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Introduce Yourself!

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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Aside from the specific editors featured on the tools page of the main site, hexadecimal and tile editors are useful for most rom editing forays. You're more likely better off using the utility for the game you most want to edit, though. Most of all, have fun, and don't be afraid to ask us questions if you get stuck. Enjoy your stay at Metconst. :^_^:


I never really introduced myself... I have been wanting to join this site for awhile and decided to a few days ago.
I've wanted to hack sm for awhile but never really tried..... I hope I can become someone here besides the annoying, non-attentive noob. (which is what some of you think about me.)
I'm trying to make the (beam sprite editing) spazer/wave combo in sm to look like fusion's and... Well it almost looks like it.

Cossack Eder

What I've been doing so far, is just fiddling around with SMILE and seeing what does what. Like, I've swapped palettes for Samus' suits and states, which is really basic. I suppose the main thing I'm trying to figure out at this point so I can make a small eight or so room dungeon is how to delete tiles and enemies. Just to start out small.


Another word of advice, make backups constantly. Especially when you are figuring stuff out. It is easy to overwrite something and screw everything up. Much easier to restart when you have a very recent backup.

Cossack Eder

Yeah, that's what I've been doing. I've been following the guide: ,which does explain things pretty well for the most part, but I'm still getting a bit confused on a few things.


Hey all

My name is Radish
I am a vegetable

I am also a web developer and have been playing super metroid since i was 6.  I was originally looking for hacks for super metroid when i found this community.

I haven't beaten Super Metroid Redesign with 100% items yet I keep dying in Tourain from those damned metroids DX.

I want to hack Super Metroid but i have much knowledge to learn before undertaking that.

I want to bring my skills in Web Development to extend the functionality of the site to include hack ratings, version tracking, and other useful features I will post a topic on such a thing when i have some code down to back it up.

I will read the rules of the site.

I am a vegetable.


Peter Rabbit welcomes you, radish. As do I. :^_^:


Hello there, fellow hackers. It is rather pleasurable to meet you all. I have been hacking Super Metroid for a rather long time, and have decided to join this cite, in order to gain more knowledge, experience, and hopefully, help. I am exited about learning new things, like custom sprite changing. This will be fun.


Quote from: Ramon on May 12, 2012, 02:04:46 AM
Hello there, fellow hackers. It is rather pleasurable to meet you all. I have been hacking Super Metroid for a rather long time, and have decided to join this cite, in order to gain more knowledge, experience, and hopefully, help. I am exited about learning new things, like custom sprite changing. This will be fun.
Well if there's anything you need, you should search it before you make a thread about it. ( Here's a tip so you don't make the same mistakes I did: ask questions, not for others' stuff they made.) Here's a good thread to help you out:,145.0.html
Oh and welcome to the community!  :^_^:


Merge'd. Messing with sprites is done in a tile editor, like TLP or YY-Chr. Links to all of them can be found on the tools page. Enjoy your stay at Metconst. :^_^:

Quote from: knuckles( Here's a tip so you don't make the same mistakes I did: ask questions, not for others' stuff they made.)
Also don't necrobump two year old topics asking for stuff either.


Just discovered this thread, so I will make my formal introduction  :^_^:

Weterr123 (I go by this username everywhere), 23 years old (subject to change in due time).

Super Metroid is my favourite game of all time, and I discovered hacks existed for it recently while looking for fangames to play on my hacked PSP. Now I am working my way through the full hacks, and learning to hack myself - which has already become an obsession.

This past week, I keep getting worried by the sheer amount of work to be done, and fear I will never manage to do this (the whole graphics editing is beyond me at the moment), but I have been learning something new everyday, which spurs me on (I felt especially pleased when I learnt how to do those scroll PLMs, successfully using a hex editor!)  :grin:

Other than recently obsessing over hacking SM (which has caused Tetris effect for me by the way), I spend my free time playing piano and guitar, and making themes for my PSP.

...And that's about it. Oh, and I have tried my hand at Metroid Prime, and I think it totally sucks. The feel is not the same, and this has put me off playing other Metroid games. The whole 3D just does not work - it changes it from a smart, clever exploration game to a boring First Person Shooter. They did this with Worms - applying the 3D format to a 2D classic is just blasphemous. IMO.

And one more thing: is there a reason Super Zero Mission isn't on the hacks page?  :O_o:


Quote from: Weterr123 on September 28, 2012, 10:44:37 PM
And one more thing: is there a reason Super Zero Mission isn't on the hacks page?  :O_o:
Because Super Zero Mission beats the shit out of every hack right here.

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing not too long ago, the newly created site management team got either lazy or distracted, who knows ?  :lol:


Welcome, Weterr123. :^_^:

What you mention about being initially overwhelmed takes a while to fade, especially since every time you learn something new, you get that 'actually, this could be better' feeling.  Once you accept that it takes a long time to make a decent full hack, and time loses meaning, you can hack to your heart's content.  Good luck!


Quote from: Metaquarius on September 29, 2012, 06:02:45 AM
Quote from: Weterr123 on September 28, 2012, 10:44:37 PM
And one more thing: is there a reason Super Zero Mission isn't on the hacks page?  :O_o:
Because Super Zero Mission beats the shit out of every hack right here.

While I sort of agree with this, I have to say that for me, Eris and Phazon are on par, at least with the aesthetics. Even if Super Zero Mission does top everything else, I think it should be there, at least as a mark of respect - after all, this is supposed to be THE Ultimate Metroid Hacking Resource.

It also does lead me to wonder if there are other Japanese hacks that are not listed or not known about...

Quote from: Quietus on September 29, 2012, 12:52:28 PM
Welcome, Weterr123. :^_^:

What you mention about being initially overwhelmed takes a while to fade, especially since every time you learn something new, you get that 'actually, this could be better' feeling.  Once you accept that it takes a long time to make a decent full hack, and time loses meaning, you can hack to your heart's content.  Good luck!

Thanks man. I am looking forward to tackling everything, but the major worry is how to draw custom tilesets...

I've been looking at some rooms in the 'Room of the Week' thread, and my god, it's inspiring - I really wanna be able to do that...


Well, a lot of people have actually ripped tiles from other games, and this can often be a good place to start.  People do it both directly or through screenshots and manual drawing of tiles.

Of course, there are some who create them from scratch too, but that's another step. :^_^:



Fairies are hawt, so welcome. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on October 15, 2012, 05:47:32 AM
Fairies are hawt, so welcome. :^_^:
That was...well
Welcome, so are you the type of Fairy Quietus is referring to, or the Legend Of Zelda thing that appears in puddles and gives you magical arrows? xD


I'm always on and off this site but really never thought about joining. Being the total noob I am struggling to understand every last detail of Double Helix (Zero Mission) and smile (Super Metroid) I finally decided to join these forums. I don't know how long I've been coming here and looking at information and discussions without being a member for a good year or so maybe? Anyways I thought it was about time to sign up and show some appreciation for all the hard work people put into the tools I've been using and the awesome collection of information that has been built up here and I look forward to trying to be an active member of this community.


Welcome.  If you're looking to enjoy some of the work that's been done here, I can recommend you start with Stardust. :heheh:


Hi! I'm Craig but everybody calls me Craig-o. I'm 20, soon to be 21, leaving university in a few months and I'm new here. I'm from the UK, where it is cold. I've read a few posts before and decided to finally set up an account. Pleased to meet you all! I'm relatively new to all this hack stuff, though I've played Redesign and Super Zero Mission so far. Eventually I'd like to try my hands at doing a hack! I found this site through ShyGuyExpress on YouTube after watching his playthrough of Z-Factor recently. I've always been a fan of the Metroid franchise, and have been playing the games (starting with Super and Metroid II) from the age of 3.


Welcome.  You've started with two of the most impressive hacks (for different reasons), but be sure to try a load of the others. :^_^:


Well since others are introducing themselves, I think its probably a good idea if I do the same.

I've been reading the forums here for a long time, and even created this account a while back, but just never posted. I'm a graduate student in my final weeks before defending my PhD thesis (in short, I'm probably older than most people here)...and an avid gamer. Lets just say, I bought Super Metroid right after it was released...when I was 11. :P

I've always wanted to make a hack, but just don't have the time. Over the last couple years, I've started and stopped a bunch of times, written a bunch of tools to analyze different elements of the game, but unfortunately my thesis project has stolen ALL my time. Now that I'm about done, I'm looking to apply for jobs outside of my research field, specifically in programming, and lets say, video game companies are definitely on my list. I think it would be awesome if a company was to come out with a new game based in the metroid style. Maybe if I'm veeeeeery lucky (which means probably will never happen), I'll get a chance to work on one.

Other than that, I'm always extremely impressed with what people have been able to do with an almost 20 year old game engine, with no official instructions as to how to use it. Many of the games you guys have been able to develop are much more entertaining than some of the crap that is released now. Don't get me wrong, there are some very good games released now, but for every excellent game there are probably 10 crappy ones.

Keep up the good work, and I hope you guys can put up with someone who is only able to contribute with occasional comments.


Welcome to the forum.  Don't worry about lurking.  There are many members that do it, posting only occasional comments.  Also, don't feel bad about not really creating any content.  When you look at the number of members here, the number of those that actually post any content is always pretty low, but that doesn't mean that the rest of us can't contribute with advice, help, suggestions, or constructive criticism. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

My girlfriend and her friend are watching Grease while I sit here on my laptop, so I've got plenty of time to introduce myself, if only to distract myself from this garbage for a while.  :wink:

My name is Vismund Cygnus, a name I use for everything (Or vismundcygnus01), real name Matt. But call me Vis, it's easier.
I am just on 17 and I am from Australia. I'm currently in my penultimate year of school, studying Business Management, Multimedia, Maths, English and Software Development. I hope to get into IT or management, hence the subjects.

As a child I often holidayed at a lakeside caravan park (where we owned a cabin, it was by the beach! I'm not trailer trash, promise!), where we were fortunate enough to own a SNES. I spent countless rainy days playing Super Metroid, which I consider my favourite game.
I decided to start hacking about a month ago after playing a few hacks myself (notably Redesign, Super Zero Mission), and thought hell, why not try it myself?
So far it's been, well, an interesting experience to say the least. But I'm learning quickly and it's been fun, so that's always a plus.
Apart from gaming and school, I also run 400m and 800m. I've represented my state (Victoria) three times now, and at one stage I was the Australian 800m champion. Most people are surprised to find out that I'm a gamer, as my running taks up 5-7 nights a week of training.
I don't often get time to work on hacking, being a full time student with a part time job and a runner on the side, but hopefully I'll get some sort of content out within the next year or two. Until then, expect an awful lot of silly questions in the engine works!
And for all of the other hackers out there, keep up the excellent work, and to all of the members here, thank you for contributing your time and knowledge for newbies like me!