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First Games

Started by A_red_monk_called_Key, March 05, 2012, 08:59:09 AM

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First Game ever played: Nina Gaiden(NES)

First Game completed: Super Metroid(SNES)

First Game never completed: Pokemon Blue, got 149 and my file got corrupted right after


Don't tell me you finished Ninja Gaiden, bro.


First Game ever played: The Nintendo

First Game completed: The Super Nintendo

First Game never completed: The Sega Genesis


^^ Your name did not disappoint today.

First Game ever played: Pacman (arcade)

First Game completed: Double Dragon NES

First Game never completed: Vector-Man


Quote from: Fizzer on March 07, 2012, 09:06:07 AM
First game played : Was too young to remember, I first started "playing" games when I was too young to really play them
This one. I was so young and I've played several games in arcade. So, I don't know which one was the first. There was a some kind of pac-man game (not original) and another game (don't know it name) where you're controlling the car that transforms into boat and moves in water. Later I've played a few games on PC 286. There were Dangerous Dave 2, another Pac-Man variant and some kind of Tank simulator. Later, I have my own console. So, I'll answer this.

First game I had: 100-in-1. First played was Bomber Man (NES).

First game completed (by myself) : Bomber Man (NES).

First game never completed : F1-Race (NES) or Sky Destroyer maybe. I doubt it's ever possible to complete F1-Race. Every lap of 5th race track gives you less and less extra time with infinite amount of laps. Even on emulator with cheat code I've got speed like 3847 km/h and it's still not enough. As for Sky Destroyer, don't sure is it have infinite levels or not.


First Game ever played: Legend of Zelda (NES) or SkyShark (NES)
First game ever completed: man that's a tough one, probably Super Mario World
First game never completed: Skyshark loops so I guess that doesn't count. Probably Star Fox (SNES) or Sim City (SNES)