the physics changes which I thought I was going to be quite sceptical about. I do agree though with earlier replies that some rooms do feel slightly repetitive... The Super Metroid appearing when it did caught me off guard too! One downside to the hack [spoiler]was Phantoon, Botwoon and Draygon were far too easy. I'm pretty useless at boss fights but I would like bosses that don't disappear after three charged plasma/ice/wave shots.[/spoiler]
I also feel there could have been a way to [spoiler]avoid going into lower Lonely too early and end up getting battered and bruised by Gold Torizo.[/spoiler]
Loved the palettes of Lonely though and liked the palettes generally. Overall though a good hack and liked how some things were hidden and how I was actually able to use speedball* for a change!

* = ish


Has anyone figured out what the area east of Airia (blocked off by a Grapple Block) is for, or is that an optional area post-Tourain?

Also, where is the Ice Beam? I got every other beam except that one.

I'm not getting any of the Reserve Tanks because I suck at speedball......

Also, in Lonely....Who's idea was it to put [spoiler]two save stations stacked on top of each other in the same hallway[/spoiler]?

Also, Phantoon is in the strangest place I've ever seen him in, in my opinion.


Quote from: LReyomeXX on October 11, 2013, 12:42:08 AMHas anyone figured out what the area east of Airia (blocked off by a Grapple Block) is for, or is that an optional area post-Tourain?
Keep playing, and this will become clear.
Quote from: LReyomeXX on October 11, 2013, 12:42:08 AMAlso, Phantoon is in the strangest place I've ever seen him in, in my opinion.
See above.  This will make more sense later on.


I'm playing this one since last week and it's quite a good hack but I really don't like the Nadirn Zone... Way too dark to be enjoyable, in my opinion...



Great hack. Not so much an epic adventure like a Z-Factor, Eris, or Phazon, but it's very fun, and very impressive in most areas. Wish the map didnt forget the places i've been. But that bug didnt make the game any less fun. Lonely is the standout area for me; gorgeous. Orion, I wish more was done with it. The item progression was creative; i was surprised by lots of choices. Overall, very well done, unique, and fun; which seems to be Cyclamen32's style. The hack works 100% on actual snes hardware. That's how i played it. No issues.


A prototype of Airy can be found on what i think is his other site. Its called Throng.


I can now say I finished a Super Metroid hack. Finished at 6:32, with 74% of the items. Overall I felt it was pretty good, it kept my interest at least.

I really liked the use of color and lighting. It created a very foreboding atmosphere. I felt the early parts of Nadirn were done particularly well; it felt like you were going into a derelict subterranean complex. I thought there was good use of secret passageways and unmapped rooms as there was plenty off of the map to find and discover, and they were hidden just enough to make you think. Also I think the game probably would have been well balanced had I gone what appeared to be the intended route.

Those things said, I concur with those who said it seems larger than it has to be leading to exploring becoming a chore at times. There appeared to be a lot of rooms with superfluous space, like the room in Planetia that leads to the Lonely elevator, was it really necessary for the room to be that big? Not having actually made a hack before, perhaps this was something unavoidable? My biggest complaint is what I believe is the overuse of grey doors. There are some that open after you have killed all of the enemies in the room, some that open after a boss has been defeated, some that open after acquiring an item, and you never know which you need to accomplish to open a particular door. You reach one, it doesn't open, and the only thing you can do is head off back the way you came to find some way to open it, or get around it.

I am not sure whether or not the openness of the route should be considered a positive or a negative thing. On one hand it provides you with several options on where to go, and increases the replay value. However it can also cause a lot of confusion, as you can venture into areas that have strong enemies and not be entirely sure if you are going the correct route. The synopsis of my run is spoilered below:

[spoiler] I fought the bosses in the following order, which is in the order I found them: Spore Spawn, Crocomire, Kraid, Draygon, Phantoon, Ridley, Bowtoon. Like some of the others I totally missed the Varia and went into Airia without it, and just the regular beam. I struggled a lot, since I couldn't damage any of the enemies. However I thought Draygon was actually fairly easy since it only took me two tries without full health. This of course eventually lead me to the Screw Attack which allowed me to damage the enemies. On my way out of lower Airia I found a power bomb expansion that could be found with only bombs, which then allowed me to double back and get the Plasma and Wave beams. In a matter of five minutes I went from dodging invulnerable enemies to mowing them down indiscriminately, and after I found the Varia suit I felt like I had become a God. I also had quite a hard time with Ridley, but that was without 3 energy tanks that were available to me that I couldn't find. I also have to be honest, I had to watch MetroidMST's walkthrough to find Orion. I'd of never found it in Airia.[/spoiler]

Anyway I enjoyed it, and going the route I did gave me some sense of accomplishment.


Finished this hack recently and I really enjoyed it. I do agree with a lot of people that some areas seemed much large than needed and there were a few dead ends that were pointless and really frustrating, but overall it was an enjoyable experience :)

After I finished it I tried to look online for a map to see what I missed but I couldn't find any, so I made my own :razz:

I can't upload the main image directly anywhere because it's massive, so I've put a smaller "thumbnail" version behind the spoiler along with a download link to the full sized map. To make it, I basically print-screened every room using Smile and then pasted it all together. Then I ran through a new game and manually marked all the doors and items along the way since Smile doesn't export any of that information when you take a screenshot (or at least I couldn't figure out how...). There's a lot of items that are missing because the main reason I did this was for a potential speedrun, so I just followed the critical path most of the time.




Ok, please help!

WHere is Super missiles? Been to Kraid area and lonely.. Must I do hellruns for supers?


Found a video for super missiles..

Played through complete hack today, 6hours 28minutes IGT, 85% items

This hack is awesome... So much troll on so many levels, but I love how nothing is what you think it will be ! ;)


This game is perplexing me. I have this game, revision3, on a cart. I never came across this issue while playing that cart. But now, after trying the game again on my flash cart, I came across a game-breaking room. So, I popped in the original cart I have. Started a new game. Lo and behold, game crashes in the same room. I loaded up my end-game save file. Ran back to the room. Game crashes.

Here's the issue:
The massive room that unlocks after defeating sporespawn, with a bunch of sidehoppers and mini-kraids, this is the broken room. It seems to me to be based on time; after about 5-8 seconds, game crashes. You can sprint your ass off, the game will still crash as it does if you stand still when entering.

I haven't opened it up in SMILE yet to take a look at what the issue is... I doubt I have the know-how to accurately diagnosis this anyway but I will definitely look because this is a mystery to me and maybe something will stand out.

I necrobumped this topic to log for anyone that might be searching, that this game is currently not fit for playing on consoles.

Edit: What a pain. I can't make any progress with this, beyond my beginner abilities. I can't understand what the issue is coming from. I will come back to this at a later date.